Home / The Examiner / Royal Hastings, University of London Multimedia Art MA Final Project

Royal Hastings, University of London Multimedia Art MA Final Project

Candidate name: Jonathan Danners

Candidate number: 0883482

Sourcing materials:

What RD 8’s regional base in Somerset lacks in size, it makes up for in intrigue. We were struck by its remoteness. The stark, industrial grey block of a building. The lack of a workforce. No one else noticed, but while we were manoeuvring down tiny country lanes, our eyes peeled for signs of civilisation, we passed through a set of steel gates, fully open and strangely blended into the undergrowth. I take it our approach had been seen from miles away and our imminent arrival expected.

There were just three parking spaces in front of the building, two occupied by instantly forgettable cars. Ludya parked in the third, and so began a pleasant visit that would end in chaos.

History in the making:

This is where RD 8 not only maintain their own company records and data going back decades, but also curate a private collection of vintage radios and other communications equipment – their own and that of manufacturers from around the world. It’s set up like a museum, one that almost no one visits, despite the curator’s claim.

We were shown into a darkened room. Low lighting protects the old materials from UV degradation, while temperature and humidity are closely controlled and monitored. It’s a level of protection most museums and galleries can only dream of.

We were assured that bags of salvaged materials would be waiting for us to take away. Then we were left alone to explore the museum. In the entire history of twentieth-century communications there cannot be a type of radio or transmitter that RD 8 haven’t collected, restored and displayed in that huge room. Stunning.

Conflict and compromise:

From there we found a pub for dinner, where we stayed drinking and chatting until gone 9 p.m. After that, things stopped running smoothly. We arrived at the Travel Inn to find Jem had cancelled our rooms and booked us all into one family room. There were no other hotel rooms for miles around. A couple of us wanted to drive home there and then, but Ludya didn’t, and it’s her car. The rest of us had had too much to drink.

There was a reasonable tide of opinion that Cameron shouldn’t have had any alcohol, knowing he was the relief driver. He explained that he didn’t realise he’d have to drive that night, as the room issue hadn’t yet arisen. Things got very heated. Ludya was crying because she felt pressured into driving home.

In the end, she drove us all to the nearest petrol station. I bought a pack of home breathalyser tests and we all drove back to wait in the family room for one of us to test safe for driving. Finally, at five to midnight, Cameron tested safe. After waiting for a bit longer to account for a potential margin of error in the test, we all got into the people-carrier and he drove back.

To: Gela Nathaniel

From: Mae Blackwell

Date: 18 January 2024

Subject: Somerset

Dear Gela,

I’ve heard from the Thorney Coffin site. Your MA group descended on them as planned. Hopefully the inspiration gained and materials collected will be worth the trip.

I feel you should know – just in case the students don’t tell you themselves – that apparently there was a small scuffle and our staff had to break it up. I’m sure it’s nothing more than fuses running short after a long journey, but some of the exhibits are very delicate, so the students involved were escorted to reception to calm down.

They were both very apologetic afterwards, so we allowed them to continue their visit, but I feel you should be aware, in case the disagreement finds its way back to Royal Hastings.

Thank you again for working with us on our big launch. We can’t wait to see what your class comes up with for the installation!

Yours sincerely,

Mae Blackwell

To: Mae Blackwell

From: Gela Nathaniel

Date: 18 January 2024

Subject: Re: Somerset

Dear Mae,

I am so sorry to hear my students were brawling in the museum – and after you were kind enough to invite them. The news hadn’t reached me. It seems they decided to keep that aspect of the trip under the radar. All I can do is apologise. The group is full of strong personalities with lots of creative ideas, so emotions can run high. I’ll have a word with them and ensure there will be no repeat of such behaviour.



Doodle message group [Private] Gela and Cameron, 18 January 2024:

Gela Nathaniel

I’ve heard from Mae. There was a ‘scuffle’ at the museum. What happened, and why haven’t you mentioned it?

Cameron Wesley

Didn’t think it was relevant.

Gela Nathaniel

Of course it’s relevant!

Cameron Wesley

Look, it was nothing. Over in seconds, they apologised and patched things up. I’m not telling tales.

Gela Nathaniel

It’s your job to tell tales. Kiss-kiss.

Cameron Wesley


Patrick Bright’s Doodle Diary, 18 January 2024:

I wondered at the time what secret they were keeping. Is this all it was? An old radio stolen from our client’s private museum? I can’t help thinking it was pure devilment. The excitement. Did Ludya kick off when she saw Alyson sneak a radio under her coat? Or did Alyson dare Jonathan to steal something and he did it to please her? That relationship is a strange one.

One thing’s certain: there’s no hiding anything from Jem. She found the radio and now wants us to try and get a sound out of it while everyone else is in the bar at lunchtimes. She’s usually on her own in the studio then, and I can’t help but wonder if she wants the company. It can’t hurt, can it? Their liquid lunch gets longer every day, so today, as soon as we were alone, we dragged the radio out and had a good look at it.

Jem said it’s even older than her grandparents’ radio that came from India in the 70s. We switched it on, but all we got was white noise. The dials and tuner window were blank, so we had no idea what wavelength it was on. Time ran out and we shoved it back in the cupboard. I told Jem not to breathe a word about it, in case Gela found out and objected – at the back of my mind was the suspicion that we shouldn’t have it here at all.

Conscious one of the others might wonder, I wrote a note on it: ‘Jem and I are trying to get this to work, with a view to including it in the installation. Only white noise at mo, but haven’t tried properly yet. Hope that’s OK.’

Doodle message group [Private] Jonathan and Ludya, 19 January 2024:

Jonathan Danners

Shit shit shit!

Ludya Parak

WTF now?

Jonathan Danners

I’m in the studio sorting stuff out. Pat and Jem found the unit.

Ludya Parak

How, FFS ? I hid it on the bottom shelf at the very back of the darkest cupboard. You can’t see shit in there, and Patrick has at least one plastic knee.

Jonathan Danners

I guess Jem found it. They want to use it in the installation.

Ludya Parak

Can’t deal with this. I have enough to worry about right now.

Jonathan Danners

You need to come in asap. Leave the kids with a neighbour or something, but get here.

To: Gela Nathaniel

From: Griff Technician (Maintenance)

Date: 19 January 2024

Subject: Mess

What are your MA students up to in that studio? The devastation when I came in this morning was beyond the pale. Again, despite my email after last time, something has been burned. There was ash in the sink and melted plastic stuck to the drainer in the cutting room. We had all better hope that comes off.

Outside, another shocking mess awaited me, with that nice fabric you bought for your installation torn up and stuffed in one of the big bins. It only arrived a couple of days ago, yet must’ve been in there a while, judging by the rubbish on top of it. I started to drag it out, but saw it was smeared with either brown paint or dried blood, so left it for you to deal with. I still remember the dead-pig incident of 2008.

If binning that fabric was a mistake, someone had better retrieve it before tomorrow morning (early), because that’s when the bin men come. I’ve instructed Tony and Rita to leave well alone.


To: Griff Technician (Maintenance)

From: Gela Nathaniel

Date: 19 January 2024

Subject: Re: Mess

What? That fabric cost a fortune. I will most certainly be retrieving it today, Griff. I don’t care what tragedy befell it – we need every inch of it for the installation. Thank you for letting me know, and please rest assured I will be confronting the sourcing team over this.


Doodle message group [Private] Gela, Alyson and Jonathan, 19 January 2024:

Gela Nathaniel

What happened?

Gela Nathaniel

Why is our tunnel fabric in a bin, and in such a condition it reminded Griff of the time a student brought in a dead pig?

Gela Nathaniel

If I don’t know what happened I can’t cover it up, can I?

Jonathan Danners

We’ll meet you in the car park before class on Tuesday. Not the studio – Jem will already be there.

Doodle message group MMAM ( FTP ), 23 January 2024:

Gela Nathaniel

I have some bad news. It seems someone has vandalised the tunnel fabric and stuffed it in one of the big bins outside. I’ve retrieved it but, sad to say, it’s in a terrible state. I’m at the dry cleaner in town negotiating a decent price to have it washed and mended.

Jem Badhuri

Oh no! Who would do something like that? Did someone break in? Have you called the police?

Gela Nathaniel

No. Just to update everyone: the fabric arrived while you were all in Somerset. Jem and I stored it in the alcove by the rear doors, thinking it would be safe until we needed it. There was no reason for anyone to check on it, so we don’t know what happened or when. Luckily Griff spotted it in the bin outside. No one’s noticed any signs of a break-in and nothing’s been stolen, so we should keep the whole incident to ourselves.

Jem Badhuri

That’s the danger of having a keypad and not a key. Anyone can pass the code to anyone else.

Ludya Parak

Anyone can have a new key cut. Sorry, Gela, that’s pants.

Alyson Lang

Shame I haven’t been in the studio for a while. I could have scared them off.

Patrick Bright

Thank goodness you weren’t, Alyson. They might have been violent. Let’s be grateful things are no worse.

Gela Nathaniel

This dry cleaner says he can repair it – but it’s too big even for his largest washing machine. I may have to cut it in half.

Alyson Lang

That’s fine – we can hide the join in the design. Tell them yes.

Jem Badhuri

But how much do they charge? Our budget is tight at the moment. If we cut it into smaller pieces, we can each take one and wash it at home.

Gela Nathaniel

Good idea, but the dry cleaner is so accommodating I don’t want to take the job away now.

Gela Nathaniel

Attaching scan of his receipt here for you, Jem.


Clean and Mend

2 x large sheets for art project

Tears x 3

Stains, incl. mud, vomit and blood (from dead pig)

£70.00 plus VAT

Doodle message group [Private] Jem and Patrick, 23 January 2024:

Jem Badhuri

Who do you think did it, Pat?

Patrick Bright

Did what?

Jem Badhuri

Vandalised the fabric. The sourcing team were at RH the night after the fabric arrived. You drove back, remember, and dropped off the old radio components.

Patrick Bright

We only popped in and shoved the bags where you found them. After the night we’d had, we couldn’t get home quickly enough. Gela said the fabric was by the rear doors. We didn’t go near it.

Jem Badhuri

I bet you left the door open and vandals got in. Who was last out? Was it Alyson?

Patrick Bright

I don’t think we did. It’s just one of those things, Jem.

Doodle message group [Private] Jem and Patrick, 25 January 2024:

Jem Badhuri

LOVE that radio!

Patrick Bright

At least the power source is stabilised.

Jem Badhuri

The electric shock wasn’t too bad, was it?

Patrick Bright

No, no, I’m fine.

Doodle message group MMAM ( FTP ), 29 January 2024:

Gela Nathaniel

I’ve collected the fabric and it looks OK – you can barely see the stitching. We can cover up any imperfections with paint and clever lighting.

Jonathan Danners

Good. Thank you.

Doodle message group [Private] Cameron and Gela, 29 January 2024:

Gela Nathaniel

You haven’t been in, and now you’re not picking up?

Cameron Wesley

Sorry. Busy. Look, I have to withdraw from the MA . Just say Somerset made me realise it isn’t for me.

Gela Nathaniel

And the RD 8 project?

Cameron Wesley

The others can do it.

Gela Nathaniel

I mean kiss-kiss.

Cameron Wesley

Everything’s changed. You can get me out of it.

Gela Nathaniel

You’ve completed nearly half the course and may have built up just enough grades for a pass – I’ll check with admin – it seems a shame to give up now. Do what you can, when you can. I can mark you on that.

Cameron Wesley

Can’t guarantee doing anything.

Gela Nathaniel

Leave it with me. Kiss-kiss.

Cameron Wesley


Doodle message group [Private] Hannah and Gela, 29 January 2024:

Hannah O’Donnell

I’ve checked and Cameron doesn’t have enough credits. In any case, the examiner’s notes specifically mention the final project as being 50% of the mark. He could qualify for a discretionary pass if he submits a special-consideration form that cites mitigating circumstances as to why he couldn’t complete the course. What’s the reason?

Gela Nathaniel

I don’t want a withdrawal, especially not at this stage, it reflects so badly on the course. Cameron is my corporate poster boy. I need this MA to work – the department has shrunk, all my other courses have gone. My hours aren’t viable without this.

Hannah O’Donnell

I mean, what’s *his* reason for not taking part in the final project?

Gela Nathaniel

He’s very ill. And doesn’t know from one day to the next whether he’ll feel well enough. Only he’s a private man and doesn’t want anyone to know.

Hannah O’Donnell

Then definitely get him to submit a special-consideration form. It’s confidential.

Gela Nathaniel

I will. Thank you, Hannah. Thinking about it, I’m sure he’ll be able to complete the essay, if nothing else.

Doodle message group [Private] Gela and Cameron, 29 January 2024:

Gela Nathaniel

OK, I’ve spoken to Hannah and here’s the deal. You don’t have to do any further work, because you’re unwell. The exact illness is unspecified because you’re a very private man. However, you will have to submit something for the long essay. Tricky, as you won’t have built the installation, but you attended the pitch meeting and the trip to Somerset, so you can get a few thousand words out of that, I’m sure. We’ll think of something by then.

Gela Nathaniel


Cameron Wesley

Yes, yes. Fine. OK. If you can make it work, so can I. Can’t always respond immediately – too much going on here. Thanks for that, Gela. Kiss-kiss.

Gela Nathaniel


To: MMAM ( FTP )

From: Gela Nathaniel

Date: 29 January 2024

Subject: More news

Dear all,

Well, as if the damage to our materials wasn’t bad news enough, I have more. Cameron is unwell and will be unable to help out much with the final project, so Jonathan will redistribute his tasks. Luckily, Cameron’s built up enough credits to continue with the course and will still submit a final essay; it’s just the practical work he’ll be unable to complete. I have no doubt you’ll take this in your stride. After all, people come and go from real-world situations all the time, and everyone else must accommodate that.

Onwards and upwards! On this course you are expected to explore diverse materials and venture out of your comfort zones. So Assignment Four is to run alongside the final project:

Assignment Four

Choose a medium you have not worked in before and demonstrate any aspect that inspires you about the final project. Seek help and advice from those group members who favour that medium, and in turn help others to explore your favourite medium for the first time. Deadline: 22 February 2024.

I’ve given you freedom to express yourselves, so here’s looking forward to seeing some extraordinary work!


Doodle message group [Private] Jem and Patrick, 29 January 2024:

Jem Badhuri

Do you think he’s in rehab? I never found out who it was that smelled of alcohol in the studio that morning.

Patrick Bright

We shouldn’t speculate, and we’ll soon be so busy we’ll forget Cameron was ever here.

Jem Badhuri

Cameron who?

Patrick Bright

I see what you did there – very funny!

Doodle message group MMAM ( FTP ), 30 January 2024:

Jem Badhuri

I didn’t realise we’d have other assignments alongside the final project. Oh well, photography is my least-explored medium. Jonathan, will you show me the ropes?

Jonathan Danners

Of course. I can lend you a camera if you want good-quality prints, or we can see what your phone’s like – if you’d rather do a digital collage.

Jem Badhuri

Whoosh! I’m hurtling out of my comfort zone. Can we chat about it in the studio tomorrow?

Jonathan Danners

We can, and perhaps you can introduce me to the art of sound?

Jem Badhuri

That’s a date!

Alyson Lang

What a stupid assignment. I’m forty-four. I’m familiar with every medium.

Ludya Parak

Way out of my lane in clay. Jem, are you up for a chat tomorrow?

Jem Badhuri

I’m helping Jonathan.

Ludya Parak

So that’s a ‘No, I won’t help you’?

Patrick Bright

You’ll have time for both, I’m sure, Jem.

Alyson Lang

I’ll help you, Ludya. I’ll focus on stop-motion and we can help each other.

Ludya Parak

Thanks, Ali. You’re a professional.

Jem Badhuri

What will you do, Pat? There are so many mediums you haven’t worked in, you’re spoiled for choice.

Patrick Bright

Resin. I like the end results, but the chemical process scares me. You need a technician present and I hate bothering them, but it’s my least-explored medium, so they can’t complain, surely.

Jem Badhuri

If you need any advice, just ask.

Patrick Bright

That’s nice of you, Jem, thank you.

Jem Badhuri

I mean ask Griff – he’s really good with resin.

Doodle message group [Private] Jem and Cameron, 30 January 2024:

Jem Badhuri

Hi Cameron. We haven’t spoken much, but I’m still sorry to hear you’re not well. At least you got in a trip to Somerset before your decline. Get well soon.

Cameron Wesley

Thanks, Jem. Appreciate the sentiment. Good luck with the final project.

Doodle message group [Private] Jem and Jonathan, 1 February 2024:

Jem Badhuri

Thanks for the photography masterclass, Jonathan. I’m going to smash this assignment.

Jonathan Danners

Thanks for the lesson in sound. Let’s hope Rita recovers, after being alarmed by our screaming!

Jem Badhuri

You won’t believe the lengths I’ve gone to for a great soundscape. It’s all part of the fun! How is Alyson getting on with Ludya? She hasn’t been in for days.

Jonathan Danners


Jem Badhuri


Jonathan Danners

She has. You must’ve missed her.

Doodle message group [Private] Patrick and Jem, 8 February 2024:

Patrick Bright

You’re right about the technicians, Jem. Rita and Griff have both helped. I’m making resin paperweights with items suspended inside them. Corporate gifts.

Jem Badhuri

When can we show the others our radio? That white noise will be very useful to my soundscape. The fact it comes through a vintage unit is exactly the merging of past, present and future that the client wants. Plus, if the tunnel fabric is less than perfect, we’ll need a big statement to make up for it.

Patrick Bright

I’ve seen the fabric; if you don’t look too closely you’d not know anything had happened. White noise is fascinating, isn’t it? Electrical activity in the upper atmosphere. Storms, lightning, flashes of energy. A whole lot of turbulence is going on up there over our heads while we tinker about on earth, oblivious.

Jem Badhuri

Please can we show them Tuesday? Dad has to pick me up an hour late after his meeting.

Patrick Bright

Be prepared for Jonathan to veto the idea of including it in the installation. I’m still not sure how we came to have that radio in the cupboard. Promise, now.

Jem Badhuri

Pat, you’re a dear, but also a spoilsport. OK then.

To: Gela Nathaniel

From: Griff Technician (Maintenance)

Date: 9 February 2024

Subject: MA group

You asked me to keep you informed about how the MA group are tackling their next assignment. This is where they work in unfamiliar mediums and help each other, yes? Well, Jonathan is teaching Jem about photography, although it strikes me she’s telling him more than he’s telling her. In turn, she’s showing him how to work with sound. For this they hogged the media room for the whole of Tuesday. They almost gave Rita a heart attack when Jem screamed as if she was being murdered. It transpired this was for a soundscape.

You said Alyson is showing Ludya how to use a potter’s wheel and she’s giving Alyson a masterclass in stop-motion, but they haven’t been doing it here, so I can’t say how they’ve been getting on. You have an odd number of students, then asked them to pair up, so there’s bound to be one left on their own and it’s Patrick. He seems adrift. It’s a shame your other fellow left. Anyway, Patrick’s decided to learn about epoxy resin, and it’s been me and Rita who’ve talked him through it and kept an eye while he makes all the rookie mistakes. On this note, teaching is not in our contracts and, despite Patrick being polite and enthusiastic, the technicians have enough work to do without babysitting a novice.

You asked how they’re fitting in this assignment between their work on the final project. In short, they aren’t. I haven’t seen any progress made on the tunnel material or the clay head all week. Having said that, Jem plays with a hissing and squawking old radio whenever she’s alone in the studio and thinks no one is watching.


To: Griff Technician (Maintenance)

From: Gela Nathaniel

Date: 9 February 2024

Subject: Re: MA group

Thank you, Griff. I’m so sorry you’ve all had extra work, with Patrick being left on his own. I didn’t specify that this was a pairing-up task, but I should have realised they would naturally end up doing so. Alyson and Ludya have been meeting in Alyson’s studio to work on their pieces – that’s why we haven’t seen them. Not sure what Jem is doing with an old radio, but she’ll tell me soon enough. I’m glad to hear they’re all working hard. I knew they would neglect the final project. It’s all part of their learning curve. Thank you, Griff, and apologies again for the extra pressure on your team.


Doodle message group [Private] Jem, Patrick, Jonathan, Alyson and Ludya, 13 February 2024:

Patrick Bright

I’ve set this group up for the five of us because obviously Cameron isn’t around now and we want to show you guys before we tell Gela. But Jem and I have a surprise for you all. Can we gather in the studio at 5 p.m. tomorrow – after Gela leaves, and before Jem’s dad picks her up?

Jem Badhuri

We have to start the tunnel structure tomorrow, so everyone has to come in anyway.

Ludya Parak

Might be in tomorrow, might not. And before anyone asks, I’ve already left my assignment with Rita.

Alyson Lang

See you there.

Jem Badhuri

I’ve been bursting to tell you all for days, haven’t I, Patrick? It’s very exciting!

Doodle message group [Private] Jonathan, Alyson and Ludya, 13 February 2024:

Alyson Lang

Should’ve burned that unit along with everything else.

Jonathan Danners

It’s keeping Jem and Pat busy. We should message Cameron to say get well soon. *All* of us.

Ludya Parak

Gela’s determined he’ll finish the course from his sickbed.

Jonathan Danners

Up to you, but it’s only polite. I’m going to.

Doodle message group [Private] Jonathan and Cameron, 13 February 2024:

Jonathan Danners

Sorry to hear you’re under the weather, Cam. Hope you’re better soon.

Cameron Wesley

Cheers, mate. Good luck with the course.

Doodle message group [Private] Ludya and Cameron, 13 February 2024:

Ludya Parak

Thanks for driving back from Somerset. Sorry to hear you’re ill.

Cameron Wesley

No worries. Cheers.

Doodle message group [Private] Cameron and Alyson, 13 February 2024:

Cameron Wesley

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – if you ever want to work in advertising or marketing, give me a call. Let’s stay in touch.

Alyson Lang

Thanks, Cameron. Appreciate the offer. Get well soon.


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