Chapter 130
Trey hated that bitch. So damned much. "Steve should have killed you three years ago. When you just kept getting in the way. He and Joey drew straws—to see who got to screw with you. I wanted to so bad, but we figured you'd recognize me."
She just smirked at him. The woman just smirked at him, like she had when they were kids. "So…did Steve win the draw…or lose the draw? Considering his current position? I think I came out the winner in that game, actually. I have two beautiful, precious, perfect little girls—and Stevie is nothing but a turnip right now. Everyone knows what kind of scum he was. His pal Joey too. You are next on the scum list, Timmy Three. You just are."
The man at Trey's feet moaned. Guess he wasn't dead, after all.
Trey reached. For Powell.
She was his magic ticket out of there.
His dad was already inching his way to those doors to the outside. No doubt he was planning to run for it. To go back to the kid.
If he did that, Trey's dad would probably take a bullet to the back. Heather, probably. She'd enjoy that.
Trey yanked Powell closer. He just wanted them all to look at him, not his dad.
So his dad could get away. Get the kid. Have half a damned chance at something more than this. The man on the floor moaned again. Much louder this time. Trey didn't even hesitate—he looked. Straight down.
As that man rolled.
Right into Trey's knees.
Reaching for his daughter.