Battle Cry
K it skipped the caliphate meeting last night, which was for the best. Zavida said he skedaddled from Supe Law like his pants were on fire, and Oriel showed up positively fuming. Apparently, our future inductee got cornered by the well-known staff predator and a quirk of curiosity lead O to find them before something terrible happened. The thought makes me shiver, as I’ve had similar experiences throughout my life with nasty little shits who secretly want to mess with my sexual identity without people finding out.
Bigotry looks the same whether it’s human or supernatural—shitty and close-minded.
Anton and I were suitably furious that Jasper’s suspicion pushed off the ceremony, even by two days, and it got the kid assaulted. I like him, and Annie does, too. In fact, I think everyone but Jasper does, even our resident ass-kisser, Slash. I noticed he stomped out of the fiery tempered meeting with a scowl that usually promises death and destruction. We didn’t see him again for hours and he refused to tell anyone why he left the meeting so abruptly.
Unfortunately, nothing got resolved anyway, and first thing this morning, Zav, Annie, Kit and I share Arms he’s holding his own, even though Roquefort is much higher in status than him.
“Roquefort, stop fucking around. You’re better trained than this… you’d have to be with acceptance into the Thieves Guild and the Underground. Why is the new kid kicking your tail?”
“Don’t be a dick, Eversore. Just because you’re royalty doesn’t mean you can insult students.”
The growl from the Invictus is vicious and I pinch the bridge of my nose as I pause my sparring with Zavida. Jasper just painted an enormous target on Kit’s back by hitting the drug dealing shit’s pride. Given his family operates within Annie’s family line, I highly doubt it was a mistake. The Prince is doubling down on his bullshit.
“Jasper, for the love of sweaty fireballs,” I say as he passes us. “You’re going to get the kid killed. I don’t care if you think he’s suspicious; this is stupidity.”
His glare could slit throats as he looks at me. “You don’t run my class, X. Keep your eyes on your own paper.”
“I’m fine. Leave me out of your shit,” the grunt comes from Kit and I blink. He hasn’t spoken to any of us since he walked in. Now he’s pushing himself as Roquefort puts his back into sparring like our leader intended.
“See? He says he’s fine.” Jasper looks smug now and I want to deck him—something that is definitely not my preferred method of handling conflict. “Everyone has to learn how to take responsibility for themselves at Discordia.”
Beelzebub’s nest, Kit’s pride and Jasper’s stubbornness rival one another for idiotic behavior.
“Maybe so, but caliphates protect one another. It’s part of the commitment,” Anton throws over his shoulder. “Loyalty dies when trust gets broken.”
Kit snorts as he clashes with the demon, and I pause again to watch. I doubt he ever picked up a sword before this morning, but he’s moving extremely well for the uninitiated. I would assume his demon comes from Slash’s line with that innate facility, but his damn pride points at Anton.
Then a howl rents the air and everything stops.
Roquefort is grinning like a maniac and I see blood dripping from the sliced shirt at Kit’s shoulder. These damn things got dulled prior to class, and I’d bet my favorite kimono that the Invictus used magic to sharpen his blade just enough to be dangerous. Poking a sociopath like Roquefort was a mistake; he has a reputation for shitty behavior ranging from drug distribution to espionage to soft whispers about how he treats the demon girls from our sister school in Purgatory. Invicta usually prey on those who have lost faith in their beliefs, luring them to certain doom by bargaining. They’re higher in the hierarchies than crossroads, but lower than vengeance or fear demons.
Jasper screwing with his ego lead to this without a doubt because he’d behaved beforehand.
“Your sword is sharp.” Kit stomps up to the delighted demon with eyes full of fire. “You’re a cheating asshole who couldn’t handle a human keeping up with him. Admit it, fuckface.”
I wince as the smaller kid pokes his opponent in the chest hard, ignoring the blood dripping on the ground as he does so. Not only is Roquefort more powerful, but better connected and blood-free. Letting that flow in a room full of demons is like asking to be mobbed, but Kit doesn’t know that. All he knows is that yet another demon is picking on him for existing. His fury is almost palpable in the air as he breathes hard and stares up at his opponent.
“Kit, you can’t…”
“Shut it, X. If he starts it, he’d better be willing to finish it.” Jasper stands back, crossing his arms over his chest like that settles the matter.
As if he’s not part of this… he’s got fangs and spikes again, so I know he’s watching with the same demonic hunger the rest of us feel. The difference is, he’s pretending he wants our new member to get squashed while Zav, Annie, and I are hoping he backs down. Kit would lose face, but joining our caliphate for real will negate that. If he doesn’t, we’re going to be rushing him to the hospital wing soon.
“Who cares if I did? This isn’t some kiddie campus where humans party and guzzle kegs, newb. Get your fucking head on straight—you’re in Hell . Demons lie, they cheat, they steal, and they will fuck you up if you challenge them. It’s who we are.” Roquefort’s smile turns nasty as he looks at the rumpled picture Kit makes. “Even the Headmaster will agree that this is not a school for the faint of heart. You’ve been surviving off the popularity and fear of the idiots living on your floor, but now that you pushed me—that ends.”
My gaze cuts to the Prince, arching a brow. His surrogate is crossing a line in terms of respect and he’ll look weak if he lets it go to spite Kit. Jasper shrugs and I grit my teeth. I’m going to shove a fucking poker in his eye soon. Annie snorts, picking up my emotions nearby, and I shrug.
I can’t help being irritated at how damn stupid the dragon is being.
“I don’t care who the hell you are or who you’re planning to conspire against me with.” Kit straightens and holds his head up high. “I survived bullies and worse up there; I’ll survive whatever the fuck you douchebags want to throw at me. You need to get it into your bony skulls that I’m not going to bow to anyone… ever .”
A gasp echoes in the room, and Roquefort throws his head back to laugh. “Oh, what do the humans say on the social media? ‘Touch some grass’? Yes, that’s it. Kit Camponella, you need to touch some grass. Only someone delusional would believe they could survive being enemies with someone like me. I have infinitely more power and popularity than you; I’ll crush you.”
Pushing his hair out of his eyes, Kit shrugs and drops his sword. “Do your worst, asshole. I’m no one’s bitch.” He strides out of the ring with a trail of blood behind him as he grabs his bag and the cheering kinkajou from the bench.
That was both brave and stupid—he’ll have to sleep with one eye open after pissing off Roquefort.