Hawaiian Terms
Hawaiian Terms
Aloha - Hello, goodbye, love
Bra -Bro
Bruddah - brother, term of endearment
Haole -Newcomer to the islands
Hiwahiwa - precious
Howzit - How is it going?
Kama?āina -Local to the islands
Mahalo -Thank you
Malasadas - A Portuguese donut without a hole which started out as a tradition for Shrove (Fat) Tuesday. They are deep fried, dipped in sugar or cinnamon and sugar. In other words, it is a decadent treat every person must try when they go to Hawaii. If you do not try it, you fail. Do yourself a favor. Go to Leonard’s and buy one. You are welcome.
Pupule - crazy
Slippahs - slippers, AKA sandals