Chapter 69
She’d thought she’d have an opportunity when Will was sprawled out on the ground to get the key. But Dylan wasn’t stupid. That just wasn’t going to happen. That meant she needed to improvise.
Bruce had a truck right there. If she was lucky, he’d left the keys in it. Fletcher had left his keys once. Judge Fisher’s had been in his truck that day Bruce had grabbed her and kissed her. Maybe the truck gods would shine favor on her again tonight.
But she was going to have to make it past Bruce first. He was still writhing on the ground.
She studied him for a moment. He had definitely injured his leg somehow. It had been him she had seen walking out to Fletcher’s barn that first day. She had just assumed it was Fletcher, so he had looked like Fletcher to her. From a distance and with a hat, of course, she had seen Fletcher instead of Bruce because she never would have imagined Bruce being there on Fletcher’s place like that.
He rolled to his knees. Then shifted as he tried to stand. He looked up.
That was when he saw her.
And Dylan had nowhere to go.