In the aftermath of a malevolent demigods reign of terror, Gwen finds herself bereft of purpose. While peace may satisfy ordinary mortals, Gwen, a seasoned guardian, craves the adrenaline of battle and the taste of blood. With her fellow guardians all paired up, she is left adrift and solitary in this unfamiliar world. Her only solace lies in her role as a bouncer at Roxies bar. However, everything changes when her visions reveal something she believed impossible.
Kian, a young man grappling with his true identity, is uncertain of his lineage. His mother, the Goddess of Destruction, has woven a web of lies throughout his life. Whispers about his enigmatic father have haunted him, compelling him to unearth the truth. When he steps into a different realm, he unearths a labyrinth of deceit. But before he can unravel the mystery of his origins, he is unjustly imprisoned by Khedeus, the demigod, solely for the crime of being born.
Driven together by a vengeful deity, Gwen senses an unbreakable bond the moment she sets eyes on Kian. However, the demigod approaches her with wariness, plagued by a deep-seated distrust. In his eyes, she is merely another falsehood. Yet, fate has destined them for each other. While the world teeters on the edge of peril once again, this battle is not solely Gwens to fight. To save her beloved mate, she must be willing to make the ultimate sacrifice.
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