Home / The Examiner / Royal Hastings, University of London Multimedia Art MA Final Project

Royal Hastings, University of London Multimedia Art MA Final Project

Candidate name: Jemisha Badhuri

Candidate number: 0883479


For the introduction to my long essay, I’ll tell you about me.

I grew up listening to an actual radio. Not DAB . Not online. A solid-state Murphy with two giant tuners. AM and shortwave. Cracked glass dials. A scratchy fabric speaker that smelled of dust and dried ginger. It came here with my grandparents; they thought it would pick up their favourite stations wherever it was in the world, but realised too late radio doesn’t work that way. When they heard I was studying art, they said they might as well have stayed in Kharagpur, where they could at least tune in to Bangladesh Betar every day. They were only placated when Dad explained this is a multimedia art course with a strong business angle. Seriously, I’m a trailblazer in my family and I have to be, because my four older brothers never once stood up to them.

So as soon as I knew what our final project was going to be, I told Gela how perfect I’d be for project leader. Sound is my thing. I’ve listened to radios my whole life. Music stations. Talking stations. I’ve tuned in to places on the other side of the world. The whole thing fascinates me. Just this summer I took a course in sound electronics that meant I had to go to Stevenage every day for a week. That’s how committed I am.

And it’s not even the only reason I was the best person to lead this project. I know myself. I’m a racehorse: I function best at the front. I can give instructions, solve problems, motivate people, lead by example. I’m a perfect storm of confidence, talent and ability. Whatever it is, I know I can do it. The feeling is more than the words I know to describe it. I’m young, I’m here and I want it all. Everything it’s possible to get out of life – the most, the max, everything.

So Gela gives me the role of ‘financial manager’. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear both my grandparents had been bending her ear, in my grandfather’s case from beyond the grave (he died in August). I played every card I had, but ‘Jonathan is the lead and nothing will change my mind’ is all Gela would say. I mean, I guess I’m basically second-in-command. I still get hands-on experience making the actual installation, but I won’t lie: it smarts to this day.

So, as the conclusion to my introduction, I’ll say this: in the execution of this project, if anything happened that shouldn’t have – if something went wrong, and if every last one of us seems to hold a different opinion about what that was – remember: there wouldn’t have been any problems at all if I had been project manager.

Doodle message group MMAM ( FTP ), 8 January 2024:

Gela Nathaniel

Happy New Year, MMAM s! Hope everyone enjoyed the break. RD 8 were as good as their word. I’ve arrived at my desk to find an email from their museum. What’s more, they can GIVE us bags of old components they were getting rid of anyway. Some of you have mentioned how keen you are to work with salvage, for environmental reasons. Let’s discuss the visit tomorrow!

Alyson Lang

FYI , the code on the studio keypad has been changed to F4815A.

Gela Nathaniel

Are you there now?

Alyson Lang


Gela Nathaniel

Everything OK?

Alyson Lang

Yes, fine thanks, Gela.

Doodle message group [Private] Hannah and Gela, 8 January 2024:

Hannah O’Donnell

Happy New Year! The Admissions Office has nudged me. They still haven’t received diversity forms from your MMAM group.

Gela Nathaniel

Sorry! You’ve been chasing since September. It’s been frantic here, with the final project and – if you remember – some discord between students.

Hannah O’Donnell

It’s just a few boxes to tick and a signature. If they were set up to complete online I’d message on Doodle, but technology hasn’t caught up with this part of the admissions process.

Gela Nathaniel

I know. So sorry. We’ve got to organise a trip to Somerset.

Hannah O’Donnell

Our inclusion policy is under scrutiny, and they need to know who attended which school, etc., for the next prospectus.

Gela Nathaniel

Some of our students are in their forties and fifties. Does it really matter which schools they went to?

Hannah O’Donnell

It does to the university’s demographic profile.

Gela Nathaniel

You only have to look at us to see how diverse we are. That’s what matters.

Hannah O’Donnell

Perhaps hand out the forms today and get them filled in on the spot? I’ve left them in your pigeonhole.

Doodle message group MMAM ( FTP ), 8 January 2024:

Jem Badhuri

Happy New Year, everyone! Hope you all enjoyed the holidays. I’ve been listening to an amazing book about three pioneering female artists. Have any of you ever wondered if biographers will get all the facts right about you, after you’re dead?

Patrick Bright

Oh Jem! It’s never even crossed my mind. The book sounds interesting, though.

Jem Badhuri

It is. You’d love it, Pat. And you, Jonathan. I’ll play it in the car on the way to Somerset.

Jonathan Danners

The sourcing team hasn’t been finalised yet. I’ll be there, and Pat, because he’s resource coordinator, but not everyone can come. I need to chat with Gela before I make the announcement.

Doodle message group [Private] Jem and Gela, 8 January 2024:

Jem Badhuri

Gela, can you confirm I’ll be on the sourcing team? It makes sense. I’m responsible for the sound aspect of the installation – radio is my thing, I can monitor the group’s spending, and I’ve never been to Somerset before.

Doodle message group [Private] Gela and Jonathan, 10 January 2024:

Gela Nathaniel

Cameron must be part of the sourcing team. He can be your relief driver. We can’t expect Ludya to do all the driving just because it’s her vehicle.

Jonathan Danners

Really? I’ll put him on the list, but can he spare the time? He’s driving to his office every day after class. Clearly still doing his job full-time.

Gela Nathaniel

If we create an obligation to the team, it might spur him into taking a more active role and prevent him being kicked off the course. I don’t want any dropouts, for any reason.

Jonathan Danners

Hope you’re right. While we’re on the subject, Jem is still talking as if she’s coming with us. Please convince her it’s best she doesn’t. I expect we’ll go out in the evening and there’ll be alcohol. She’s not streetwise and I don’t want to be liable for her – or give that onerous responsibility to anyone else.

Gela Nathaniel

I understand. Leave it with me. I have an idea.

Doodle message group [Private] Gela and Patrick, 10 January 2024:

Gela Nathaniel

I’d like your help on a sensitive matter. Jem can’t go to Somerset. There’s no room in Ludya’s car. Could you help me spin the argument that her role is best fulfilled back here in the studio with me?

Patrick Bright

I have an even better idea. She can take my place. I don’t need to go and I hate long car journeys.

Gela Nathaniel

You most certainly do need to go, Patrick. You’re resource coordinator! It’s not merely the space issue. Jem’s never been anywhere without family hovering over her. She’d be an additional responsibility for everyone else.

Patrick Bright

She’s looking forward to it. She’ll be quite upset.

Gela Nathaniel

This is how I’ll frame it: RD 8 want her large clay-head sculpture, so we must start work on it asap. While you’re all away, she and I will collaborate on the wire base. It’s in the shape of a binaural microphone, and Jem knows better than anyone what that is. Can you promote that idea to her? Back me up?

Patrick Bright

I don’t know.

Gela Nathaniel

Thank you so, so much. I owe you.

Doodle message group [Private] Gela and Cameron, 10 January 2024:

Gela Nathaniel

Please set aside 16 and 17 January for the sourcing trip to Somerset.

Cameron Wesley


Gela Nathaniel


Doodle message group [Private] Cameron and Jonathan, 10 January 2024:

Cameron Wesley

Gela says I’m in the sourcing team and I have to go.

Jonathan Danners

Great idea. We really need you, because none of us like driving long distances – if Ludya gets tired, you can take the wheel.

Cameron Wesley

Great to know I’m valued for my comprehensive insurance.

Doodle message group [Private] Gela and Jem, 11 January 2024:

Gela Nathaniel

Jem, I’ve been wrangling the logistics. RD 8 loved your idea of the large clay replica of a binaural microphone, but as it wasn’t in our original plan, we need to crack on with the groundwork for this additional piece *asap*.

Jem Badhuri

When we come back from Somerset?

Gela Nathaniel

You and I aren’t going to Somerset. The needs of the team are best met if we stay in the studio and focus on the project.

Jem Badhuri

But the team will be given salvage materials. I need to be there to examine them.

Gela Nathaniel

A bag of discarded components can easily be sorted here. I’ve got a two-day schedule for us. We’ll have breakfast in the Aviator, then spend the first morning constructing a framework to hold the sculpture and protect it in the studio. I’ll take you for lunch at the Orangery – you won’t have been there, it’s the formal academic dining room – and in the afternoon we’ll concentrate on starting the wire base.

Doodle message group [Private] Jem and Patrick, 11 January 2024:

Jem Badhuri

Gela says I can’t go to Somerset with the rest of you. She wants me to work on the installation with her.

Patrick Bright

Well, she must value your skills, to want you there at ground level. I don’t blame her, Jem – your work in clay so far has been exceptional, and the giant head-shaped thing is all your creative vision.

Jem Badhuri

That giant head-shaped thing is a replica binaural microphone in clay. You’re right, no other artist on this course has my passion for sculpture. Gela said she’ll take me for lunch at the Orangery. If she orders wine, I might get some gossip out of her.

Patrick Bright

The Orangery? Students can only eat there if invited by a member of academic staff. That’s more than an honour, Jem. And yes, you find out the gossip from Gela, and I’ll report back on the trip – we can have a full debriefing session afterwards!

Jem Badhuri

Excellent idea! Thank you, Patrick – that’s a date!

Doodle message group [Private] Jem and Gela, 11 January 2024:

Jem Badhuri

It’ll just be you and me?

Gela Nathaniel

Yes. And on the second day, when the team is on its way home, we’ll have brunch together and clear some space ready for the fabric tunnel. It should be a productive and pleasant couple of days.

Jem Badhuri

That’s a date!

To: MMAM ( FTP )

From: Gela Nathaniel

Date: 12 January 2024

Subject: Sourcing trip to Somerset

Dear all,

Before it gets old, I’ll say Happy New Year for the last time. Now, work on our final project truly begins!

I’d like to reiterate the importance of collaboration and sharing ideas, skills, time and expertise. As project leader, Jonathan is responsible for assembling sub-teams to complete tasks as and when they arise. The sourcing team consists of Jonathan, Patrick, Ludya, Alyson and Cameron. The team will drive to Thorney Coffin on 16 January, visit the company’s collection of vintage radios for design inspiration and pick up the salvage items the staff have set aside for us. They will stay overnight at a Travel Inn and return home the following day, delivering the items to Royal Hastings on Thursday. Ludya has already submitted her receipt for a rapid vehicle charge.

Meanwhile Jem and I will start the structural centrepiece of the installation. While the event takes place in May and this is January, I must remind you that RD 8 will need to see and approve our work well in advance of the launch date, and it is their prerogative to request changes and amendments as we go.

I expect you to keep detailed records – ideally a diary – of your work for the final project. This will remind you of what happened and when, so you’re not lost for detail when you write your long essay. Doodle has a diary function: please use it. I cannot recommend strongly enough that you do this work as you go along.

Good luck to the sourcing team. We’ll see you on Thursday!


Doodle message group MMAM ( FTP ), 15 January 2024:

Jonathan Danners

Hello, team. This is to finalise plans for our sourcing trip to RD 8’s facility in Somerset tomorrow. Ludya has kindly volunteered to drive Alyson, Patrick, Cameron and me. She has a very comfortable electric peoplecarrier that will easily seat all five of us.

Ludya Parak

I’ll need a hand getting the child seats out. And, Jem, that invoice must be paid asap or my kids starve.

Jonathan Danners

We’re booked into the Yeovil Travel Inn overnight. Thanks to Patrick and Jem for sorting accommodation near to where Ludya can charge the people-carrier overnight.

Jem Badhuri

I’ve got your invoice, Ludya. Dad will help me do the bank transfer tonight.

Patrick Bright

It’s not quite The Ritz, but there’s a garage across the way and Tripadvisor says it has a Costa Coffee vending machine and a pastry shelf. I’m thinking of breakfast.

Jonathan Danners

Alyson has spoken to Polly – Mae’s PA at RD 8 – who, in turn, is liaising with the Somerset facility.

Alyson Lang

She said even though they’re very busy, short-staffed and usually closed on Tuesdays, they’ll give up their own time and open especially for us.

Patrick Bright

That’s nice.

Alyson Lang

That’s classic passive-aggression.

Jonathan Danners

Finally, Cameron is our relief driver, if and when required. See you all, 9 a.m. sharp. Let’s do this.

Jem Badhuri

Good luck to the sourcing team. Can’t wait to examine the goodies you bring back.

Patrick Bright

Thank you, Jem. We’ll keep the home-team up to speed with our progress every step of the way.

Jonathan Danners

We won’t have time to keep anyone in the loop. See you Thursday.

Ludya Parak

You three: when I arrive at Tooting Broadway Station, get ready for a running jump. There’s no parking.

Alyson Lang

Sweet-talked the OH into dropping me off.

Jem Badhuri

By ‘OH’, do you mean your husband, Alyson?

Alyson Lang


Jonathan Danners

I’ll be there. Patrick?

Patrick Bright

Think I might have a cold starting. If it gets worse, I’ll cry off. Will text Ludya.

Jem Badhuri

Oh no! Pat, hope you’re OK. I’ve got my fingers crossed you’re better in the morning.

Cameron Wesley

I’ll need extra luggage space. Bringing two laptops. There’d better be 5G in that neck of the woods.

Doodle message group [Private] Jem and Patrick, 15 January 2024:

Jem Badhuri

Hope you’re not ill tomorrow, Pat. I want all the gossip from the trip.

Patrick Bright

Thought I’d mention it, in case.

Jem Badhuri

Alyson’s husband is dropping her off for a night away with Jonathan. Do you think he suspects anything?

Patrick Bright

I have absolutely no idea, Jem. That pair is a mystery to me.

Doodle message group [Private] Jem and Patrick, 16 January 2024:

Jem Badhuri

Morning, Pat! Are you awake? Hope you’re feeling better. Are you still going?

Patrick Bright

Morning, Jem. Yes, I’m going. Don’t be too disappointed to miss it. I’m sure it’ll be dull as ditchwater.

Jem Badhuri

Aw, thanks, but I’m not disappointed. It’s only overnight. Gela and I can get to know each other. Anyway, my dad hates me being away from home.

Patrick Bright

Thank goodness Ludya and Cameron are designated drivers. It’s a long haul down to Somerset and back.

Jem Badhuri

Is it? I’ve never been. But there are no prizes for guessing why Ludya volunteered to drive. Dad says she must’ve charged up a lorry, from the size of receipt she handed in.

Patrick Bright

Well, she has one of those electric people-carriers. And I thought she was short of cash!

Jem Badhuri

Do you think she lied about her income to get her course fees paid?

Patrick Bright

Has Jonathan spoken to you about a roll of fabric for the tunnel? Apparently it should be delivered to the studio today. He probably mentioned it to Gela.

Jem Badhuri

I have no idea. Even though I’m financial manager, he always speaks to Gela, not me.


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