I walked through London enjoying the kaleidoscope of colours on the trees above me. There was a beautiful breeze ruffling through my hair, causing the leaves to float down around me. My hands were warm though as I was clutching a pumpkin spiced latte.
I headed towards Noah's bookshop with a spring in my step. It had been the happiest year I could remember. Noah and I had grown closer than ever and I now lived in his riverside penthouse, and he had done what he had promised – a whole wall of the flat was covered by a floor-to-ceiling bookshelf filled with my favourite books. It was what all bookworms' dreams were made of.
But it wasn't just Noah that was making me happy; Turn the Pages had gone from strength to strength and I now headed up a new publicity team. I loved my job so much. It was strange at first working there without Noah but I knew he'd made the right decision when I saw how much he loved running the bookshop. And my friends and family were doing brilliantly – Liv had landed a book deal for her novel and I couldn't wait to be beside her for the journey to publication.
My phone vibrated and I checked it, seeing I had a new email.
From Noah.
Surprised, I stopped by the river to look at it, wondering why he'd email me when I was about to see him at the Book Nook.
It's been a long time since I wrote to you. I had no idea when I wrote that first email from New York that I would see you again, let alone spend the best year of my life with you. When it bounced back and I realised you'd cut off any way to contact you, I kept writing because you were the one who made sense of everything. I knew if I kept talking to you, somehow everything would work out okay. I lost so much but losing it all made me realise what I wanted from life. I knew that my parents had something special. And yours too. And I wanted that. I wanted to be in a relationship that had a strong foundation so we would know that, no matter what life threw at us, we could make it through together. I walked away from that once thinking that I didn't deserve it. And I regretted it so much but now I think I did the right thing.
We both grew so much in those five years apart. We discovered what we wanted. We became the people we are now. And being apart from you once has made me know I never want to do that ever again.
This year has been wonderful. You've helped me in more ways than you'll ever know. And I hope you know that I would do anything for you. I love you more than anything in this world. You are my past, present and future.
I was thinking today about the first time I went into a bookshop in New York. I picked up a book you loved and reading it helped me feel close to you even though we were miles apart. It made me fall in love with love stories like I'd fallen in love with you. I didn't tell you what that book was but I've found a first edition of it and I have it at the bookshop for you.
I can't wait to see you.
All my love always,
Damn Noah and his beautiful emails.
I sniffed and wiped the mascara from where it rolled down my cheek with my tears. I probably looked like a panda now but I ploughed on to the bookshop, desperate to get my hands on my man and kiss him. I entered the alleyway. It was still such a cute cobbled street tucked away from the hustle and bustle of the city as if it had stepped into its own world and time. I looked up at the bookshop with a smile on my face. The place where our love story had started all those years ago. We had broken apart but Noah was right – we'd come back together so much stronger for it.
Opening the door and setting off the bell, I found the place empty except for Noah, who was behind the desk smiling up at me, flashing that dimple, his sleeves rolled up, glasses perched on his nose. My Noah.
‘Where's this first edition then?' I asked him with a smile.
‘Right here.' He beckoned me over.
‘Oh my God,' I said slowly as I saw the book on the counter. ‘Second Chances by Deborah Day,' I said, touching the cover reverently. I looked up at him. ‘I had no idea this was the book you meant.'
‘I've been looking for a first edition ever since I saw you again so I could tell you. This book meant so much to me because of how much it meant to you.'
‘It was my first romance book. My gateway book. My mum gave it to me. How did you find it?'
‘Deborah found it,' he said. ‘I asked her at the book launch if she knew where I could get one but it had had such a small printing that she wasn't sure but said she would help. It's taken a year for us to get our hands on it. And guess where the person lived who I bought it from?'
‘New York,' I said, laughing.
‘Yep. The irony!' Noah grinned. ‘Open it up. Deborah signed it for you.'
‘She's so sweet. I can't wait for her and Ed's wedding next month. Proof that love conquers?—'
The words died on my lips as I opened the book. Deborah had signed it but underneath, Noah had written something else. Just like he'd done on that night we met and he'd asked me out for dinner.
But this time the question was a rather more permanent one.
Will you marry me?
Eyes shining, I lifted my gaze from the book and into Noah's chocolate-brown eyes.
‘Is this question for me?'
Noah hurried around the counter and took my hand in his. ‘I have wanted to ask you since the first time we kissed in this alleyway but I wanted to make sure we were on the same page. And to have this book to propose to you with. What do you think?'
He pulled a box out of his pocket and got down on one knee. He opened it up and a sparkling ring dazzled me.
‘I told you that this was forever for me but is it forever for you too? Will you marry me, Stevie Phillips?'
I wondered if a face could crack from smiling too wide because mine actually hurt from beaming down at Noah.
‘Hell, yes!' I grabbed the ring and slipped it on. ‘It's gorgeous, Noah.'
‘Just like you.' He got up and held me against the counter. ‘Will you forgive me for being the dick who let you go?'
‘As long as you never do it again,' I replied and pulled him in for a kiss. I had long forgiven him for leaving me because he was right – we'd had to become the people we were meant to be first. And now we were rock solid. I had no doubts about that. Noah was my past, present and future too.
‘One more surprise…' He passed me a sheet of paper.
I scanned it, my eyes widening.
‘Tickets to New York?' I looked at him. ‘Four tickets?'
‘You, me and your parents – Dad wants us to come for Christmas. What do you think?'
‘I think I can't wait for you to show me around the city.'
Noah grinned and wrapped his arms around me. ‘Good because I can't wait either. And we better bring an extra suitcase for all the books we're going to buy.'
He brushed his lips against mine and I shivered. I looked up at him when we pulled apart.
‘From meet-cute to happy ever after,' I said with a wide smile.
‘I like the sound of that,' Noah replied.
It turned out happy endings aren't just for romance books after all.