Chapter 106
God dammit, the brat was yapping and screaming like a rabid old hound dog. He needed to snuff her out, but he wanted to take care of the last two at once. He also wanted Barbara to watch but he'd had no choice but to throw her aside before security caught him.
At least they didn't know who he was. That lying bitch Barbara still hadn't figured it out either.
Hell, the cops probably already had choppers in the air and roadblocks and state police at every border. Thankfully they had no idea where he was taking the girls.
Not to his house. He was smarter than that.
Instead, they'd die at the same hellish place where he'd grown up. Where he'd been thrown after his daddy died and he was yanked away from his home.
He jerked the steering wheel to the right, settling back on the curvy road with another curse. Nose diving the van into the ravine would surely kill the girl. It would kill him, too.
But he did not want to die. He wanted to live to see the agony on Barbara's face when she realized it was her fault her daughters had died.
Finally, he reached his destination and swerved into the graveled drive.
He'd have to go back and get Barbara. Until then he'd keep the girls here in the hell hole where he'd spent his nights as a child.