24. Bronson
Only a few more days.
We'd been busy between work schedules and other things, but date night was finally on the horizon. While it had only been a few weeks since I officially asked my girl to go out with me, it had felt like forever.
It was Wednesday. Lake and I both had to work that evening so Stormi was staying with Embry. Normally I'd been working days so I was with her, but we had a few guys out sick so I was covering a shift. Luckily the girls got along well and since they'd started going to the same school, it worked out great when situations like that came up.
Things had been fairly quiet all evening and I found myself constantly thinking about Lake. Not one to get involved, I didn't do the whole dating thing. Or at least I hadn't until Lake.
Friday couldn't come soon enough in my book.
Just then a call came in. I let thoughts of Lake drift away as we headed toward the traffic accident on a very bad stretch of highway.
When we pulled up with multiple emergency crews already on scene, I couldn't help but wonder if Lake was there.
While we hadn't bumped into each other previously during our jobs, I got a niggling on the back of my neck that screamed it was about to change.
And things didn't look good.
I just didn't realize right away how bad they might be.