32. “Closer to Fine”
S eptember 7, 2023
When Kari gave me this gratitude journal, I didn't feel as if I had a whole lot to be grateful for, and I threw it in a drawer for another day. Oddly enough, it ended up in my hands again, thirteen hundred miles from where it began, so I guess that day is today. So much has happened in the time she gave this to me, I don't even know where to start, so I'll just make a list of all I'm grateful for today.
My kids are healthy and happy
I'm healthy and getting happier
My parents are healthy
I have the best friend in the whole world
Roxy hasn't brought a lizard into the house yet
I have five new friends
I am living in Florida!
I have a pool (Finally!)
I am making progress on my book
I have the perfect job for me
I have a new project to work on—the retreat !
This seems like a lot more than I had to be grateful for just a few months ago, so I guess I have that to be grateful for as well! I'll for sure do this on a regular basis because Kari was right (don't tell her!)—I do feel better seeing all the blessings I have in my life.