Fake.That was all Heath knew throughout his fame as Jameson, and even before that. Fake. He hated fakeness, it was something that didnt appeal to him. That was why he ended it with his long-standing girlfriend. Because she was fake.
Real. Outside of the fame, and the limelight, he had his own friends, people he trusted. That's who he wanted to be around, to interact with. Realness.
The other aspects of his job, the band, backup vocalist, and God forbid, the dancers, were all fake, as well. Who came to a damn rehearsal all done up with their makeup? Again, fake. Every one of them did. Why?
But one night at a low-key bar that his friends dragged him to, he saw her. She was real. With her piercing honey eyes that he couldnt place but knew he had seen before, and the curly hair he just wanted to tug on and run his fingers through. And maybe pull on as he took her from behind.
However, Tiffany Lee had a secret that she couldnt tell this man, not without him hating her for not being honest from the start. The reason between Fake and Real.