The building behind the residence holds nothing that greatly surprises Galen Vector, though it does present puzzles to be solved.
The first is in regard to the midnight-blue 1950 Ford pickup that is so well maintained it's clearly an object of pride for Vida. The woman is involved in Nash Deacon's disappearance and might be responsible as well for whatever happened to Belden Bead. There is good reason to think that both men are dead. By the evidence of her disheveled bed in an otherwise pin-neat house, Vida rose and fled as though she had somehow been warned that authorities—or in this case worse—would shortly arrive. The second parking stall is occupied by a backhoe, and there is no indication that she might have had a vehicle in addition to the '50 Ford. In fear of either the law or the vengeance of those outside the law, she should have gone on the run in the pickup, not on foot.
When Vector expresses his puzzlement, Frank Trott says, "Maybe Deacon ain't dead."
"What is he, then?"
"Maybe he thrown in with her, hot as you say she is, and they done run off together in his Trans Am."
"Doesn't compute. Nash is on the gravy train here—the power of being sheriff, Boschvark laying a wad of cash on him every week. He throws that away, what does he have?"
"Somethin' good to stick his johnson in."
"Nash is the kind to take what he wants, not the kind who goes whimpering after it like a puppy. He isn't with her, and she isn't in his car on her own, or we'd be able to track her."
Monger and Rackman have gravitated to a wall hung with tools, among which are an axe, a hatchet, a reciprocating saw, a chain saw, a power drill, and a circular saw. The two hulks stand in silent veneration that perhaps isn't inspired by a love of woodworking.
"Another thing," Vector says, stepping to the backhoe. "The dark concrete under this machine."
"Dampness. Just water," Trott says.
"No shit."
"She hosed it off outside, moved it in here, and it dripped a few hours."
"You're a regular detective."
Having no ear for sarcasm, Trott nods in self-satisfied agreement. "Well, I got experience with machines."
"She recently did some serious digging," Vector says. "We need to have a look around, see what project she undertook."