Discordia University Directory
Katarina Camponella (kat uh REE nuh CAM POH NELL uh) foster kid living with the Jamesons
Nicknames: Kat, Kit, Kit Kat, little demon,
Blake Jameson (blay-k Jay-meh-son) twin foster brother of Kat; plays football, popular kid; absolute ass; accepted to Alabama to play ball
Bryce Jameson (bry-ss Jay-meh-son) twin foster brother of Kat; plays football, popular kid; absolute ass; accepted to Alabama to play ball
Brett Jameson (Breh-TT Jay-meh-son) foster father of Kat; clueless; does whatever their mother says
Allison Jameson (al-uh-SON Jay-meh-son) foster mother of Kat; snobby; only likes the prestige of having the two foster boys who play ball; disdainful of Kat
Professor Horatio Alecto (hor-ay-she-o uh-leck-to) professor at Discordia; Dean of Admissions; sends a letter to ‘Kit’ Camponella
Mr. Jenkins (Jeh-kinz) school guidance counselor; overwhelmed and near retirement
Dottie (dah-tee) random kinkajou that shows up and is trying to break into the Jameson’s bedroom floor safe; Kat finds her, and she refuses to leave; later, she’s told it’s a familiar
Sheriff Bob (Bahb) Useless, prejudiced town sheriff
Wilbur (will-BURR) deputy sheriff; four years older than twins; bully with a badge
Becky Sanderson (beck-ee San-der-son) town busy body
Lucian Darkstar (loo-see-en dark-stah-r) Headmaster of Discordia; sketchy AF; pit demon
Dank (DahNK) demon sent to fetch Kat; wears plague mask; aka Dr. Danckwardt
Silvera (sil VAIR UH) demon who does Lucian’s bidding; fear demon
Beccarus (Beck-A-roos) toadie to Lucian; demon in Headmaster’s office; chaos demon
Jasper Eversore (jas-PURR EVER-sore) Prince of Hell; leader of caliphate; dragon/demon hybrid; four years older than the others; working as teaching assistant while taking graduate classes to be with caliphate as they go to school; controlling asshole; fear demon
Nicknames: Asshole Demon, Prince Dickface, Prince Prick, Prince Prickface, Prince Cocknozzle
Salem Stryker (Say-lem Str-eye-cur) Panda/demon hybrid; likes to cook; Kat’s roommate; dream demon
Nicknames: Lazy Demon
Anton Aldaric (an-TOHN all-dur-ick) peacock/demon hybrid; designer; lover of X; incubus
Nicknames: Flirty Demon, Annie
Xerxes (zerk-zees) cobra/demon hybrid; lover of Anton; enby; dream demon
Nicknames: Pretty Demon, X,
Oriel Bloodstone (or-ee-elle blud-stohn) crow shifter/demon hybrid; likes to steal shit; emo looking; quiet; shadow demon
Nicknames: Goth Demon, O,
Zavida Reven (zah-VEE-duh reh-ven) Kitsuné/demon hybrid; hacker; gamer; sleeps with Jasper; very smart; chaos demon
Nicknames: Gamer Demon, Zav, Zavvie,
Slash Scrum (slah-shuh skrum) Jasper’s second in command; Fireball champ; shark; demon hybrid; vengeance demon
Nicknames: Big Demon, Big Guy,
Professor Alabaster (al-UH-bas-ter) Deconstructing Human History professor
Professor Kindervalt (kin-der-Walt) Demonic Languages professor;
Professor Wormwood (werm-wood) Curses ancient; stodgy; hates cell phones; bores Salem to tears
Professor Romero (rom-may-ro) Dark Lit professor
Professor Lillabet (lil-ih-bet) Intro to Supes professor; Cubi who feeds on boys in class; jerk to girls
Bastion Queznar (bast-ee-on qwehz-nahr) greed demon in Thieves Guild; species racist; drude
Cornelius Rhodes (cor-nee-lee-us row-dz), leader of the Southern demon contingent; crossroads demon
Phelps Brewster (fell-ps brew-stir) Leader of the Midwest demon contingent; dream demon
Allegra Masterson (UH-leg-ruh Mass-tur-sun) leader of the Eastern demon contingent; pit demon; ugly as hell
Professor Salazar (SALL-uh-ZAR) Dark Magic professor; chaos demon with a bent for making people nutty for his amusement
Professor Cedar (CEE-dur) Intro to Fae professor; hybrid Reaping Fae and incubus; actually a cool dude
Ivan Roquefort (ee-vahn ROH-kh-fort) demon in Kit’s Waeapons class; super jackass;
King Tarron Eversore (tay-ron ev-er-soar) full nightmare demon; upset last royal rule in Hell; asshole; Jasper’s father
Queen Daramah Eversore (dare-ay-mah ev-er-soar) Queen of Hell; arranged marriage; succubus; Jasper’s mom; pays no attention to him or the kingdom
Woodlawn High School- school where Kat goes to school
Common Grounds- coffeehouse and diner where Woodlawn moms hang out
Woodlawn Mall- where Kat goes to create her Kit persona
Short Cuts- where Kat gets her haircut for Kit persona
Raging Trends- scene kid store in the mall
Wally World- mega store in town
Discordia University- premier demon college that invites Kat to attend
Canto IV- Section of Hell Discordia is located in; also the dorm the caliphate is in
State U- Supe college
Blackmoor Academy- reform school
Citadel- dorm Kat should have been in
Library Enclave- Building where many lectures take place
Magic Enclave- building where magic classes occur
Triclinium- cafeteria building
Infirmary- a dangerous place to go for treatment
Dr. Danckwardt’s Office- the elite royal doctor’s clinic
Arena- where the weapons and physical classes occur; also a large meeting space
Temple/Altar- ancient space where rituals are performed