Chapter 13
M y phone rings from the top pocket of my dress shirt as I'm getting into the car. It takes me by surprise, and I almost hit my head on the car door frame as I fumble to retrieve it. There's only one person I can think of that would be calling me right now. Just as I suspect, the word ‘Mum' lights up the screen. She's been texting me sly comments ever since her awkward and impromptu meeting with Mackenzie.
"Hi, Mum," I answer as I turn the key in the ignition.
"Dylan," she says, her tone almost as firm as my father's this time. "Where are you? Please tell me you're still coming to the party."
"Of course. I'm already on the way," I tell her.
This is a lie. I'm running fifteen minutes late and I haven't even picked up Mackenzie yet.
"Are you still bringing Maxine?"
I roll my eyes, knowing full well my mother doesn't forget names that easily.
"Mackenzie," I correct her. Again. "And yes, I'm just picking her up now and we'll be there in about forty-five minutes."
Or an hour.
"Okay," she replies. "Please be on your best behaviour tonight though, Dylan. You know how important this party is to me. I've been planning it forever."
I pull the phone away from my face so she can't hear the defeated sigh that leaves me. It does little for my self-esteem that my own mother thinks I'm capable of ruining her anniversary party. I can't deny that in the past, there had been sporadic periods where my behaviour could have been described as borderline reckless, but I've turned over a new leaf. It's a shame my parents can't see that.
"I know, Mum. It's going to be great. Stop stressing."
"I want the oyster tower over there!" She shouts and I need to pull the phone away from the side of my face again. This time to avoid having my ear blasted. "And the canapes are to come out no later than six thirty."
"Not you, Dylan. Ugh, these caterers need to get their act together." She huffs loudly into the phone, pausing before she throws another question at me. "Are you sure this girl is a good fit for you?"
"Why wouldn't she be?" I surprise myself by how protective I am over my fake-date for the evening.
"She's not like any of the other girls you've dated."
"Maybe that's the point," I argue.
"Oh, Dylan," she almost groans. "Seriously! You need to think this through."
"Why?" I ask. "Just look at how well all those past relationships turned out."
I realise I'm defending a relationship that doesn't actually exist. But more than that. I'm defending Mackenzie. Whether I want to face it or not, I've started to care about her. To enjoy having her around. And the thought of anybody saying anything negative about her has my hackles rising.
"You know that being a member of this family comes with responsibility. We can't just bring anyone into it and expect them to be able to keep up."
"I know." I drag my hand down over my face, knowing that she isn't wrong. "She can handle it."
I believe my words to be true. There are expectations involved with being a part of the Abbott family, or by association with any of us, but something tells me Mackenzie would do just fine.
I consider that I should give her a little insight into my background, but there's no sense involving her when this is a one-time only fake date. After tonight, she won't have to deal with my parents again, and weirdly that sends a ripple of disappointment through me.
"If you say so. I'll see you soon." My mother's clipped tone echoes through my ears.
Without another word she's hung up on me and I'm left with the choking sounds coming from the engine and impending thoughts of this car breaking down before I can make the journey out to the cape.
This car is so ancient it doesn't even have electric windows and it's unbearably stuffy in here with no working air-conditioning. I quickly wind down the driver's side window before throwing the gears into drive.
A ball of dread builds in the pit of my stomach when I think about the expectations my parents will have for me tonight. No doubt they will want me to network with people I'd rather be leaving behind. To bend the truth for the sake of our family's reputation.
Somehow, knowing that I'll have Mackenzie by my side eases a little of that pressure. An unexpected smile makes its way across my face. I suddenly can't wait to see her.
I step on the accelerator, eager to make the short distance across town to her house.