41. The Dialogue of the Frogs
41. The Dialogue of the Frogs
The First Frog:
By the river I sat amid bones
In the sky, the red-painted vulture circled
I wept to see the words its body wrote
The bones were as old as the river
Old as water, old as the movement
Of my hand into yours
I think that I will never read those words again
The Second Frog:
By the river I drank cool water
It comes from the mountains, my mother said
The mountains are silent,
But the water gurgles,
Crying for their attention
My mother died; I saw her wither in the sun
Her dying was short; her death was long
I said no word
The red-painted vulture wrote in silence
The only sound was the sound of flies
The Third Frog:
By the river I sat among every kind of reed
The papyrus spread its fan; the bulrush darkened
The thatch-reed prickled my skin like the sun
I know no other kinds of reed
The Fourth Frog:
By the river I sat and thought
The sand is soft and silver here, I thought;
The sun is warm, the river cool, I thought;
The air is fresh and blue, I thought;
The flies are crunchy and spill their juice
How beautiful I am become by the river
The First Frog:
I remember bone
The Second Frog:
I remember water
The Third Frog:
I remember reeds
The Fourth Frog:
I remember flies
The Fifth Frog:
Do you know how my skin stretches when I am hungry?
My stomach grows and grows
To turn inside out until it holds the world
I am reminded of how many bones I have
The delicate framework beneath my flesh
I am a soft and fragile thing, but I will eat the world
The Sixth Frog:
Do you know how I sing when I want love?
The body is water that kindles fire
A hunger sating itself with hunger
See my throat expand, fine and thin as an egg's rind
An embryo of sound inside
In the still pools of the river we sang, one to another
And gripped and kneaded and fought,
Soft against soft, hard against hard
The fighting a part of the loving
The drumbeat of the song
The Seventh Frog:
Do you know how I am silent when I spawn?
Egg upon egg, a great achievement
If I loved each one, my heart would break
The act is the meaning; the water rises
Displaced by my brood; this is how I alter the world
What is there to say, except the soft stretching
As my body empties itself, and the gentle splash
As my limbs push egg upon egg into the world?
The Eighth Frog:
Do you know how I twitch when I die?
I die of so many things. There is the bird,
There is the snake, there is the accident of fate,
The parasite, the flashing blade
The life in me leaps as it leaves;
I watch my nerveless feet scrabble against stone
Disturbing the stones of the river
Bright is the water, bright is the blood
Dark is the red-painted vulture
The Fifth Frog:
I remember hunger
The Sixth Frog:
I remember love
The Seventh Frog:
I remember spawning
The Eighth Frog:
I remember death
The river, O river
Mother, cradle, grave
Right hand of the sun
Left hand of the moon
The river of bones,
Mother of bones,
Devourer of bones
Lifeblood, we sing
Amid your green hair