Queen Of Tofu
A little later
Everything had worked.
It had all turned out as she’d intended.
Queen Of Tofu curled up in bed that night with the man and the woman.
Well, she waited till they were, you know, done .
They were always doing it.
All the time.
So much meowing and caterwauling and noisemaking.
But the man had learned, clearly. He’d taken his tips from Queen Of Tofu, and they’d worked.
And now she had barely needed an ounce of her charms, and the striped black cat had fallen in love with her. Here he was, leaping onto the bed, wrapping his strong body around hers, big-spooning her like the man did with the woman.
Ah, the male of the species.
They really weren’t so hard to figure out.
A bit of love, a little attention, and soon they were going on about happily ever after.
And that seemed a lot like purr-fection.