Zak’s WhatsApp Messages
Hey mate, didn't get to speak to you much at the weekend. Was great to see you though. Oh and your gf is a sort!!
You okay, Zak? Bit worried as you haven't replied to my messages. Hope it's not the comment about Maddy lol.
Sorry mate. Got a lot going on here. Maddy's best friend died. It's been fucking shit. She's in bits and I don't know how to help her.
Fuck! One of the girls who came to the party?
No her friend Ana. She was supposed to come with us, but didn't make it. She got hit by a train, mate! It's so fucked up. I don't know how to help her, she won't talk to me or about it.
Fuck, I'm so sorry. She must be devastated. Just give her time she'll talk to you eventually once the shock has worn off. Not sure what I can do to help but buzz me if there's anything.
Thanks, Ozzy. I'll call you soon.