2. Chapter 2
Chapter 2
I lex would never get tired of the vibrant shade of green that touched the rolling hills of Wellsah. It was a good thing, too, because the land of growing things was blessed with an eternal late-spring lushness. The rest of Domhan na Rùin was drifting into the gray of winter this time of year, but Wellsah continued to bloom. Ilex supposed it made sense; the magic of this place was ancient and powerful.
Most of Wellsah had settled into a pleasant agricultural existence, forgetting its wilder roots. Dryads like Ilex were more comfortable outside of the towns that now dotted the hillsides, preferring instead to roam amongst the forests of gnarled oaks and holly.
Ilex stood on the banks of a stream that ran near their home, the soft burble of the crystalline water soothing their soul. Warm rays of sunlight caressed their skin. This should be enough—always had been enough for them.
They weren't sure what had come over them of late. The dryads had preferred to stay away from the humans of Wellsah for a long while now, but they enjoyed having communities of their own. Ilex hadn't wanted that, though. They often didn't understand others, and preferred their own company and the quiet conversation of the forest.
Lately, though, they had been feeling listless. The small joys that had always brought such comfort felt dimmed somehow. They felt…lonely.
They supposed they could seek out the other dryads, but they were not the easiest folk to find. They tended to blend in with the trees and did not show themselves readily unless they wanted to be found.
Anyway, they weren't sure the company of other dryads would satisfy this longing for something more. They wondered what it would be like to see more of what the world had to offer, to explore beyond the borders of this lovely forest. But would the world be safe for one like them? They knew other non-human creatures existed across Domhan na Rùin, but they had never met one, and they were unsure if those creatures were welcomed openly in human communities.
Ilex turned their face into the sun, letting its life-giving rays fall on the mane of leaves that sprouted from their head. They could feel their leaves opening in pleasure at the sun's caress.
They stood, dreaming and wondering what it would be like to not be so very alone, when the sound of a horse's hooves on the path startled them out of their reverie.
The most beautiful person Ilex had ever seen sat astride a horse of bone—a striking image that they were sure would never leave their mind. They knew it wasn't wise to approach anyone. They should hide in the trees, but they felt an overwhelming desire to simply talk with this person. They knew it wouldn't end well, but…at least they wouldn't be alone, if only for a moment.