Home / The Examiner / Coursework Module Assignment Two Tutor’s Report, 7 November 2023

Coursework Module Assignment Two Tutor’s Report, 7 November 2023

Brief: Write an introduction to you, both as an artist and as a person. Imagine your essay as the first few paragraphs of a speculative email to a prospective employer (300 – 450 words).

Overview: For Assignment Two I gave the MA group a short writing task designed to mimic the type of brief email-pitch they will send out frequently in the real world. Many of the students are unused to expressing themselves in words, and in some cases this showed. However, we discussed the shortcomings of each during our role-play exercise, where we created an interview-style panel for each student in turn. The upshot was a lively and productive learning environment that saw everyone grow in confidence and ability.

Jemisha Badhuri

My name is Jemisha Badhuri. I am twenty-one years old. I achieved a BA with first-class Honours in Fine Art from West Middlesex. Unlike everyone else on this course, I have a career ahead of me. Not behind me, like Patrick. And I’m not taking it because my design business is on the rocks, like Ludya, or because it’s cheaper to steal use college art materials than buy my own, like Patrick says Alyson does. I’m also conscientious and engaged, unlike Cameron, who is combining this course with another job and probably doing neither very well.

I plan to work as a commercial sculptor and soundscape producer. The moment I touched a piece of clay, in primary school at the age of five, I knew it! This is my medium. No doubt, as my brothers like to tell me, because it’s a power trip. You can bend and shape clay any way you want. Say there are things you can’t control in other areas of your life – and if you’ve got four older brothers, believe me, this is a real possibility – then at least you are master of that piece of clay. Once you’ve manipulated and fired it, good or bad, it will be that way for ever.

I discovered the potential of sound more recently. My BA course didn’t teach it and I’ve sent a long letter to the head of department there explaining why it should be included in the curriculum. Having said that, because so few artists realise sound is even a thing, I’ll have an advantage when I start my new business. I’ll make sculptures for corporate organisations and complement them with soundscapes. It’s the best of all worlds: clay can be anything you want it to be – sound is everything you could possibly imagine.

If you decide to employ me for the commission that I’m pretending exists for this essay, you will get a hard-working and creative 3D artist who thinks outside the box. But I also think inside the box, if that’s what you want. Because I know being a commercial sculptor means bending and shaping your artistic vision to your clients’ needs. For the duration of our time working together I will bend and shape my substantial creative powers to you. In short, I am the best person for this job.

Tutor’s Report

Initially I rejected this essay because it contained an unsubstantiated accusation against another student. Ms Badhuri subsequently changed the word ‘steal’ to ‘use’ and resubmitted the work. While I appreciate the student’s willingness and ability to apply her skills to her client’s needs, I felt the essay was a missed opportunity to examine more deeply her inspirations and motivations, which would help a potential employer understand and engage with her artistic direction. Jem was made aware of the pitfalls of negative marketing when I asked her to read out her essay to the class. While one sells oneself in an interview, it should never be at the expense of other candidates. Such comments reflect far worse on the person making them. Grade: C

Patrick Bright

How difficult is this? I haven’t written proper sentences and paragraphs for years. I’ll introduce myself and why I applied for this course. I was born in Schull, which is on the south-west coast of Ireland and it’s pronounced ‘skull’, as in cranium. It’s a beautiful place, but I joined a friend who was going to work in London – this is in the late 80s. I got a job at an art-supplies shop and I’m still there. When the owner retired, I used my inheritance and bought him out. It’s in an old parade of shops dating back to the Middle Ages in a back street by Leicester Square. It’s called Modern Art. Terrible name, but it was opened in the 60s and its reputation is so strong, why change? I’ve always sketched and painted on the side, but at my age it’s now or never. A few things happened and they made me think about what I should do for the rest of my life. I realised I want to give up the shop and become an artist, for a few years before I retire. Just to have done it, you know?

Gela was an occasional customer. It was ages before I realised she was a tutor at Royal Hastings. During one of our chats I mentioned my dream of working for myself, going back to Schull, living by the sea. She suggested I apply for this MA . It sounded good. I wanted to approach my art from a commercial angle, simply to sustain it. The commitment is only a year and, with the two good shop girls I’ve got now, I can run the store alongside the coursework.

Tutor’s Report

Patrick introduced himself well, but failed to sell his artistic skills or his approach to work. It would be hard to see why a potential client would choose him over a candidate with greater insight into their own professional offering and greater marketing skills. Grade: C–

Jonathan Danners

I like to think I would have studied for a BA in Fine Art at the usual time, but it wasn’t to be. So I’ve come back to education relatively late in life. I’m thirty-one and the last decade has been challenging. My mother was seriously ill during my A-levels, so I gave up a uni place to look after her while my father ran the family art gallery. It’s a small place in Gloucestershire, but it has a good reputation. My mother passed away ten years ago, even though she had overcome the cancer, so the doctors said, but her immune system was weakened and she contracted pneumonia.

My father was devastated because they’d always run the place together and he was convinced she’d recover. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the last tragedy. My sister had very complex health needs from birth. She was always part of the family, even though from her early teens she lived in residential care. Whether it was connected to my mother passing away we’ll never know, but my sister had a sudden decline and after a couple of months she too passed away.

By this time I was running the gallery with Dad and, strangely enough, it was a very successful time, despite all that went on behind the scenes. We launched several local artists and hosted some exhibitions straight from London. I started to look at BA courses, but had to put that aside again when my father was diagnosed with a heart and lung condition.

He took a back seat during his treatment, while I ran the gallery full-time. It was years before he was well enough to come back. I’m cautiously happy to say that, for the time being anyway, his condition is improved and he’s feeling better than ever. I know it played on his mind that I’d missed out on my uni years, and he was very keen for me to go back and complete my education. That determination got him through some of the darker times.

When I came to apply for a course I was more than a decade older than most BA students and, rather than study with people from another generation, I decided to opt for a more commercial programme. That’s why I chose the Multimedia MA .

Tutor’s Report

Jonathan’s essay was certainly very personal. However, it did little to sell his work to a prospective employer. In our group exercise Jonathan was encouraged to use his experiences as a springboard, but to avoid coming across as maudlin or appearing to play the sympathy card. Grade: C

Alyson Lang

See the special-consideration form I sent to Hannah.

Tutor’s Report

Alyson detailed her personal reasons for not completing this assignment. Her grade is based on the quality of her previous work. Grade: B

Ludya Parak

I’m a fast, creative graphic designer with fifteen years’ experience in many diverse organisations and for a wide range of products and services. I started my career in the design department of a film distribution company, working on posters and DVD covers for world markets.

I went freelance in 2010 and focused my skills on UK -based FMCG . Brands I’ve worked with include Persil, KitKat, Nivea and Heinz. My integrated social-media push for Night-Night Nappies won Best Online in Vision magazine’s Advertising Awards 2018. The brand generated a 72% uptick in consolidated sales for the duration of the campaign.

What I will bring to your product or service is my unique brand of original thinking and many years’ experience working with new media to deliver your brand message directly to your future customers. I am now studying for an MA in Multimedia Art. This is to build on my skills and help usher in a new personal era of creativity and inspiration. There is no better person to hire for your next award-winning campaign, and no better time to hire me.

Tutor’s Report

Despite being shorter than the required word count, Ludya’s essay proved to be a lesson in effective, succinct personal marketing. She was also an outstanding interview candidate. Her experience of pitching herself and her work in the real world showed. Grade: A–

Cameron Wesley

Cameron Wesley studied marketing and promotions at Greenwich Institute of Marketing. Cameron Wesley has vast experience in team management. Cameron Wesley can motivate people to maximise sales and operations in a progressive lean environment. Cameron Wesley is equally exceptional as a team member and as a leader.

Cameron Wesley has acknowledged and addressed some personal shortcomings in his current role and, rather than fight them, has decided to take positive steps and move his career sideways from team management to creative. Cameron Wesley recognises that, in the long term, this route provides greater personal fulfilment and financial returns. That’s why I’m doing this course.

Tutor’s Report

Not only is Cameron’s essay too short, but it fails to deliver the task set by the assignment and displays an over-reliance on business-speak, with a complete absence of personal communication. More than this, it is lifted directly from the archived personnel page of a company he worked for six years ago and has been poorly edited – he deleted the bullet points but failed to remove the repetitions of his full name. While Cameron was an excellent interview candidate with boundless confidence, his style is more suited to middle management than to freelance presentation of artistic work. His grade reflects his non-completion of the essay. Grade: Ungraded

Doodle message group [Private] Hannah and Cameron, 7 November 2023:

Hannah O’Donnell

Hi Cameron. Just to let you know, the work you submitted for Assignment Two is set to be ungraded. What we do in this situation is give you the opportunity to rewrite and resubmit that work. It’s nothing to worry about, but we need to organise it as soon as possible, so you don’t fall behind the group.

Cameron Wesley

When’s the deadline?

Hannah O’Donnell

This Friday.

Cameron Wesley

No can do. Can the mark stay?

Hannah O’Donnell

Well, yes. But coursework is half your final grade, and most students like to maximise their grades as they go along.

Cameron Wesley

Balls! Just let it stay.

Doodle message group [Private] Jem and Patrick, 7 November 2023:

Patrick Bright

Well done, Jem. Great work!

Jem Badhuri

Thanks, Pat! You too. I really enjoyed the role-play.

Patrick Bright

I wish you hadn’t mentioned me in relation to all that business about Alyson and the stock cupboard. I only helped you with some prices, that’s all.

Jem Badhuri

OMG Cameron! His essay was terrible, and his interview so evasive. Yet when he talks, everyone listens. He’s like a politician.

Patrick Bright

Surely underneath it all he’s as insecure as the rest of us.

Jem Badhuri

I’m not insecure. But I’m not like Cameron, either.

Patrick Bright

Did anything strike you as odd during the role-play? Alyson said she studied at Gonville, then quickly corrected herself to St Martins. She and Gela laughed, like it was an in-joke.

Jem Badhuri

Alyson didn’t even write anything for this assignment. Well, I managed to slip a couple of remarks into my essay. Do you think anyone noticed?

Doodle message group MMAM ( FTP ), 7 November 2023:

Alyson Lang

For the record, Patrick, I don’t work overnight here just to use materials and equipment. I’m a night owl. It’s how I work.

Patrick Bright

Jem was joking, weren’t you, Jem? Very funny!

Jem Badhuri

Phew! I really enjoyed the role-play, but I was more nervous than I thought. Gela was a tough interviewer. Thought I did well, especially as I’m the youngest. Ludya was amazing, but then she’s been promoting herself for years, so it was hardly a stretch for her.

Ludya Parak


Jonathan Danners

Glad that’s over. Big shout out to Alyson, Cameron and Ludya. All three of you are ace at interviews. I felt embarrassed the whole time. Ridiculous really. I’ve interviewed so many people myself.

Jem Badhuri

Your story is so tragic people might employ you out of sympathy.

Patrick Bright

Jonathan did great. Useful exercise, no? We got to make mistakes in a safe space. You’re right, Jonathan. It made me think of all the girls I’ve interviewed for the shop. Hope I wasn’t too fearsome.

Doodle message group [Private] Jem and Ludya, 7 November 2023:

Jem Badhuri

Hi Ludya! Do you fancy going for lunch or a coffee in the Aviator? On me.

Ludya Parak


Jem Badhuri

We haven’t spoken much on the course and it would be great to know each other better.

Ludya Parak


Jem Badhuri

And Assignment Three requires work in 2D, which is not my forte, to say the least. I have a few questions.

Doodle message group MMAM ( FTP ), 13 November 2023:

Alyson Lang

My portfolio has gone. I left it on the shelf under my studio table on Thursday. It wasn’t there when I got in this morning. It’s a black leather case with a metallic sticker of a skull on one corner. Please tell me one of you has picked it up and kept it for me.

Jem Badhuri

I’d never leave anything in the studio overnight, personally.

Alyson Lang

I didn’t leave it there, I forgot to pick it up when I went home. It has my sketchbook and other personal items.

Patrick Bright

Sorry, no. Have you asked Hannah? It may have been handed in. Or the technicians? They might have put it safely aside somewhere.

Doodle message group [Private] Alyson and Hannah, 13 November 2023:

Alyson Lang

Has anyone handed in a large black portfolio bag? Metallic skull-sticker on one corner. Left in the MA studio. I asked the technicians. They haven’t seen it.

Hannah O’Donnell

Nothing yet, but I’ve only just got in. Was there anything valuable in it?

Alyson Lang

Yes! My sketchbook. And various personal items.

Hannah O’Donnell

We don’t recommend leaving anything of value in the studio. Fingers crossed it turns up.

Doodle message group [Private] Gela and Alyson, 13 November 2023:

Gela Nathaniel

Hannah says you’ve lost something?

Alyson Lang

My portfolio, FFS . It was on the shelf under my table. I never leave anything in the studio and the one time I do, it fucking disappears!

Gela Nathaniel

What was in it?

Alyson Lang

What do you think? Work.

Gela Nathaniel

If an outsider were to come across it, would that be a huge problem?

Alyson Lang

It would depend who they were. Yes, probably.

Gela Nathaniel

There’s no point panicking. Sit tight. Carry on as normal.

Message group: 2024 Examiners, 30 May 2024

Tilda Ricci

Ben, I’ve read pages and pages of this. Can you tell me briefly what the problem is?

Ben Sketcher

This is just how the course started. Tensions fester, grow and come to a head during the final project.

Tilda Ricci

Yes, the ‘real’ commission, funded by a local company.

Ben Sketcher

They constructed an interactive sculpture, an artistic ‘installation’ for a corporate function.

Karen Carpenter

That’s it! I had the details, now where did I put them?

Ben Sketcher

If possible, I want to attend that event.

Karen Carpenter

It’s too posh for the likes of us!

Tilda Ricci

That’s above and beyond. You only need to check the grades aren’t too high or low.

Karen Carpenter

Found it! But it’s a private do, Ben. Sorry. It says ‘Invitation only’.

Tilda Ricci

When is it?

Karen Carpenter

30 May.

Ben Sketcher

That’s right. Tonight.

Doodle message group MMAM ( FTP ), 14 November 2023:

Alyson Lang

Panic over. Portfolio turned up unscathed. Thanks, Gela.

Gela Nathaniel

Everyone, please take care of your personal things while in the studio. Alyson was lucky a BA student found it and brought it to the staffroom.

Doodle message group [Private] Jem and Patrick, 14 November 2023:

Jem Badhuri

Have you noticed something?

Patrick Bright

Are you gossiping, Ms Badhuri?

Jem Badhuri

Yes. About Jonathan and Alyson.

Patrick Bright

Ah, you mean when they refused to wine and dine the industry guest? Gela didn’t like that at all. I’ve not seen her so worked up.

Jem Badhuri

The funny thing is they *both* objected to taking the guest out and snapped at Gela. Last night, when I was waiting for Dad, they were together in the studio. From my little spot by the door I could hear them discussing Assignment Three. They were really friendly and chatty. What do you make of that?

Patrick Bright

I don’t know.

Jem Badhuri

A few weeks ago they spoke to each other in single words, if at all. If they could avoid each other, they did. It’s been like that since Alyson set fire to his assignment. But TBH he should’ve thanked her – he resubmitted and got a C, when Gela point-blank refused to let anyone else improve their grade that way. Jonathan seems to have forgotten that now.

Patrick Bright

What did you think of the industry guest then? Nice old fellow?

Jem Badhuri

He has a gallery, but then so does Jonathan, and he’s the least talented student on this course.

Patrick Bright

Ah, now that’s not so.

Jem Badhuri

That’s what Gela thinks. You can hear the awkwardness in her voice when she talks about his work.

Patrick Bright

He’s one of the least experienced. He’ll catch up.

Jem Badhuri

How did he get on this course? Gela selected me. She came to my degree show. A hundred students were exhibiting their work, but it was me she noticed and invited to apply.

Patrick Bright

That’s nice. I imagine Gela has to balance things. The designers who want to improve their art and the artists who want to commercialise their work. That’s before you get to the clashes of personality!

Jem Badhuri

Clashes of personality? OMG ! What have you noticed?

Patrick Bright

Oh, just big characters, lots of talent and ambition. But everything will shake down for the final project, I’m sure. It’s a group effort, so we’ll have to get along for that.

To: MMAM ( FTP )

From: Gela Nathaniel

Date: 14 November 2023

Subject: Final Project

Dear all,

I trust you’re approaching the closing stages of Assignment Three. Before Christmas we’ll work together on a collective pitch for the final project. This is the main, collaborative assignment that accounts for 50% of your final mark. You’ll work on a real-world professional installation, then write your own personal account of the project – a document we call ‘the long essay’.

I’m delighted to say that a local company, RD 8 Systems Ltd, which delivers cloud-based solutions, has agreed to hear our pitch for their launch of a new technology next spring. From now until the end of term we’ll work on and rehearse our pitch, ready for a group presentation in front of their panel on Tuesday 12 December. Please ensure this date is in your Doodle Diary and every other calendar you have. Exciting times!


Doodle message group MMAM ( FTP ), 14 November 2023:

Jem Badhuri

What’s a cloud-based solution? Rain?

Patrick Bright

Ha-ha! It’s gobbledegook!

Jem Badhuri

What’s gobble de gook? A ‘solution’? Must be some sort of liquid.

Patrick Bright

Gobbledegook means nonsense talk.

Cameron Wesley

RD 8 develops systems that integrate radio-frequency identification and wireless-communication technology with internet applications to optimise security and mobility.

Patrick Bright

Sounds like you know all about this, Cameron.

Jonathan Danners

He’s copied and pasted from the company website. Basically, they combine old (radio) and new (internet) technologies so that things like credit-card payments work on-the-move.

Jem Badhuri

Radio? That’s awesome. I LOVE radio. My whole family too. I’ve been listening to the radio all my life.

Alyson Lang

What’s Gela thinking? Could she have found a duller company in a more obscure industry?

Ludya Parak

Dream job. Geeks and nerds don’t know a single damn thing about design. Give them any old shit and they’re happy.

Alyson Lang

Because they don’t appreciate aesthetics. What’s the ecological profile of this company? Are they committed to human rights?

Patrick Bright

Wikipedia says they developed early weapons systems, back in the day.

Alyson Lang

Exactly. I’d rather spend my time helping an ambitious start-up, a charity or a company with a genuine altruistic vision. At the very least, an organisation that appreciates the hard work and talent that goes into a creative project.

Ludya Parak

I’d rather work with a company that has the MONEY.

Jem Badhuri

Do we get paid?

Cameron Wesley

It’s a sponsorship deal. I’ve worked with colleges before. Big enthusiasm, small invoices, juicy tax breaks. Happy days!

Jem Badhuri

If this is a real job, shouldn’t we get the money for it, not the department? What do you think, Alyson? It’s only fair.

Patrick Bright

I imagine there are legal restrictions on that, Jem.

Jem Badhuri

Still, it’s really exciting. Wait till I tell my dad!

Doodle message group [Private] Patrick and Jem, 15 November 2023:

Patrick Bright

How are you getting along with Assignment Three? Need a shoulder to cry on?

Jem Badhuri

No. I’m almost done.

Patrick Bright

I badly need a hand with that software. It’s quite the mystery.

Jem Badhuri

If you need help, just ask.

Patrick Bright

How kind of you, young Jem! Thank you.

Jem Badhuri

Not me. Tony the technician. I heard Jonathan say how good he is with FlowHand. I’m too busy with my own assignment.

To: Gela Nathaniel

From: Griff Technician (Maintenance)

Date: 16 November 2023

Subject: Studio policy

Dear Mrs Nathaniel,

Your MA student Alyson was talking to a lady in the studio this morning. This lady left out of the rear doors as I arrived. She wasn’t from our department and the snippet of conversation I overheard was of a personal nature. May I draw your attention to the regulations that stipulate no one outside the department – staff, students and registered guests – is allowed onto college property. This includes the studios, all outbuildings and storage facilities.

I assume this unofficial guest gained access via the overflow car park, where there is a gap in the fence. Please can you impress upon your students that college property is not a suitable venue for an all-night drinking session.

The empty wine bottles have been recycled.


To: Griff Technician (Maintenance)

From: Gela Nathaniel

Date: 16 November 2023

Subject: Re: Studio policy

I’m so sorry Griff. Alyson barely drinks at all, so who this mysterious guest was, I don’t know. As you say, it’s not allowed and I’ll make sure she and the other MA students are fully aware of college rules.


Doodle message group [Private] Gela and Alyson, 16 November 2023:

Gela Nathaniel

You had someone in the studio overnight. Who was it?

Alyson Lang

It doesn’t matter.

Gela Nathaniel

Unregistered guests are expressly not allowed on college premises. It’s a particular problem when maintenance staff have to clear away wine bottles. What were you doing?

Alyson Lang

It won’t happen again.

Gela Nathaniel

Please ensure that is the case.

Doodle message group [Private] Jonathan and Gela, 17 November 2023:

Jonathan Danners

Gela, I think you should know something about Assignment Three.

Gela Nathaniel

If you want to tell me, go on.

Jonathan Danners

I don’t want it getting back to me and causing trouble. It’s just when I see something that’s wrong on every level, I want to put it right.

Gela Nathaniel

You have my word.

Jonathan Danners

Basically, Jem is a 3D artist, clay and sound are her comfort zones, while 2D isn’t her bag. She knows she’s going to get a mediocre grade … I’m afraid she’s paid Ludya to do the 2D part of her assignment.

Gela Nathaniel

How much?

Jonathan Danners

I don’t know. It must’ve been a couple of hundred, surely? Else it wouldn’t have been worth Ludya’s time and risk.

Gela Nathaniel

Did they work together? Did Jem tell Ludya what she wanted and Ludya created it?

Jonathan Danners

Well, to an extent. But the vision and skillset are Ludya’s, not Jem’s. I wouldn’t say anything if I didn’t think it was detrimental to the group and against the spirit of the MMAM course.

Gela Nathaniel

Thank you for telling me, Jonathan. You did the right thing.

Doodle message group [Private] Gela and Ludya, 17 November 2023:

Gela Nathaniel

How much did Jem pay you to do half her assignment? Don’t deny it. I know she did.

Ludya Parak

Who told you?

Gela Nathaniel

Never mind that. How much did you get?

Ludya Parak

£300. Her dad paid it, obvs. I’m a professional. I don’t turn work down. Kids need to eat and I need my own FlowHand 11. The code Cameron gave me for the online version is years out of date. Anyway, it’s much less than I’d usually charge. Mates’ rates and all that.

Gela Nathaniel


Ludya Parak

Yes, cash. What of it? What are you going to say, Gela? Nothing.


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