When Ten and Ronan got home, Kaye had a list of three names waiting for them. Everly had known what her daddies needed and asked her grandmother to write what she told her.
Ten felt marginally better about getting this kind of passive help from his daughter, but not by much. A quick Google search was able to locate two of the three men listed, Brent Jones and Andy Britton, but the third man, David Kellog, appeared to be in the wind. Ronan promised to run his name through the system when they got back to the office.
Unfortunately, Jude had been unable to locate Mandy Patterson. According to Ronan, all that mattered at the moment was cornering Simon Westlake into confessing.
At five minutes to one, Ronan and Ten joined Fitz and Jude in the lobby of Westlake's office building. The tenth floor housed the regional members of the Massachusetts Sigma Chi chapter. Ronan found Westlake's name in the directory beside the elevator. "You ready for this?" he asked Ten.
"I was born ready." Over the years, Ten had a hand in apprehending a lot of murderers, but he knew this one would be the most satisfying, if Ronan and company could get Simon to confess. His gift wasn't giving him any clues as to what was going to happen when they walked into the Sigma Chi offices.
Reaching into his suit jacket, Ronan pulled out his badge and hung it around his neck. Ten noticed Fitzgibbon and Jude were not wearing theirs. For that reason, Ten left his in his pocket. Ronan ushered everyone into the elevator and pressed the button for the tenth floor.
When the doors opened, Ten found himself facing the fraternity doors. They were full-length and glass with the Sigma Chi letters etched into each panel. Opening his gift wide, he found there was a little surprise in store for the detectives, Jude especially. "I found Mandy Patterson."
"The hell you did!" Jude shot back. "All we did was ride the elevator, and I didn't see her in the car."
Ten's grin deepened. He pointed to the reception desk, where a brunette with a very prominent baby bump stood, with both hands braced against her lower back. He didn't need his gift to tell him the advanced state of pregnancy was wearing on the woman.
As Ronan opened the door, Ten couldn't help but be struck by the fact that Mandy Patterson was going to jail. He remembered not wanting Destiny Craig to have her and Corny's baby in jail and had to admit he wished the same for Mandy. Her innocent child didn't deserve to pay the piper for its mother's crimes. Unfortunately, the matter was out of Ten's hands.
"Can I help you?" the receptionist asked. Her nameplate listed her as Amanda Westlake.
"Detective Ronan O'Mara. I have an appointment to meet with Simon Westlake about the Sebastian Stark case."
Amanda's eyes widened and moved to three men standing behind her. "And these people are?"
"Summer interns," Ronan said quickly. "They're here to observe, although the tall one seems to think he's in charge. He's not, but let's let him think he is." Ronan winked at the woman and chuckled.
Laughing along with Ronan, Amanda led them down the hall toward Simon's office. Ten watched as Jude and Fitzgibbon pulled out their badges and hung the chain around their necks. Ten couldn't help thinking how clever the move was not to reveal to Amanda they both were cops as well.
Knocking on the door, Amanda opened it, ushering them inside the office. "Simon, this is Detective O'Mara and his interns." She offered Simon a confused look. "Let me know when you want me to walk them out." Amanda turned to leave, but Ronan gently caught her by the elbow.
"You're going to want to stick around for this." Ronan led her to a plush sofa and held her arm while she sat down. He moved toward Simon with his hand outstretched. "Detective Ronan O'Mara. We spoke yesterday."
Simon took his hand, pumped it once, and dropped it like it was hot. "Who are these other men? My wife said they're interns, but since when do interns wear badges and a golden captain's shield?" He shot his wife an angry look.
Amanda's hands came up in front of her bump, as if to shield her child. "They weren't wearing badges when they walked into the office. I swear."
Simon wore a look that said he didn't believe his wife and that she'd pay for her mistake later.
"Let me introduce Detective Jude Byrne and Captain Kevin Fitzgibbon. We're with Salem's cold case unit. Let's chat, shall we?" Ronan motioned Simon to sit on the sofa with his wife while Jude took up a position at the door.
"What can I do for you, Detective ." Simon wore a sour look.
"Well, it's funny you should ask." Ronan offered the man a cold smile. "You could save us all a lot of trouble and confess to killing Sebastian Stark."
"You're out of your mind if you think I hurt that kid. He drank too much and fell down the stairs. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got work to do." Simon stood but found himself face to chest with Fitzgibbon, who, at six and a half feet tall, was an imposing figure.
"Sit down, Mr. Westlake," Fitzgibbon ordered.
"See, here's the problem with your story. The facts don't back up what you're saying." Ronan paused, smirking at Westlake, who, instead of looking annoyed like he had moments ago, looked worried. "I get that a history major might not know a lot about anatomy, so let me give you a little crash course." Ronan stood up and motioned Ten to join him. "When we fall forward," Ronan began, shoving Ten forward while holding on to his belt. Ten's arms flew out, and his hands were up to break his fall, "our hands shoot out to protect us. It's like our lizard brain knows we're in danger and acts accordingly. This reflex is still active when we're drunk off our asses." Ronan paused, letting his words sink in. He motioned for Ten to sit down. "Here's the interesting part. Sebastian Stark had no injuries to his arms, his wrists, his palms, or his fingers. If he'd actually fallen down a flight of stairs, he would have had several injuries, scrapes to his skin, broken wrists and fingers, skinned palms, but here's the surprise: Bash didn't have so much as a scratch. It's almost as if four people placed him in that position on the stairs. You know, people like Brent Jones, Andy Britton, David Kellog, and you."
It warmed Ronan's heart to see the look of utter shock on Westlake's face. Turning his attention to Mrs. Westlake, he saw that the woman looked as if she were about to hurl. He hadn't seen another person turn that shade of green since the time a few years back when Jude ate gas station sushi. "Of course, that was after you had a secret meeting with Bash in your room, under the guise of giving him one last chance to win your approval to join the frat."
"You stupid bitch!" Simon shouted as his wife. "You fucking ratted me out. I knew you were nothing but a dumb whore! Did you tell them that I wasn't the only one who suffocated that annoying motherfucker, huh? Did you tell them that you were in on it too? Come to think of it, killing Bash that way was your idea. This was all your idea. I'll just plead temporary insanity. I lost my head when I found out my future wife was fucking prospective members of Sigma Chi. You were nothing but the frat bicycle. Everyone got a free ride! You probably fucked the detectives too, you stupid piece of trash."
Amanda sat on the edge of the sofa with her mouth hanging open. Her arms wrapped protectively around her unborn child as if she could somehow protect him or her from the sins of her past.
"Yoo-hoo, Simon?" Ronan waved his hand at the crazed man, getting his attention off his wife and back to Ronan, who stood up and reached behind his back. He held up his cuffs for Westlake to see. "I hate to break it to you, pal, but your wife didn't tell us what happened the night Sebastian died." He offered Simon a cat-who-ate-the-canary smile. "And for the record, none of us slept with your wife. She's not our type, if you catch my drift." Ronan moved behind the stunned man and wrapped the cuffs around his wrists.
Simon Westlake stood there, unmoving, looking shell-shocked. He gave his head a shake and looked at his wife, who was crying silent tears. "If she didn't tell you what happened that night, who did?"
"Sebastian Stark," Ronan said simply.
Simon Westlake started to laugh. He sounded completely unhinged. "Sebastian is dead, dumbass!"
Ronan didn't laugh along with Westlake. He turned to Ten. "Oh, did I forget to introduce my husband? Meet Tennyson Grimm. He's a psychic medium. He spoke to Bash last night, and he was more than happy to tell us what happened that night. How you and Amanda suffocated him and how you grabbed three of your pals to help move the body."
"You'll never be able to prove that!" Westlake shouted. "No one will rat me out."
"Oh, yes I will." Amanda got unsteadily to her feet. "I've put up with your lies, abuse, and bullshit for five years longer than I should have. All I have is this child, and you can damn well better believe I'll do everything in my power to protect him."
"If you talk, I promise I'll have that baby ripped from your arms and sent to live with my parents, who always thought you were trash from day one!" Simon threatened.
"Why would your parents get my baby, Simon?" Amanda asked, sounding innocent.
"Because they're our son's grandparents, you dumb bitch. You're too fucking stupid to realize that you can't raise a baby in prison, which is exactly where you're headed." Simon began to laugh again.
Amanda looked at her husband with loathing in her eyes. "I may be headed to prison, but my child will never see your parents. I guaran-fucking-tee it."
Simon stilled. He stopped laughing and focused his attention on his wife. "Who's going to raise our son? Your trashy sister? Your wife-beating father? Your alcoholic mother?"
"No, Simon, his father will raise him." Amanda shot her husband a triumphant smile.
"You dirty fucking whore!" Simon shouted.
"Shut the fuck up," Fitzgibbon ordered, leading Westlake toward the door. Jude followed along behind him. "Simon Westlake, you're under arrest for the murder of Sebastian Stark. You have the right to remain silent." His voice carried down the hall as Fitz continued to read Westlake his rights while Simon howled in outrage.
When the shouting died down, Amanda turned her attention to Ronan. "What are you going to do with me?"
"We're going to have to arrest you for murder as well. I won't cuff you if you promise to come without a fight," Ronan offered.
Amanda nodded. "Let me call my father to tell him what's going on, and we can go. Is there any way out of this for me?"
"Get a good attorney," Tennyson said. "Tell them all about the abuse you've been subjected to over the years at Simon's hands. Bash told us he threatened to kill you if you didn't help him."
Ronan nodded in agreement. "It's possible you can make a deal with the DA in exchange for your testimony about what happened to Bash and any other crimes you might know about."
Amanda's mouth hung open. "How did you know?"
Ronan offered a cold smile, as if he didn't relish his next words. "Your husband got away with murder, Amanda. Men like that think they're unstoppable. Listen to my husband: tell your father to hire the best lawyer money can buy."
Amanda nodded and turned to Tennyson. "The only way you could have known what happened that night in detail was if you spoke to Bash. I absolutely believe your gift is genuine. Can you tell me if my baby will be okay?" Tears streaked down Amanda's cheek.
Ten nodded. "He will be just fine, and so will you. Tell the truth, use those pictures hidden on the flash drive in your shoebox—you know, the ones Simon doesn't know about—and do everything you can to protect Simon's child."
"Simon's child?" Ronan asked, stunned. "I thought you said the baby wasn't his."
Amanda smiled for the first time since Ronan had walked into the office suite. "Oh, this baby is definitely Simon's, but after all the years of suffering he put me through, he deserves to twist in the wind on this one. Will you keep my secret for me?"
"What secret?" Ronan asked with a devious grin. "Ten, did you hear a secret?"
"Nope!" Ten agreed.
"Make your call, and then we'll head to the station." Ronan took a seat on the sofa while Amanda called her father.
Ten knew Amanda's father wasn't a wife-beater and had no idea the kind of abuse his daughter had suffered at Simon's hands. Hopefully, she would let him in on all the secrets she'd been carrying.
His thoughts switching to Paul Stark, Ten said a silent prayer that the grieving father would survive the car wreck that nearly killed him. It would be his pleasure to show Stark Simon Westlake's mug shot when he woke up.