In Toronto, a small boy leaves a letter under his sister's pillow to say he is sorry that he teased her when she named her new rabbit ‘Bunny'. He writes that it is a good name, and tells her he will collect dandelion leaves for Bunny with her tomorrow.
In a suburb of Leiden, a young man watches the face of his flatmate as she sits on the sofa emailing her mother. They have been best friends all the way through university and both now have new jobs in the city. When she goes to bed tonight, she will find a letter for her under her pillow telling her that he has loved her from the first moment he saw her.
In Galway, a mother leaves a letter and a new notebook under her daughter's pillow. On the front of the notebook is written, She believed she could, so she did . The mother hopes the ideas her daughter writes there will help her make sense of a world that she herself often finds overwhelming.
In Rosario, Argentina, an old man leaves a love letter under his wife's pillow. It is their anniversary tomorrow and they will have been married for fifty-seven years.
In Auckland, New Zealand, a father leaves a note and a leaflet for a fishtail surfboard under the pillow of his eight-year-old son, Zac.