The Hockey Report
“Good Morning, Boston. I’m Colton, and this is my co-host Eliza. We’re here to bring you the Hockey Report.”
“After two away games, our boys will finally play on home ice for the first time this season,” Eliza says.
“Despite the rough way game one started,” Colton chimes in, “with the fight between Vincent Lukov and Aiden Langfield, the guys have had a great start.”
“Yes,” Eliza agrees. “Lukov is still out due to his injuries. We’re fortunate that he was the one to take the first swing. Otherwise, our star center would have likely been suspended for a few games.”
“The new D-line is incredible. Parker and Jorgenson play together like they’ve been doing it for years. I was worried there’d be hiccups after McGreevey’s retirement, but so far, the two have great chemistry. Let’s see if they can keep it up tonight against Denver.”
“Yes, tonight’s game will include a ceremony to celebrate last year’s Stanley Cup win, so I imagine McGreevey will be in attendance. I’m sure the guys will appreciate seeing him there.”
“Yes, the puck drops at seven thirty, so make sure you tune in. We’ll be back tomorrow to recap what will likely be another exciting night on the ice.”