Dear Ashley,
I can’t believe you’re in the desert still. It’s like they don’t know where else to send you but the worst places. There was even some sand in your last letter. I chuckled when I saw it as I pictured you fighting to not get any in this time.
No worries though. I kinda like it. Feels almost like I have a piece of you here with me. Or that I can pretend I’m there or something.
It’s weird. I know it.
Anyway, want to hear some gossip? Or not gossip really, but a theory.
Remember when I told you about my boss and all the guys around here? If not, the refresher is about Clancy and Gerald.
Clancy - Boss man. Older than you. Widower. One son died, and the other left a while back. He’s a good boss and has a heart of gold for helping people.
Gerald - Boss’s right hand. Between mine and your ages. Single and reserved. He’s always ready to jump in to do the right thing. Will back Clancy’s decisions pretty much every time.
Now that I’ve given you the short version, here’s the big news…
I think they’re dating.
Yes, I know I shouldn’t speculate, but hear me out. I’ve been noticing some things lately. Stolen glances, lingering touches, and the like. It’s all very romance movie worthy stuff. And it only happens when they think they’re ALONE.
This is the new focus of my energy. It’s also the mountain I’m willing to die on right now.
If it turns out I’m right, then I get to win the biggest prize in the history of prizes. I don’t know what that will be, but I’m claiming it.
Hope my letter brings at least one smile to your face.
Later days,