Chapter 43
From: Darren Whitcomb
To: Truly Goodman
Re: Your Proposal
Dear Ms. Goodman,
Thank you so much for the thoughtful and well-researched presentation. It’s clear you devoted a lot of time and insight to your proposal. I wholeheartedly believe your new pub concept will be a tremendous success.
That said, my partners aren’t ready to move forward yet, but we’ll be in touch down the road. Thank you again, and we wish you success in all your endeavors.
All the best,
From: MixologistExtraordinaire at gmail
To: MixologistExtraordinaire at gmail
Re: Disappointments
Dear Truly “Don’t Let This Get You Down” Goodman,
This is the e-mail I will save. This is what I want to remember. How it feels to try something different.
Because today goes like this:
After I cry pathetic rainfalls of tears that I collect in buckets of misery, I consider calling my brother. Then Charlotte.
They’ve always been my people. They’re the ones I’d turn to.
But it’s a Sunday morning, and Charlotte is with her kids and hubby. My brother is likely busy with Sloane.
I wipe my tears, wash my face, and draw a deep breath.
I review the facts.
So what if I wanted to do a Parisian-themed place more than an English one? So what if he doesn’t want either the English pub or the Paris-type bar? So what? So fucking what?
He’s not the key to my happiness.
I will do what I’ve always done. Solve the problem. Turn down another avenue.
But maybe I don’t have to do it alone. Maybe, just maybe, there’s someone who understands me who I can turn to now.
Yes, I think there is. Time to do things differently.