Four Years Ago
HALE'S STEPS SLOWED to a halt upon entering the Rodent Room. Animal Week was one of the Sanctuary's most important annual celebrations, and today in particular saw his foundation hosting over a thousand students from various public schools.
Early education was an essential key to preventing senseless animal cruelty, but this one, though...
Hale caught the eye of a passing employee, and the younger man hurried towards him.
"Yes, sir?"
Hale checked the nameplate on the guy's shirt. "Jacob, isn't it?"
The man beamed at being addressed by name. "Yes, Mr. Hale."
Hale gestured to the exhibit. "When did we put this up?"
"The hamster exhibit? About three weeks ago, sir. It was sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery."
He did recall Harry and Devon telling him about adding a new exhibit, but Hale had assumed it would be something more on brand with the couple's Evergreen ranch, such as something equine. Or bovine.
But hamsters ?
"When we think about hamsters as pets, we usually think of them living happily ever after in cute little cages. Yes?"
Today's program had begun, and the infectious note of joy in the speaker's voice had Hale turning around in curiosity.
An intern?
She couldn't be anything else, since she didn't look old enough to be one of their full-time workers. She was also startlingly beautiful, almost like a real-life Barbie with her honey-blond hair, blue eyes, and tanned skin.
She walked back and forth on the stage while speaking, and her effortless grace made her seem like a supermodel in disguise. Or a princess even, sans her tiara.
White collared shirt, jeans, and sneakers made up the Sanctuary's standard uniform; it wasn't high fashion any way you look at it, but on her, it looked as if Chanel had gone casual, and she had been tapped to be the face and voice of their brand.
Hale struggled to look away.
But couldn't.
He had never been attracted to girls her age. He had always preferred to date women who were more experienced and less idealistic. With them, he could bluntly lay down his rules, and expectations from both ends became realistic and manageable.
Something temporary but rewarding was all he was able to offer, and the only time he would take a woman to bed was when they signed an NDA that also included a "pre-termination" advance.
But girls like her, though...
"Mr. Plato is a four-month-old Syrian hamster..."
Hale saw the way the girl looked at Mr. Plato on the screen with obvious adoration.
And for some reason, he wanted her to look at him in the same manner as well.
"In his previous home, this was what his cage looked like."
The screen behind her showed a glass cage that was about the size of a lunchbox and with colorful tubes attached.
"It looks really pretty, doesn't it?" the girl asked. "But here's the thing..."
Her face suddenly fell, and the mood in the entire room dramatically shifted. Her sadness seemed just as contagious; it was easy to see that everyone in the room wanted to comfort her, and Hale himself was no exception.
I've clearly lost my fucking mind.
"Cages like this aren't good for hamsters. But I didn't know this when I was seven, and my stepfather had given me my own hamster for my birthday. I named him Squishy, and I loved him as best I could. But now I know, my best wasn't good for him. It breaks my heart whenever I remember this, you know what gives me hope?"
The kids shook their heads in answer, and a smile slowly formed over her lips.
" You give me hope. Each and every one of you here. You all give me hope because you can do better than me. Together, you and I can be a force of good. We can teach everyone how to give hamsters not just a nice life but a great life. Don't you think every hamster deserves a chance to live a great life?"
YES, the kids chanted.
"So, what do you say? Who wants to join me and see what it's like to be a hamster keeper for a day?"
The girl raised her hand, and all the other kids followed suit, with hands shooting up in the air all over the room.
"Then onwards we go!"
The kids followed her to the next section of the exhibit area, and Hale turned to Jacob, who was still standing by his side.
"What's her name?"
"Heaven Gaines, sir," Jacob reported with a proud smile. "She works for Maintenance—-"
"But on her off days, she asked if she could volunteer as one of our presenters..."
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
"She's amazing, sir. The kids love her."
Of course, she did.
People like Heaven Gains were experts when it came to manipulating other people.
He had seen it happen the first time in his parents' trial; the drunk who had killed them was just so fucking charming , Hale knew there was a possibility the judge would have found him innocent even without a bribe.
"There was even one time when Heaven took over reception and—-"
"What time does her presentation end?"
"Uh..." His hardened tone had the younger man visibly flustered, but Hale didn't give a damn. "I...uh...about an hour, sir?"
"Tell her I expect her in my office in sixty-two minutes then." Hale's jaw clenched. "And if she's even a single second late, she can consider herself fired."