Vi-Day Glossary
Reminder: There is always a bit of slang peppered into my writing— and we all should know about “Simon-speak” at this point. When in doubt, use Google, or contact me using the methods listed on the Typos & Languages page.
Please also see the General Glossary for words & terms that appear multiple times in this collection.
Bonjour (French): Hello.
Merci beaucoup (French): Thank you very much (again, Simon being EXTRA polite).
Mon chou (French): A term of endearment that is used to refer to someone you love (lit. My cabbage, but Simon chooses to interpret it as choux à la crème - a sweet little murder baby cream puff).
Quoi? (French): What?
Signesdottir (Old Norse): Traditionally in Iceland, a new-born child takes the first name of their father alongside 'son of' or 'dóttir (daughter) of', depending on the child's gender. In this case, Violentia chose to take her mother’s name - Signe - as her civilian name .
S’il vous plait (French): More formal way of saying please than Simon usually uses (he’s probably trying to butter up the shopkeeper for having to deal with this family…).