Gridlocked on the Gridiron
Gridlocked on the Gridiron
14 Jan 2025
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Lucia Moretti dedicated seven years to her fiancé’s NFL journey, carving out a life alongside him as an analyst. But when Max Clark’s cheating leads to her public humiliation and unemployment, what better place to go than to the team of his arch-nemesis? Although rival quarterback Colton Beaumont infuriates her, she knows working with him will help her advance to her dream career—becoming head analyst of an NFL team.

Colton may be coming off a Super Bowl win, but he can’t seem to find his rhythm this season. He’ll do whatever it takes to improve his game so that he can return to being the Charleston Sabertooths’ adored first-string quarterback. Even if that means working with Lucia—the woman who helped crush his college championship hopes and nearly married the enemy.

When Luci’s morals come into question in a very public way, Colton makes her an offer she’s too desperate to pass up: he’ll help boost her reputation, if she helps him get back at his least favorite person, and her ex-fiancé, Max. Only, now that their deal is forcing them to spend more time together, neither is sure what’s real and what isn’t. As the lines of their agreement begin to blur, they discover that they may have been completely wrong about each other from the start.


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