Chapter 31
Truly: That went well, I’d say.
Charlotte: They won. Of course it went well. Oh, did you mean how you and Jason should be nominated for Oscars for acting like you’re friends?
Truly: It’s not an act!
Charlotte: I know. You really are good friends. Like Spencer and I were. And obviously we still are.
Truly: And now you’re husband and wife, and mommy and daddy too. :)
Charlotte: Seems we did okay. :) Point being, I didn’t smell anything fishy. Well, except for the floor of Yankee Stadium, but that’s up there with the ten surfaces on which you never want to place a purse.
Truly: Alongside the Port Authority?
Charlotte: Yes, and any men’s restroom. Including those in the Four Seasons.
Truly: Don’t forget the Ritz too.
Charlotte: Anyway, just keep on this falling-out-of-bed path and you’ll be fine. As long as you don’t slip onto his dick again, you can totally be friends forever!
Truly: Thanks for the tip. I’ll try to avoid falling onto his cock.
Charlotte: Well, you do have a history of accidentally landing on it.
Truly: Purposefully. It was a purposeful landing.
Charlotte: Own it.