30. Chapter 30
Chapter 30
The Lovely, Long Way Home
F red returned from the ship. As he neared the group, he could see Margaret had her kerchief out. Bless her. She had such a good heart. He learned things about her almost every hour – every minute. He walked up to her and she stood to reach for him – touch him. They walked together to where Blackwood and his daughter were seated. “Lord Fredrick, I would love to introduce you to Little Stevie girl.” Fredrick bowed to her. “Stevie, this is Lord Fredrick, Marquess of Shropshire.”
“I’m happy to meet you. You are a good friend to my Papa so I know you are a good person.” Stevie tucked her head back under Stephen’s arm.
“Excuse me for a moment. Stay here, Ginny. I need to walk to the end of the pier. I will not be long.” Fred walked two ships down to the end of the pier. He cleared his throat, looking no particular place at all.
“Linda, I wanted to let you know we found your Little Stevie girl. She is all you thought she would be. She is kind, sweet, and beautiful. I think you will be happy to know she is with her father. I’m so sorry for the life you led for her. I don’t think she will ever know, but if she did, she would be honored to have a mother who loved her like you did. God bless you. I hope you are finally at peace.” Fred started to walk back, then turned around. “One more thing Linda. The gown you had made for her is exquisite. She will be wearing it soon. I wish you could see her in it…but then…maybe you will.”
He walked back to join his lovely Ginny. “Were you speaking to someone?” Margaret asked as he twined her hands in his.
“Saying goodbye to a friend.”
“Fredrick, you are such a fine man.” He brought her hand up to his lips and kissed her palm.
“Margaret, even with today’s turn of events, I’m so happy. Is it wrong for me to feel so?”
“No, Fredrick. It is right. So very right.” She looked up at him with those emerald eyes.
“I hope Edward won’t shoot me before I enter your house. I’m sure your parents are completely overwrought.”
“I sent them a note right before we left. They may be upset, but they won’t be overwrought unless…you know. David.” Suddenly, he saw sadness in her eyes.
“I know. I wish something could be done. If perchance, some miracle cure had been available, I would have procured it. I trust Dr. Haynie. If he says nothing can be done, then nothing can be done.”
John walked over to Margaret and Fredrick. “Excuse me, if I may, could we step away for a moment.”
“Of course.” Fred took Margaret’s hand and the three walked away from the bay door.
John cleared his throat; His eyes were focused on Little Stevie girl. “I’m concerned for Little Stevie girl. She is not at all accustomed to all this activity and has never been around men. I don’t think it would be wise for Blackwood to take her back to Town immediately. She is so sweet. Almost childlike. She has not been exposed to much of anything beyond her little school.”
Margaret listened to John’s concerns. “Sitting with her for the short amount of time that I did, I realized a number of things. As you said, she has only been in the company of women. She has probably only seen a handful of men in her entire life. The only man she has ever cared about is sitting right next to her. She is accustomed to quiet, calm, and companionability with Miss Ryall and her classmates. She has no concept of a world such as London. Honestly, like you,” she looked to John, “I fear she would not thrive or even persevere in the environment of Town. Lord Blackwood has other estates that are closer to Town than Dorset, but are not Town. I think she needs to gradually acclimate to the overwhelming sights, sounds, smells, people, and constant traffic.” Margaret still had her hands entwined with Fredrick’s. He squeezed her hand at the end of her recommendations. How lucky am I to get my hands on a beautiful lady who is caring, sexy, sensuous, and smart? She is one of a kind.
Fred answered. “And I agree with you both about trying to protect her. She has been sheltered all her life. It will take time. Little steps. We can speak with Blackwood regarding his thoughts moving forward.” The three walked back to the waiting area where Stevie was nuzzled under Stephen’s arm.
Fred watched John as John gazed upon Little Stevie girl. “She is much more beautiful than I imagined. Don’t you think so, John?” John focused on Blackwood and Little Stevie girl.
“I knew she would be beautiful. She could not have been anything less.” John almost whispered. As soon as he spoke, he realized he had uttered out loud. The tips of his ears turned red . A tell . “Oh, yes. She is lovely.” He turned to face Fredrick. “We need to contact the magistrate about Thistlewood. We should not leave his body out there overnight. He will have animals feasting on him, which I think might be appropriate for Thistlewood, but the magistrate might have other ideas. And we should send a note to Lord Edward Maxwell, to let him know the man his group in Lincolnshire has been pursuing is dead.” John realized he had yet to inquire about Frank. “What did the ship’s doctor do about Frank? How long is he wanting to keep him onboard?”
“The doctor said that Frank should stay for a few days to ensure he does not contract an infection.” Fred had spent a good amount of time with the onboard physician before he left. He was confident Frank’s doctor was one of the best. The Royal Navy had the best doctors. Naval battles provided them with expertise for the treatment of many different injuries as well as diseases.
Henry had qualms about leaving Frank there alone. “I asked if Daniel or I would be able to visit while he recuperated. He said visitation would be possible. We would have to stop at the naval dock security check-in. He would have his messenger take the request out to the ship. Get the request approved, then row the guest back out to the ship. It sounds like a long process, but honestly, it is not.”
“I thought it might be best for us to all go to the coaching inn. We could check-in and ask about available transportation to Town. I’m sure they will know something. I know Henry wants to get back. I’m only supposing, but I think you would want to wait until Frank receives approval to leave. You, Margaret, Frank, and your staff could return in the Concord. I would find transportation for Henry. Then I could see about a private coach for Blackwood and Little Stevie girl.”
“That sounds like a well-thought-out plan, except you failed to put yourself into any of those coaches. Which one do you plan on taking?” Fred could bet on his answer.
“I would like to assist Lord Blackwood and Little Stevie girl with their travel. Blackwood has mentioned something about Alice Holt Forest – Buck Horn Oak. It is close enough to Town, but with a small community, I believe it ould be more comfortable for her. I can ride into Town to handle anything Blackwood wishes done. What are your thoughts?”
“I think it sounds fine, as long as it is acceptable to Lord Blackwood,” Margaret emphasized.
“Alright. We do need to think about navigating to an inn. We will all need rooms.” Fred looked at his Ginny and squeezed her hand. She looked up at him as he waggled his brows. She presented him with another giggle. He had to remember that one. He knew it meant, ‘Yes, yes, yes.’
“Yes, well, I will inform Henry. Where the hell is he?” John walked toward the Concord.
Fred turned his attention to the raven-haired beauty beside him. “As we have survived the ‘saving of Little Stevie girl’, adventure, I am now able to focus my attention on the object of my desire. I have already completely ruined you, so you may as well stay in my room for the duration of our stay here in Dorset. I have ideas that absolutely include you and a bed. What are your thoughts, sweet?”
She feigned. “I’m sooo tired…” Her hand to her forehead.
Fred’s face looked disappointed. “I understand, sweet. You can rest. I’m being selfish.”
“Fredrick. Are you mad? Yes, yes. Of course, yes!” Another giggle. Too many to catalogue . I may be able to learn them all over time…but I doubt it. He smiled.
“What is that smile about?” She adored him.
“I’m thinking of a voluptuous vixen and how badly I want to put my hands,” then he whispered, “and other things,” then he took her palm and brought it to his lips, “all over her body.” He looked so serious. “Do you know her?” And he chuckled.
They walked to the Concord to allow John the time to speak with Blackwood about the plans, contingent upon his approval. Max and Daniel leaned against the coach and Henry stood next to them, with the bottle of scotch in his hand.
“Fredrick and Margaret stood in front of the horses – Close to Margaret’s lovely bottom. Suddenly, one of the front horses nudged her backside.
“That horse best not bite what is mine, do you understand, Max?” Fred frowned up at Max.
“My lord, I can’t control what the horse finds appealing.” Max found it humorous.
“You best take care, Max. He will discharge you right here!” Daniel scolded Max.
Max gave a loud pshaw. “Not until we get back to Town. There is no other human in England that can drive this rig.”
Margaret looked at Max, with her mouth open in surprise, she then looked to Fredrick.
“My love, perhaps I would discharge him, but what he says is most definitely true.”
“Let me go back into the waiting area and see if John was able to pry Blackwood from Little Stevie girl long enough to get them to a coaching inn.” Margaret walked back toward the bay doors to see Blackwood stand up, then extend his hand to his daughter.
“We are going to a coaching inn, Papa?” Stephen loved how “Papa” spilled so easily from her lips.
“Yes, my child.” She gave out a little titter. Stephen had made her happy. Blackwood began to tear again. Margaret as well. She looked at John and she saw a tear fall. John quickly pulled his kerchief out of his waistcoat and wiped his face.
“I have never been to a coaching inn. What is it exactly?” The most curious look on her face.
“Well, it is a place where travelers go to stay when they are traveling from one place to another. Does that make sense?”
“I think so. I will be interested to see it. Are there a lot of people at this coaching inn place?” She had no frame of reference.
“I don’t think so. Why do you ask?” Blackwood feared he knew the answer.
“Do you think it is safe to be around a lot of people, Papa? Maybe not, am I right?” Which meant she feared being around a lot of people.
“I believe it is safe, but we need not spend time with a lot of people. We will have our own guest chamber. What do you think?” He looked down at his daughter and wanted to cry over all the lost years. She had been too sheltered. She knew nothing outside of her tiny school, the other eleven or twelve girls, and Miss Ryall. It would take time and effort to have her ready for Town, but he had all the time in the world.
They walked out to the coach. “Do you think this might be too big for us, Papa?” She slowed her steps as they neared the coach. Hesitant.
“No, this is a fine coach – one of the safest. See the horses?” Blackwood was being so good with her.
“Are they friendly, Papa?”
“They are indeed. Would you like to pet one?” Blackwood bent down to her level. She was very petite.
“Maybe some other time.” She put her hands behind her.
“Little Stevie girl. Come. Feel his nose. It is so soft. Like silk.” John stroked the horse’s nose to demonstrate.
“Silk? I know about silk. From the Orient. Soft. Expensive.”
“Your Papa and I will stand right next to you and you can pet the horse’s nose.”
“Alright. I’m brave, Papa.” Her eyes looked for reassurance.
“Yes, my darling girl. you are brave.” They walked to the front of the harnessed horses. “Now, reach up, easy, and pet his nose,” Blackwood instructed.
She looked at the horse. “Hi, horse. My name is Stevencia. This is my Papa and this is Lord Herbert. May I pet your nose?” As if the horse understood her, he lowered his head to her. She slowly reached her hand up to his nose. “Thank you. You have a soft nose, Mr. Horse. I bet it is like silk. Have you ever seen silk before?” The horse pawed at the ground. “No, I have never seen it either, but I bet your nose feels like it.” She stroked his nose a few more times. “Thank you, Mr. Horse. How kind of you. I will see you again soon.” She looked to Papa, then John. Both struggling to maintain their composure.
“I love you, Little Stevie girl. My daughter. My beautiful, sweet daughter.” He kissed her head and then he asked. “Are you ready to ride in the big coach?”
“Yes, Papa. You and Lord Herbert will be with me, yes?” Her eyes tracked John. “Thank you for letting me pet the nice horse. Will you come with me if I wish to pet him again?”
“I will, whenever you want. Day or night. Alright?” John already knew he would do anything for her.
“Yes, if Papa permits me. I would never want Papa to be upset with me. I would not…”
Fred looked at Margaret. “I fear it will be a long time before she trusts Stephen enough to understand he will not abandon her.”
“It is going to take time, but he appears to be up for it,” Margaret whispered.
“Henry, come on. We need to get going. We have rooms to let, I hope.” Fred pointed to Henry who still had the bottle of scotch. Fred, with his best stage whisper. “Put the bottle back in the safety basket.”
“Fred, I only needed a little for medicinal purposes.” Henry chuckled.
“Come on.” Fred took Margaret’s hand, walked her to the cabin door, and assisted her inside.
“Max, did you find out how to get to the King’s Arms Coaching Inn ?” Max had spoken to someone regarding a suitable inn close by.
“Yes, my lord. It is approximately five miles from here. On the High Street. Nice coaching inn.”
“Alright then, let us get there. Take it easy, though.” He walked up to Max and spoke quietly. “Little Stevie girl has never been in a coach before. At least not as she can recall.”
“Oh, my. Alright, my lord. I will do my best. I’m not certain of the roads.”
“I know you will do your best.”
Fred entered and sat down next to Margaret and Henry. “This should be fun for you. This is a fine coach with a lot of room. What do you think, little Stevie girl?” Fred sounded encouraging.
“I think I would like to have told Mr. Horse to be careful.”
“That is thoughtful. I’m sure he will be. He is looking forward to getting another pet from you.” Fredrick reached over and touched her hand. She had herself plastered to Blackwood. He wondered how long it would be until she felt safe enough to be out of his arm’s length.