Kat came back from town with a letter.
"Who's it from?" After two weeks back in Cheyenne, Seb was doing better at balancing his life. And he felt right about it. His head was clearer, his heart purer, his faith stronger. The balance even made his work go better because getting away from his chemicals and implements brought him back to his work with new ideas.
"It's from Beth. She got a letter to the O'Tooles, and they took it to town. She wants me to look into finding a lawyer for Ginny who will represent her in a trial to prove she's sane. They also want me to find a doctor who will test Ginny for sanity and testify for her in the trial."
"You can ask Mr. Etherton if he knows anyone in Idaho. You're out of danger with your uncle, and if Thaddeus Rutledge comes after you, it won't have anything to do with the law. It'd only be to force you to tell him where Ginny is. But Etherton has probably looked into the laws concerning all this by now. He might be able to recommend a doctor, too." Seb read through the letter as he spoke.
They had discussed hiring security and had even offered the job to Huey Jessup. He'd declined, deciding instead to travel to Montana to ranch with his younger brothers.
"They're hoping to come out of hiding next summer, so I've got time to figure it out."
"We've got time, you mean." Seb looked up and saw Kat flash her bright smile at him.
"Yes, that is what I meant."
"We can help Ginny to face life without fear. And maybe her courage in challenging an unfair law can change the world. That's as good as anything I'd ever invent."