31. Adrianna
I nstead of slipping into the tent where my bed awaits me, we’re directed to the huge covering at the back of the campsite where the royal council command center is set up. It’s covered in the same cream drapes, protecting it from the wind that flutters outside.
Inside, there’s a wooden table with matching chairs. Flora, Arlo, Raiden, Brody, and Kryll all take a seat while I gape at the monstrosity, wondering how the fuck it even got in here. Nobody offers an explanation because I don’t ask. I’m aware there are more pressing matters at hand, but it seems my mind is intrigued by the finer details as a distraction.
Since Janie isn’t technically an advisor, she’s outside with Commander North, discussing plans for tomorrow while we figure this mess out.
“I can’t believe they acted so quickly,” Brody grumbles, wiping a hand down his face, and I sigh.
“They probably reacted to the announcement of the tour,” I offer, my answer making logical sense, but it doesn’t ease the stifling tension in the space.
“Reports confirm the attack lasted a whole twenty minutes before the entire band of raiders disappeared into the dead of night,” Arlo offers, scanning his eyes over the parchment in his hands.
“Twenty minutes?” I ask, confusion clouding my thoughts.
“They hit the home of the mages,” Arlo answers, not lifting his gaze from the document as I gape at him.
“Glacial Lake?” The words slip from my mind, a stark reminder of the few experiences I’ve had there as my gut clenches. Between Vallie plunging me deep into the icy depths of the frozen lake, to the trail up to the top of the peak, I’ve never had the best time there, but to attack them? Somewhere so serene and filled with power to fight back, it’s insane.
“What is it they’re expecting to achieve? I don’t understand,” Flora murmurs, folding her arms over her chest.
“Why hurt the kingdom if you want the crown? The people are never going to want you to rule them after this,” I think out loud, and Raiden clears his throat.
“Sometimes, people only see the power. The control, the opportunity to reign. The only solution for those people is to do it with fear. Unleashing panic throughout the kingdom will have people too busy fearing them to be worried about anything else. Before you know it, it’s too late and the source of their pain is in the position of power to ruin them. Besides, causing chaos and sowing distrust in the new queen and her council only makes us look weak,” Raiden states, and my chest tightens.
“She has the potential to be worse than The Council,” I admit, my lips pursing with defeat.
“Realistically, we’re not going to have anyone hunting them through the night. Instead, we need to take a defensive position and consider moving on to Glacial Lake as soon as possible,” Arlo explains, and I’m shaking my head before he can finish.
“You’re jumping ahead,” I mumble, lifting my hand to halt his response. “What damage has been caused at Glacial Lake and to the mages?” I ask, needing all of the information before I start making any decisions.
Arlo clears his throat, flicking his eyes over the paperwork before they meet mine. “At least thirty casualties, twice as many injured.”
“Their ability to heal each other will at least help with the wounded. What about structurally?”
“They managed to destroy their school and a few homes on the outskirts of town, but otherwise they were able to protect themselves,” he answers, placing the paperwork on the table as he looks at me.
“Okay. I think we need to divide and conquer,” I offer, bracing for the refusal, but none comes. My eyes widen as I glance around the table to find everyone nodding in agreement. That was easier than I thought.
“Who is coming with me, and who is staying here?” Brody asks, but all I can do is gape at him for a moment as I try to compose myself.
“Honestly, I’m open to suggestions. I’m not ready to leave yet. I promised assistance here yesterday and I don’t want to backtrack on that promise minutes after it’s left my mouth. Truthfully, Summer Oak is one of our most vulnerable villages. Not to say they lack strength, they’ve proven themselves today, but because they’re all humans with no supernatural abilities. They deserve our help a little longer. Leaving now will only serve to prove how low we think they are in line of importance in their eyes,” I admit, taking a deep breath as I brace my hands on the back of the chair before me.
There’s no chance in Hell I could sit right now. The adrenaline coursing through me is crazed. I’m already fighting the urge to pace, to find a release for this energy buzzing through me.
“I agree. You staying makes the most sense,” Brody offers, making my heart clench, but I nod in agreement.
“I hate that he’s right,” Raiden adds, his jaw ticking as his nostrils flare in agitation. His eyes meet mine and I see the disappointment in his dark orbs. “Sending the Master of Mages and Head of Defense is a strong statement that will send the message we need it to. But I think Kryll should stay with you, Janie and Arlo too,” he adds, attempting a smile, but it falls flat.
“And me?” Flora asks, rubbing her lips together nervously, and Raiden gives a pointed look.
“As the Head of Communication, you’re going to do better conveying everything instead of Brody and me,” Raiden offers, and Flora sits taller in her seat.
“So what you’re saying is, I get to be in charge.”
“Don’t push it,” Raiden replies with a scoff, but Flora doesn’t shake the boost of confidence his prior words gave her.
“If she goes with you, you better keep her safe,” Arlo snarls, his eyes narrowing as his body thrums with irritation. He doesn’t want her to leave, but just like me and mine, we have to separate from those we love the most for the betterment of the people. Even if it’s just for the smallest amount of time.
“I think the same sentiment goes for you too,” Brody states, wagging a finger at me, and I roll my eyes.
“So it’s agreed. Raiden, Brody, and I leave tonight. The rest of you will follow at the earliest opportunity,” Flora confirms, her words etching into my aching heart already as I nod.
Kryll’s eyes lock with mine, understanding flashing in his tight smile.
There were four men permanently at my side, but for the time being, there’s only one.
Distance better make my heart grow fonder or whatever that sentimental bullshit is. Either way, they better be in one piece by the time I get there, otherwise there’s going to be no controlling my wrath.