

Neldor and I almost fell into bed after that. It started with a conversation about how he handled the press conference and clearly had maneuvered me to take the heat off of me and then… Clothes just came off.

But he hit the brakes. I was shocked, but then I wasn't because he said again that he didn't want me to regret him.

And then he stunned me completely by begging me to let him treat me like I deserved and give me the night I deserved before we were together for real. Even if we didn't tell anyone, we wanted to cross that line and we both knew it. He saw the guilty looks I gave him and it killed him. He didn't want me to feel guilty but also wanted me to give in.

So he left the decision with me and left.

Damn man. Stupid fairy.

Seriously. I was so fucking turned on and all tied up at the same time that I just wanted to beat his ass.

And fucking lick every inch of him at the same time.

No, I didn't know how that worked.

I worked on school everything like a demon the rest of the weekend, and even my dad noticed something was going on during training. I blamed my power jump, but he wasn't fooled. Luckily, he was kind enough to not point it out and simply added to what I was doing and kicked me up a notch as well.

Something some of the commanders weren't happy to learn.

I gave them annoyed looks, but Julian simply burst out laughing. I realized they weren't focused on me and were all looking at the display boards with all of our stats. I glanced at my mate and raised an eyebrow, turning on my telepathy when he tapped his temple… While still laughing.

"They're fuming with jealousy. One of your father's strongest powers is to kick people in the ass, my sweet mate. It's a power you inherited. You are either way ahead of them in too many areas—like your magic—or gaining too fast. You cannot do what they can yet, but several are the age of elders. They are not happy you are about to show them up."

I nodded. That was fair. I was ridiculously competitive, and I doubted it was only from my demigod side or how I grew up.

But I left it alone. I needed to… I had enough on my mind and that was why I had been pushing my training. I gave him a kiss and headed to my room to shower and hopefully catch Izzy to ask her advice.

Instead, I caught Izzy and Claudia in bed.

I let out a yelp and teleported away to my house to get ready there. I had a bunch of messages when I got out of the shower from Izzy and I chuckled at them. It was everything from asking how much of her vag I'd seen to reminding me how many times she'd had to deal with the same so I better not be mean to her.

I simply asked if it was safe to come back. When she immediately replied with the eye roll emote, I teleported to her.

"Claudia brought me fancy coffee to be cute and it just happened," she explained. "You set up that way she can use her portal right here without people seeing her because we hate the gossip and people focus on us too much—"

"Izzy, I get it. Breathe," I chuckled. "I saw nothing really. I react pretty fast." I was glad when she nodded. "Was Claudia upset?"

"No, she simply chuckled and tried to get back to it," she drawled. "That woman is—dragons have a high sex drive I think."

I threw back my head and laughed. "Yes, yes, they do."

She laughed too but then looked at me. "How come you came here before food? And then showered first?"

I sighed and hurried to throw on clothes before we rushed out the door to breakfast. Now that she brought up food, my bottomless pit was too low on empty.

I told her what happened in our minds on the way there and she couldn't hide her shock either, simply blinking at me a few times. I completely understood.

And caught her when she tripped over something.

We sat down and thanked the hobgoblins who brought us food. As was the new protocol, my security checked the food magically in the way of fairies and with something Lageos invented before they actually ate off the platter before I did. I hated that part.

I hated it … But I understood it. I did.

It was time to accept that I had to be protected for the survival of Faerie. I was their shield, and while I would do everything I could to protect them, there were times I had to let them protect me too.

This was one of them.

But I was going to make damn sure we did it right and as safely as possible. So because of that, the person who ate before me wore crystals tied to two royal healers and Lageos. If there was ever a problem, they would flare and let them know we needed them.

Plus , I was their best option to be saved. That was the only reason I agreed.

And I had demanded to have a class on advanced healing next semester. I wanted the best of the best to teach me every type of healing known in every race, species, and planet. If I was to be a shield and the strongest, I needed to be the fucking strongest then.

Professor Sontar and Rossi agreed and had spent the semester scouring archives and libraries in Faerie to find every ancient and recorded everything they could. And I doubted they were the only ones.

I also planned on using this as leverage for something I desperately wanted.

But fairies needed to accept that I had my way of handling things as well. It was no longer just any hobgoblin or fairy who cooked for me. There were other security procedures in place, and once a week they were questioned with runes. People had balked at that, but when Irma immediately yelled at them for being stupid, people quickly changed their tune.

She had gone on the record that she was proud that I was such a smart leader and was also protecting her so she was never implicated in something bad. That everything blew up when there was a problem, and she always felt safe working for me and being near me because I took things so seriously and that was to be praised, not chastised.

People had accepted it then…. And more had spoken up. People were understanding that more had to side with me first before too many took the opportunity to disagree. It made it sound like people were just sheep, but that wasn't true.

We were just all too busy. We all had too much on our plates, and when you heard a logical argument, you tended to nod in agreement… Even if it wasn't the full story or picture. We were all too busy to get into everything.

And we were quick to judge. I did all the time without even meaning to, and it was time just be honest.

People also gave suggestions. Most of which we were already doing, but it made it clear that the public was with me from what I saw last night. Awesome.

Really. I was glad people were finally having some faith in me.

People were used to us talking with my telepathy, so that gave us cover as I practically unhinged my jaw and shoveled in too much food.

"I can't tell you what to do with Neldor," Izzy started once she was tucking into her breakfast as well. "You have to follow your heart on that. I know what you want. We both do, and I think you've already admitted that to yourself."

I sighed and nodded. It was time to be honest—way past time even. It was just… Five men? Seriously?

Like seriously?

"But I think what keeps you apart won't always be an issue," she said, nodding when I froze in taking my next bite. "Everything has changed, Tams. It's still changing. Fairies love you. They're on your team. They want you as the boss. Yes, there will always be jerks and sexist supes but… Look how far the change is from a couple of years ago. What could it be in ten years?"

I blinked at her for a full minute until she chuckled and said that she couldn't believe that was what it took to make my mind explode.

"Part of it is—you guys are right that I'm always at the eye of the storm, Izzy. I'm always drowning. I think even trying to think about what my life will be like in ten years is enough to just make my head explode too. I just keep—"

"Yeah, it's too much and—I get stressed for you, boo. Seriously. You're fixing a whole world. You've taken down three corrupt councils and redone them. Two huge dragon leaders. Your ancients and nobles. I'm exhausted just thinking of the list." She reached over and patted my hand. "That's why I want you to listen to me on this."

I flipped over my hand and held hers. "Always. I came right to you once I was done trying to process what he'd said after the press conference. I needed my sister to set me straight."

"Even if I'm not straight at all," she teased, both of us chuckling. "I think fairies will finally pull their heads out of their asses and accept the way Faerie should be—the way it probably started. I think you and Neldor can be together as you want without the crazy—that crazy at least. Yes, some supes, but they're still going to say shit. You're never going to get rid of that completely."

"No, never completely," I accepted.

"So the real question is—are your feelings for him enough to put up with that bullshit knowing it will probably get better? Do you see a life and love with him enough to put up with the same crap you would deal with to be with Hudson? That level of comments and crap?"

"I don't know. I don't…"

She nodded and let go of my hand, getting back to her own food. "Then tell him that, Tams. Let go of the guilt that what you're doing isn't right and give him the information to make the decision. That's what you did for Hudson, Julian—all of them. That's why you're the best. You're always fair. Be fair to him and let him decide."

"I'm scared."

"Because you're also smart." She gave me a soft smile when I looked at her. "You're going to change everything. You already have, but now you're going to do it for real. Yeah, scary as fuck. I've gone through that now and I get it. But you have an awesome winning streak, Tams. You know what you want and trust your gut. What does your gut tell you?"

I swallowed loudly and finally admitted what I knew in my soul even if it was to Izzy in our minds. "That my life will never fully know joy and my soul the happiness it should unless Neldor is in my life and at my side where he should be."

She nodded. "Then you know your heart. I'm telling your head that I see the tide turning, and I think you guys could be out in a few years and not deal with everything you validly feared and kept you apart. I would ask others as well. I know Katrina agrees with me. We've discussed it and are shocked at how fast it came about."

I wasn't shocked they had discussed it. They were both lovable meddlers and becoming tighter and tighter since Izzy was going to become my second advisor after she graduated.

But after she said that, I did want to hear her opinion on the matter.

Which was why I teleported to her after my morning classes to ask if she could join me for dinner… Only to pop into something again.

Namely, Taeral's hands all over her.

"Taeral!" I exclaimed and used my magic to throw him off of her.

"Darling, I was rather enjoying that," Katrina chuckled after she did a double take and saw it was me.

I blinked at her and felt my face flush all the levels of lava. "I apologize. I didn't—I thought—it—"

"Yes, I understand where your head was," she teased, giving me a wink to say there weren't any hard feelings. "The idiot man finally admitted he likes me, so please release him since I reward good behavior as you do."

"Oh, right." I'd thrown him into the wall and held him there. I released him and shrugged when he sighed and fixed the damage to Katrina's store. "Okay, well, I wanted to ask you to have dinner and ask you your advice about something you've been discussing with Izzy, but now I also have a million questions about this."

They both opened their mouths to object to that.

I threw back my head and laughed. "Oh yeah, neither of you have any leg to stand on with that. You meddle and interject yourselves into my love life every day of the fucking week so yeah, the shoe is on the other foot, and fuck off if you're going to tell me it's none of my business."

"Well damn, well played," Katrina… Praised? It was half praise and half complaint. "Yes, let's have dinner." She waved off Taeral's protest. "You waited this long to finally ask me out, you can wait until Friday to have a real date planned. I think that was what you were going to say you had on the agenda?"

I smirked at him as he looked a bit lost for words. "You weren't actually stupid enough to show up here to ask her out and for the same night, right? Are you going to pick up McDonald's too and expect sex the first night like a complete duffer? If you need advice on how to treat a woman—"

"Thank you, Your Highness, but I was objecting to the discussion of our personal matters, but you are right that turnabout is fair play," he fibbed. He moved closer to Katrina and took her hand, raising it to his lips. "Does six work for you on Friday? I'm at your disposal for any time and I will make plans accordingly."


She said that was fine and waited until he left. She knew where my mind was because she didn't even make me ask. "I know Iolas is your godsfather, but he was my lover first. Yes, he's tried to rekindle, but he loved your mother. For a fling, that's fine. I will never be second to another woman or have a real relationship now that she's gone. I deserve better."

"Absolutely. That isn't my worry even." I thought of how to phrase what I wanted to ask when she frowned, but then I saw understanding light up her eyes.

"Yes, they are competitive twits. That was why I didn't jump on Taeral's hints or flirting but made him suffer and be blunt. I wanted to see if this was fairy foolery and male ego or if he likes me."

I debated to tell her what I knew but then realized she deserved it because of all the help she'd given me.

"I never could know for sure, but I've caught several thoughts of Taeral's when you were around that Iolas was a fool for not appreciating you better when you're the full package and not a fling. I think it's not competition, but he was worried it could start trouble if Iolas was really into you now and no woman would be worth upset between the commanders."

"He admitted that much to me when he finally asked," she confessed. "Good, then let us have dinner. What are you in the mood for?" She didn't give me a chance to answer. "Fun. You always need more fun. There are a few restaurants that opened here recently. I will handle it."

"Thanks, Katrina." I leaned in and kissed her cheek before returning to Artemis, shrugging when my security gave me shit looks for teleporting away on them.

I told Izzy what happened and she fell off her chair she laughed so hard. Then she gave me a serious look and pulled out her phone.

"What? What are you doing?" I asked.

"Katrina deserves some romance and good after all she's been through," she muttered. "So I'm getting the right person to give a push. Just like you gave Claudia one."

Damn. Like… Dayumn. She clearly wasn't upset, so I wasn't going to try and weasel out of this one.

I was shocked when Neldor joined us and then I knew exactly what was going on, nodding he could join us under the barrier I had up over the table. I told him what happened, and I thought he'd be shocked, but he sighed in relief.

"Finally, he made a move. Fuck, took him long enough," Neldor muttered, reaching for the food and making himself a plate. "He was so worried it would start serious shit with Iolas and the commanders, but even Shael told him that Iolas missed his chance and too bad. I agree. Katrina deserves better."

She did. She was awesome. Even if she'd made mistakes—which we all did —she owned them and worked to fix them.

"Okay, the only problem I see is that Taeral wasn't big into this planet even before the war," Neldor muttered as he focused on his food. "He was always at the castle and—he was never in charge of handling Mother's trips here, and she never was just out with humans. It was always to a supe event only. And I doubt—she doesn't strike me as the outdoors type."

"No, I can't think that," I agreed, the picture of Katrina in like hiking gear making me snicker. " But I would think an outdoor night picnic in Faerie with expensive wine her deal. That's not first date anything though."

"No, that's him having a chance to get laid. Finally. Gods knows he needs it," he mumbled, bobbing his head. Then it snapped up. "What about that dinner cruise you went on with Hudson? You said it was great, right?"

"Yeah, I'm dying to do it again." I nodded when Izzy looked surprised too. "It was really nice . The entertainment was fun. The food was amazing. They have different ones and—you should go with Claudia too."

"I was nervous I'd get seasick," she admitted. "She brought it up, but I did once as a kid and embarrassed my parents."

"Like a speedboat?" I checked, shrugging when she nodded. "Totally different than a huge cruise ship, but there's gotta be a way we can check it."

"Yes, definitely," Neldor agreed. "Can you spare some time with me after classes? I can check into it, and they've been asking about having fairies work there too. They have been since Tamsin went with Hudson. There was a problem with the manager and something, something, something."

I nodded, knowing the tired look he had well and filled him in. I told him who had been on my detail that night and who else to talk to. It probably wasn't the perfect first date Katrina would always want, but it was definitely a really good first date.

And good for Taeral to get his feet wet on dating and doing more in the human world solo.

"Check into show tickets," I suggested. "Broadway since those book out fast and in advance, but also movie theaters that play older movies. I bet she would love to do something cute and a bit cliché like go snuggle with him and a bowl of popcorn and watch a black and white movie or something."

"Yeah, that would totally be her vibe," Izzy agreed. "Sneak in candy she wouldn't admit to and watch Casablanca ."

I tapped my nose. That absolutely sounded like Katrina.

My last class of the day was basically a blow-off since I knew all of the material. History of Councils had been a ploy that I would "listen" when people raised "concerns."

Meaning I played their asses when they bitched about bullshit they didn't believe at all. They thought they got the win of having influence over the future Queen of Faerie and took the win but were really too stupid to understand I was five steps ahead of them.

Because now there was a class at Artemis that was the History of Councils. And the full curriculum had been set up with the help of Sontar, Edelman, Julian, and a few others. Plus , it was what would be taught in Faerie now, and everyone always wanted to know our secrets and education.

So while those assholes took the win of beating me into submission… I was laughing my ass off that they gave me what I wanted and didn't even realize it. I'd said that I wanted this class at Artemis and knew I'd get huge pushback over it.

Now I wouldn't.

Sorry not sorry.

But now that it was all handled and ready to go for next semester to be opened to all the other students at Artemis, I basically did paperwork during the allotted time. It was the worst-kept secret among fairies and even some of the faculty of Artemis because Dean Pillay came to see me then as well.

And everything had already been turned over to all of the other supe colleges so it could be added to their curriculums for next semester.

There was more paperwork and things to handle after, so I was more than ready for the break for dinner with Katrina. She studied me as I arrived and snickered. "So did you have fun planning my date with whomever?"

I wasn't even going to deny it. "Izzy called Neldor and we gave him ideas to smack Taeral with. He doesn't have much experience on Earth even before the war. And while he has tons of experience being regal given who his friends are, I've heard he's a big fan of camping and fishing when he had the rare free time. Not what we saw you doing."

"You are wise," she purred. "I'm not even a fan of glamping with all the damn bugs. Though a nice midnight picnic by the water with some wine and fabulous lovemaking sounds amazing."

Wow, I'd really called that one right.

"My only question was if you're into horses or unicorns?" I admitted.

"I've always wanted to learn but no, we all agreed as Calloways not to be involved with unicorns or the "stables" after fairies left," she said firmly. "Also the dust collectors, and they tried with us many times. All of it. We—it was a line we agreed to not go near as a family."

"Clearly the wise choice. But I will make sure to slip it to Neldor that you want to learn."

"Thank you, darling," she said quietly before she waved me to follow. She had someone pick up food from some place she named and gave over the menu so I had the information. "Now, what did you wish to speak to me about."

I glanced at my security. "It's personal."

"We never take offense, Your Highness," Ara told me firmly, the others nodding.

I thanked them and put up a barrier before I told Katrina what happened with Neldor. She had exactly the same opinion as Izzy but added that no matter how much it scared me about having children and a future, one day I would need to. It was the path I was on, and as long as nothing changed, it was where I was headed.

Since I was on that path, I owed it to myself to explore the option the gods gave me. Because otherwise I risked the chance that I kept my heart open for some other option, and that could bring down my whole house of cards.

Even I said I needed a fairy mate or baby daddy for stability and to keep issues at a minimum, and if I didn't give Neldor a chance to be that person, I would never forgive myself. And everything could explode if someone else took that spot the gods suggested to be his.

"I hear you, but what if that's really the fairy I should have been with?" I asked, not having thought of that but needing to ask since she'd brought it up.

"Then he will still be the right person for you later after you have Neldor or maybe he's meant to be in your life another way. But I don't believe that. The sparks that fly off the two of you—you could power this city for ten years being here one day with the electricity you two put out. And if that was all you had, I would tell you to run because that traps women too often.

"But you are thick as thieves and generally on the same page 90% of the time. You turn to him as a friend just as you do Izzy, like you did Mel. Honestly, I think he is the reason you didn't rekindle that friendship after you forgave her. He took that spot in your life, and he would never turn on you as she did, tunnel vision or not."

I felt my mind explode again. I had never considered that, but… She wasn't wrong.

She tapped the table to get my attention back. " And I see this as an upgraded friendship. You are not Robin to Melody's Batman. Neldor is not your Robin either. You are the Fantastic Two instead of the Fantastic Four. Yes, they had one technical leader—which you are—but they were a true team . And then you are all Avengers with the rest of your mates."

Yup, my head pretty much popped.

But in a good way?


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