As much as he had not wanted to admit it, there had been an anxiety within his heart as he had waited for his bride. The memory of what had taken place the first time he had waited at the church for her had come back to him in waves and though he had not told a single soul, Lord Hampton had clearly been able to see his concern. Now, Stephen paced up and down, waiting for the news that his bride had arrived, waiting to hear that the carriage had come to the church. There was no reason for anything untoward to take place, no reason for Lady Violet not to attend, but all the same, Stephen could not help but worry. What if Lord Craighall had done something to prevent her from coming to the church? Would he truly risk everything in order to spite Stephen?
“My friend.”
Lord Hampton hurried towards him, a broad smile settling across his face.
“She is here.”
Stephen’s eyes flared. “She is?”
“The carriage has arrived. Caroline is there with her and I will go to join her to make certain she is able to get into the church. Now go!” Lord Hampton laughed, waving one hand towards him. “Go and stand by the clergyman. The ceremony will soon begin and you will have her as your bride!”
A broad grin spread across Stephen’s face. He slapped his friend on the shoulder and then, opening the door, walked to the very front of the church.
She is here, he thought to himself, giving the clergyman a small nod. She is here and she will soon take her place by my side.
His heart began to flood with a sudden nervousness as he waited for the door to open and the music to begin. Part of him wanted to rush down to the door, yank it open and pull her into his arms but he could do nothing but wait.
The moment the organ music began, Stephen turned, just as the door opened. He looked straight into Lady Violet’s face, the veil hiding a good deal of her features from him though he could still see the bright smile on her face. His heart ached with all the love he had for her as he watched her approach. Her father was walking alongside her though there was no broad smile on his face. Stephen did not care. If Lord Craighall dared to put one finger out of line, Stephen was all too willing to rain down heavy consequences.
“My dear.” He could not take her hand, not yet, but when she drew near to him, Stephen could look nowhere else. He barely heard the words of the clergyman as he spoke, barely able to do as he was asked by the man.
Before he knew it, the words of the vows had been spoken and, after only a few moments, Lady Violet’s hand was taken from her father’s and placed upon his own. Stephen took his gaze from Lady Violet for a moment and instead, turned to look directly at Lord Craighall as he did so. The gentleman gave him a small nod but then stepped back quickly. There was nothing more he could do.
“And now we come the giving and receiving of the ring.”
With a look to Lord Hampton, Stephen received the gold band from his friend and, with nothing but joy in his heart, took Lady Violet’s left hand. “With this ring I thee wed. With my body I thee worship, and with all my worldly goods I thee endow.” He pressed the ring onto her finger and, with her veil now lifted, Lady Violet looked back up into his face, happy tears glistening in her eyes and the most beautiful smile upon her face.
Lifting his hand by way of a blessing, the clergyman led them all in a final prayer. “Eternal God, Creator and Preserver of all mankind, Giver of all spiritual grace, the Author of everlasting life: Send thy blessing upon these thy servants, this man and this woman, whom we bless in thy Name; that, as Isaac and Rebecca lived faithfully together, so these persons may surely perform and keep the vow and covenant between them made, whereof this Ring given and received is a token and pledge, and may ever remain in perfect love and peace together, and live according to thy laws; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Those whom God hath joined together let no man put asunder. As these two here before you all have consented together in holy wedlock and have witnessed the same before God and this company, and thereto have given and pledged their troth either to other and have declared the same by giving and receiving of a Ring, and by joining of hands; I pronounce that they be Man and Wife together. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
“Amen,” Stephen murmured, looking down into her face. The congregation were smiling, murmuring and the like behind him but Stephen could not look anywhere but into Lady Violet’s face. “Violet,” he whispered, lowering his head and, despite the presence of the congregation, knowing full well that he would kiss her. “We are man and wife.” Seeing a single tear drip to her cheek, he brushed it away tenderly. “Are you happy? Does this bring you the same joy it brings me?”
“It brings me nothing but happiness,” she answered, her hand pressing his. “You have saved me, Stephen.”
“But you saved me first,” he told her, gently. “We shall have nothing but joy and happiness in our future, Violet. I will do anything for you, I will give you all of my time, all of my life, should it be required, if only to prove how much love I have for you.”
With that, Stephen dropped his head and caught her lips with his. Violet clung to him, their first kiss as husband and wife, and in that one moment, Stephen’s heart healed completely. He had his love, he had his bride and now, she was his wife. There was nothing more that he could ask for.
“I love you, Violet.”
Her eyes still closed, she let out a small, contented sigh. “And I love you.”