Chapter 8
From the pages of Truly’s Drink Recipe Book
That One Time:
Homemade red pepper lemonade
You can still remember the way he looked that night. Cool and casual with five-o’clock shadow stubble. The way he smiled, the way he laughed—full of the connection you’ve shared with him for ages. Hell, for years. The connection you tried to deny, to ignore.
But then one weekend, you went away.
And that seemed to unlock all those crazy desires.
Caution fell to the wayside, and you gave in.
The next morning, you agreed it couldn’t happen again. But still, you keep lingering on that one time. That time you try and try to forget.
Doesn’t always work though.
When the going gets tough, when the forgetting becomes harder, there’s only one drink that’ll do the trick.
Start with gin to blur the memories and add your homemade red-pepper lemonade for that sweet oblivion. You’ll get there eventually.
Someday. Maybe someday soon.