44. Taylor
I'll never forget the night Sawyer told me how I'd interfered with him telling Leah how he felt about her. I felt sick over it for days, and if they'd never worked things out and wound up together, I'm not sure I would have ever forgiven myself for it.
I noticed a few times when we were growing up that Leah would look at him like she saw him as more than a friend, but I never said anything about it for two reasons.
One, it could have just been a crush—the simple fact that she thought my brother was cute—and nothing more.
Two, if she had wanted me to know she liked him, she would have told me.
When he left for college after our senior class party that year, I noticed how Leah acted differently when he did come back around, but I genuinely had no idea why. And for fear of putting myself in the middle of whatever had happened—or not happened—between them, I let it be. It makes sense now, how when I would talk to Sawyer and mention things that were happening in my friends' lives, he always had more questions about Leah than Lauren or Shane. When she graduated college, he asked what her class ranking was. When she got her master's, he asked if she planned to do more or if she just wanted it as a backup. His eyes always had a little extra spark when her name would come up. I was just too stupid to realize why.
Seeing them now? In their own little world, dancing around my kitchen together, completely in love and obsessed with each other. It just feels right. I'll forever be grateful that they found their way back to each other. There's nothing I love more than seeing my best friend and brother truly happy again. The way they always were when they were together.