Nearly eight months later…
A lex arched his back, the pressure of carrying the egg around for so many months wearing on him and his body. They’d been on baby watch for weeks, passing the normal seven-month period for Nefyrians and gliding up to the midway point between the two. He hoped he didn’t have to wait a whole other month to give birth—he’d lose his sanity. The fact he’d been nesting for two weeks gave him hope that he’d soon have a baby in his arms and not his stomach.
Cryss found him counting and reorganizing the baby supplies for a third time. As Nefyrians didn’t have babies in the same way, Qylar had had to bring them multiple deliveries from Earth in preparation. Alex had gone over the lists he’d found in multiple baby books and compiled what he’d needed, but he was terrified he’d forgotten something, or the books had been incomplete.
“I’m reminding you again that we’re going back to Earth as soon as you’re capable,” Cryss said, wrapping his arms around Alex from behind. He lovingly ran a hand over Alex’s belly. “We only need a week or two’s worth of supplies, and we have enough here for months. If we’ve missed something, Q has said he’ll go fetch it for us posthaste. You don’t have to check the list again. We’ve checked it four times.”
“I know. I’m just worried.”
“There’s no need to worry. Our doctors have everything well in hand.”
“They’ve never done a caesarian before,” Alex argued. “They’ve never had to.”
Of course Alex wasn’t going to give birth to a tiny tentacled Nefyrian baby. No, their baby looked human, just like he had. While he’d learned the gap in his pelvic bone was wider that a human man’s—and more like that Nefyrian male childbearer’s—they weren’t sure if the babe’s head could pass through. The doctors had been back and forth on what to do for weeks, as a water birth in the spawning grounds was ideal but perhaps impossible.
Cryss nuzzled his neck. “No, but not all Nefyrian births go as planned. Doctors sometimes have to go into egg pouches to aid delivery and this is similar to that—just on a slightly larger scale. They say our baby is healthy and the perfect size for human development. Everything will be fine, my love. We have plans and contingency plans in place now.”
“But what if something happens?” Alex murmured. “Something they hadn’t considered?”
Cryss spun him and kissed his lips. “All of this worry isn’t healthy for you or the baby. You know that.”
“I know. But human men aren’t built for childbirth—and the longer this baby cooks inside me, the higher the chances of me not delivering in the spawning grounds. I know how much that would disappoint you.”
“Hey, hey,” Cryss lifted his chin. “As long as you and the baby are safe and well, I don’t care where you deliver. Do you hear me? I won’t be disappointed. If they need to take you into the med center to deliver our little one safely, then that’s what they need to do. We can anoint the baby before we leave for Earth. Okay?”
“Okay,” Alex murmured, relaxing a little.
“I think it’s high time for you to sit down and prop your feet up and let me spoil you. All this nesting of yours has exhausted me, so I know you’re more than worn-out.”
“Lying and sitting hurt my back,” Alex said. “Up and walking is more comfortable.”
“Then let’s get these clothes off and get you in the water,” Cryss said, pulling Alex’s robes off.
“Oh, that’s a good idea,” Alex murmured.
Cryss slipped his robes off and shifted into his half tentacle form before they stepped out onto the balcony, headed for their pool. Cryss slid into the water and drew Alex in after, cradling him carefully. He wrapped his tentacles under Alex, giving support. Alex’s upper back rested on Cryss’s chest as they floated weightlessly in the water.
“I think this is the only place I can relax these days. I haven’t slept any the last few nights,” Alex complained.
“Sleep now, if you can. I’ve got you. I can hold you in here for hours, if need be.”
“Really?” Alex asked.
“Really,” Cryss said. “You need your rest.”
Alex relaxed against Cryss’s strength and chuckled when one tentacle slid over his eyes to block the suns. He soon drifted off, floating weightless in his husband’s arms. That rest felt short lived, though. A pain struck, and Alex felt a heavy urge to bear down on the egg.
“Crysssss,” he hissed against the pain.
“Is it time?”
“I think so,” Alex spit about before moaning as a contraction hit.
Cryss lifted him out of the pool and called for Qylar to fetch the palace doctors. Alex knelt, hands on the floor, as he fought the need to push—until the doctors determined which way they would go. After the team arrived and scanned him, they felt it possible he might be able to make it to the spawning grounds after all.
Alex laid his head on Cryss’s shoulder as he was carried down into the royal spawning grounds in the center of the palace. The doctors hung close, watching over and checking him as the hours passed. Cryss had been allowed to enter the waters with him as support, given their unique circumstances. Cryss was Alex’s rock, sitting behind him and whispering encouragement and loving words as he pushed their child out of the egg pouch and into the world.
He reached a point where he wasn’t sure he’d be able to make it, hours in after he’d pushed and pushed and pushed. But finally the head appeared, and the guardians were able to help pull the shoulders free on the next push.
Their little girl slid into the waters, still encased in her egg—which had thinned to almost nothing. It looked more like a babe in an intact amniotic sac he’d seen in a video while researching human pregnancies. The guardians removed her shell and the cord and cleaned her off under the spawning waters before slowly lifting her out and into Alex’s arms. She opened her mouth and let out her first cries.
Alex teared up looking at her and how beautiful she was. He counted her fingers, allowing the tiny things to wrap around one of his. Cryss kissed the side of his head, sobbing at the sight of their daughter.
An hour later, Alex lay clean and dry in their bed, Cryss at his side and their daughter in his arms. He didn’t want to let her go, not even for Cryss to hold her, but he eventually relented and teared up again seeing her held by her daddy. When Alex’s father appeared to welcome his newest little grandprincess to the palace, he beamed in grandfatherly affection and held her in his arms, dabbing at his eyes.
“Have you two chosen a name yet?” Alex’s father asked.
“Zaadi Helene,” Alex murmured, smiling at Cryss.
“Princess Zaadi Helene of House Qlr,” King Krythar announced, smiling down at his granddaughter.
“House Kreegl,” Cryss murmured.
King Krythar lifted a brow, not looking pleased.
“You know, on Earth, they have hyphenated last names. Maybe we should put this old argument to rest and go with a hyphenated house name to appease you both,” Alex suggested. “Princess Zaadi Helene of House Qlr-Kreegl.”
The two men glared at one another for a moment before nodding.
“Acceptable,” his father said as Zaadi grew restless and cried for comfort. He handed her to Alex, kissed her forehead and Alex’s, and rose to his full height. “How long before I lose my granddaughter to Earth?”
“You’re not losing her,” Alex groaned. “I’ve promised we’ll visit once a month.”
“She’ll forget me in that amount of time,” Krythar argued, frowning. “But I guess it will have to do. I’ll just have to spoil her extra when she’s here.”
Before Krythar left, his siblings arrived to take a peek at their newest niece. Alex knew she was one lucky girl. She had two worlds worth of family to love her.
The following December…
C ryss opened the doors to the Aspen house, smiling at the memories it held. Alex ambled through behind him, carrying three and a half month Zaadi bundled in a lavender baby snow suit.
“Has anyone been here since we were?” Alex asked.
“Not that I’m aware of,” Cryss murmured. He turned to steal his daughter away from Alex, raining kisses on her sweet little face. She was the perfect blend of them both, he thought, with Alex’s blue eyes and lips—and Cryss’s nose and chin.
“It’s really a shame that it’s sat empty for a year. If they’re not using it at all, what’s the point?”
“When I called to ask about using it again, I said the same thing,” Cryss murmured. “What’s the point of having a house you never use?” He kissed his daughter again before kissing his husband.
Their driver carried some of their luggage in. Qylar tromped in next, carrying some more. He glared at Cryss. Cryss sighed, handed Zaadi back to papa, and exited to help bring in the rest, which was much more considerable than the previous year with the baby gear and the many Christmas presents he’d already purchased. After he tipped the driver, he turned to Qylar and hugged him. “Happy Holidays, my dear, dear friend. I love you.”
Qylar lifted a brow. “This fatherhood shit is making you soft.”
“I can’t be happy that you’re here to celebrate with us? I feel like I hardly see you anymore.”
“You’ve been back for weeks, and I live right next door, idiot,” Qylar growled. “And it’s not like I didn’t see you regularly when you were in Nefyria.
Cryss had purchased the townhouse next door to his grandfather’s and had it renovated while they’d been in Nefyria. Qylar had supervised the construction and even assisted, decorating Zaadi’s nursery himself, amongst other things. They’d been there for a little over a month, getting used to their new home before moving to Aspen for the month. His and Qylar’s relationship had changed. For years, it had just been the two of them, day in and day out. Even right next door, if felt strange.
“That doesn’t mean I didn’t miss you being around as often!” Cryss yelled as Qylar headed deeper into the house. When he caught up, he found Qylar holding Zaadi. Cryss attempted to steal his daughter again but was denied.
“She’s happy in Uncle Q’s arms, thank you very much. You’re ruining my uncle-niece bonding time, so back off.”
Cryss growled, which had become something Zaadi’s favorite thing to giggle at, ruining its desired effect. He shook his head. “Fine. I’ll go kiss my husband instead.”
Cryss went in search of Alex and found him in the closet, already unpacking a suitcase. He snuggled up behind Alex, sliding his hands over his husband’s covered cock. “Can’t that wait until later?”
“I figured I’d use this valuable time while the two of you were fighting over our daughter’s affections to get a suitcase or two emptied.” Alex grinned. “You gave up easily this time. I’m shocked.”
“I’ve had an epiphany.”
“Oh?” Alex said.
“If Q’s holding our daughter, that means my husband is free to harass,” Cryss tilted Alex’s face so he could kiss it. “Do you think we might have time for a quickie?”
Alex chuckled. “I don’t know. Do we?”
“Only one way to find out,” Cryss murmured before he knelt at Alex’s feet and unhooked the fastener in front of him. As soon as he had Alex’s pants open, he drew his husband’s cock in his mouth.
Alex’s back bowed, feeding his cock deeper into Cryss’s mouth. He gasped, covering his mouth. Cryss hated that Alex covered his sounds, but they probably didn’t need to alert Qylar to what they were doing. He grasped Alex’s ass cheeks and fed himself at a rapid pace. When Alex shattered against his tongue moments later, filling his mouth with cum, he smiled around the shaft. Finding little moments with a young baby in the house wasn’t always easy, but they were getting better at sneaking in sessions for pleasure.
Cryss rose and pressed his lips to Alex’s letting his husband have a taste of satisfaction.
“You’re insatiable,” Alex murmured.
“And I always will be with you.”
Alex leaned against the mirror and sighed. “Now I have no energy to do anything. Thanks.”
Cryss lifted the next item out of the suitcase. “I’ll just have to do the work for you.”
“Where is everyone?” Qylar called from the hall outside their bedroom.
“In here,” Cryss yelled as Alex shoved himself back into his pants.
“Where’s Zaadi’s bag? I didn’t see it out there,” Qylar said as he peeked into the closet. He inhaled, nostrils flaring. “You couldn’t wait more than five minutes to be on top of one another? He’ll be pregnant again in no time if you keep this up.”
“The bag is on the bed you just passed,” Alex said, lifting a brow.
“Oh,” Qylar said, frowning.
“Why do you need her bag? Does she need to be changed?” Alex asked.
“Got it,” Qylar said, grabbing the bag and heading out.
“We should start calling him daddy number three,” Alex said. “He works almost as hard as we do to take care of her.”
Cryss’s smile faded. “According to the conversation we had a few nights ago, he seems to think this is the closest he’ll get to fatherhood, so I think he’s taking full advantage.”
“That’s sad,” Alex said. “Why does he think that? I mean, if you could find someone to love you, he surely can.” Alex chuckled.
“Thanks.” Cryss narrowed his eyes and growled.
“Your growls aren’t intimidating.”
“Oh, really?” Cryss asked, pinning Alex to the wall.
“They turn me on.” Alex thought.
Cryss lifted a brow. “Do they?” His smile widened. “I’ll have to remember that.”
As he was leaning in for a kiss, Alex pushed him back. “Just tell me more about what Q said.”
Cryss scowled. He didn’t like to be denied. Reaching into the suitcase, he pulled out two more pieces of clothing. “Q spends most of his time on Earth—where only women can have his children and he’s solidly in the ‘lover of men’ category. When he’s on Nefyria, which is much too infrequently to find a husband, he has the specter of his father’s crimes hanging over his head as well as a lost title, which means the nobility turn their back and many others are disinterested in his advances. They don’t want their names sullied by his. Sadly, I have to agree it might be difficult for him to find someone to love and build a family with.”
“We’ll have to do our best to see if we can’t help him in that department,” Alex murmured. “There’s always human men and adoption—or maybe even surrogacy, though that might be a stretch given the egg situation.”
“Good luck on any of that,” Cryss said. “Especially as grumpy as he’s been lately. If you try to set him up, he might bite your head off.”
“I’m sure it’s not easy seeing you with a new family. I’ve done my best not to make him feel left out since we’ve been home.”
“It’s been an adjustment for us all,” Cryss agreed.
“What did Q’s father do to get dethroned? I’ve tried to pry the information from you both but all I get is—it was bad.”
Cryss clenched his jaw. He hated sharing it and coloring someone’s opinion of Qylar. It was an ugly business, and many were viscerally appalled. “Q’s father was participating in the illegal slave trade to fill his treasury.”
“That’s terrible.”
“Most were residents of other planets, so it had been going on for years without notice. Then he captured a few Nefyrian political dissidents over the course of a few years, sold them off, and questions began to rise. When his enemies began disappearing, that’s when people started paying close attention and he was found out. Many of his elder children were in on it, their own coffers full. Q was young when his father was dethroned—and knew nothing of what his family had done. But the mark on his name remains, nonetheless. He was removed from court and banished, just like the rest of his siblings. Guilty or otherwise.”
Alex shook his head, frowning.
“I forced my father to make Q my steward to keep him close. He was my best friend, and I knew he’d not been a part of those misdeeds. While it wasn’t ideal, it was the only way I could think of to prevent him going to the prison mines at the tender age of ten.”
“My god.” Alex shook his head. “I’m glad you found a way to save him.”
“I hope this doesn’t make you think less of him,” Cryss murmured.
“Why would I? He was a child, he wasn’t to blame. He’s not responsible for his father’s crimes.”
Cryss sighed with relief. “Not everyone on Nefyria thinks that way. They see him as a bad seed, produced from rotting fruit. They won’t give him a chance to prove he’s nothing like his family.” A thought popped into his mind. “Actually, I don’t know why this didn’t come to mind earlier—Q’s your cousin.”
“He is?” Alex’s eyes widened for a second. “Every time I turn around, I have more family. Krythar’s brood is vast, though not all seem happy to have a half human in their bloodline.”
“Fuck ‘em,” Cryss whispered. “You’re in my bloodline now.”
Alex scoffed. “As if your parents are much happier about me?”
“I fulfilled my duty and completed the contract,” Cryss murmured. “There’s nothing they can do to us now. Fuck them, too. We’re making our own bloodline now. House Qlr-Kreegl.”
Alex smiled. “If there was anyone I’d want as family, it would be Qylar. He is Zaadi’s bonus daddy. We can make him an honorary Qlr-Kreegl.” Alex cocked his head to the side. “How close a cousin is he?”
“A few times removed, I think. His papa was your father’s second cousin, I believe? I’m not exactly sure. We’ll have to ask.”
The doorbell rang.
Alex frowned. “No one was supposed to be arrive yet.”
Their family would join them the week of Christmas and remain until the New Year, but they had over two weeks yet to plan, prepare, and enjoy Aspen on their own. Cryss knew exactly who it might be at the door, though. “Stay here.”
Cryss wandered out and toward the front door as quickly as he could.
“You’re early.”
“Sorry,” the man said. “I was in the area and noticed you’d arrived. I thought we could get this all taken care of today.”
Cryss signed the paperwork and took the document in hand. Smiling, he shook the man’s hand. “Pleasure doing business with you.”
Cryss reentered the house, folding the papers and tucking them under his arm.
Qylar and Alex watched him, curious.
“Who was that?” Alex asked.
“Who was who?” Cryss asked, grinning.
Alex sighed, shaking his head. In the year they’d been together, he’d gotten more accustomed to Cryss’s spoiling.
And why shouldn’t he spoil his prince—and princess?
Christmas Eve
A lex cuddled closer to Cryss, Zaadi asleep in his arms as he looked about the dining room at his beautiful family. Qylar was in deep conversation with his sister, Leez. Ethan and Keely were arguing which was better—Lord of the Rings movies or the Hobbit trilogy with Aken and Jonas. Zorim was learning some photography tips from Mickey as he tried to shoot a couple of photos of his mother and stepfather. Alex smiled at Roy, who’d gotten three more children who adored him.
The only one missing was his Nefyrian father, who would sadly miss Zaadi’s first Christmas.
He looked up at Cryss and smiled. “I have a last-minute Christmas gift request.”
“What’s that?”
“A sibling for Zaadi,” Alex whispered.
Cryss smiled softly. “Are you sure? You struggled so much with your pregnancy.”
“It was worth it, though,” Alex said. “She’s perfect.” He glanced over the table again. “I want her to grow up with a table full of siblings, too.”
“A table full?” Cryss asked, grinning.
“Half a table full, maybe,” Alex said. “I don’t know if my body could handle a full table.”
“We can get started tonight and see if Santa can’t help make your wish come true.”
Alex chuckled.
Cryss kissed his forehead before rising. “Wait right here.” He was back in a flash with an envelope bearing a red bow on it. “Merry Christmas.”
Alex handed Zaadi to Cryss and slid the envelope closer. “You couldn’t wait until tomorrow?”
“I was going to, but after what you just said, I think it’s the perfect time for you to open that.”
Alex opened the envelope and pulled out a deed. He read it over and lifted his gaze to Cryss. “This is a lovely gift, but it’s much too big.”
“Not for half a table full of kids, it’s not,” Cryss murmured. He kissed Alex’s cheek. “This is the house where we fell in love. Where Zaadi was conceived. And if the stars align, where we just might conceive number two tonight.” He kissed his daughter’s forehead. “Why wouldn’t I want to give you this house? You loved being here last December. Now we can come spend every December here, if not longer.”
Alex smiled. “I guess we better get serious about making enough babies to fill it up, hmm?”
Cryss grinned. “Challenge accepted.” He leaned in and kissed his husband.
“I love you,” Alex murmured. He lifted the deed. “And I love this house. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, my love.”
Alex kissed him, growing hungry to start their attempts on baby two.
Cryss’s head swiveled toward the door, the look on his face causing concern.
“What’s wrong?”
Cryss handed Zaadi over. “I heard something outside.”
Alex rose, padding barefoot around the corner. He smiled when he saw his father. “Hi, Dad,” he said, smiling—yet concerned. What had brought his father to Earth for the first time in decades? “What are you doing here?”
Krythar shook the snow from his hair and handed his heavy coat to Cryss. “I wasn’t missing Zaadi’s first human Christmas. I’ve missed enough of yours.” He walked closer and hugged Alex before stealing a sleeping Zaadi away. He gazed down at his granddaughter. “I missed this little face.” He turned his focus to Alex. “I hope you don’t mind me inviting myself. If there’s no room, I can sleep on my ship. I’d just like to see how she enjoys tomorrow morning. I can’t stay long.”
“We don’t mind at all, and I’m sure we might be able to find room—though if you’re not interested in sharing, the ship might be more comfortable.”
“Are you saying our new house isn’t big enough?” Cryss asked, grinning widely.
“I did not say that,” Alex replied, glaring.
“Hmm,” Cryss muttered.
“Can I interest you in some food?” Cryss said. “I can make you a plate from the remains of our Christmas Eve feast.”
“I’m ravenous. Thank you.” Krythar turned to Alex as Cryss wandered off to make the plate. “I know I should’ve asked first but I almost feared you wouldn’t want me here. The old human saying, ask forgiveness, not permission seemed the smartest move.”
“I’m pleased you’re here. You don’t need to ask permission to see your granddaughter.”
His father smiled. “She’s not the only one I came to spend time with. Your few months on Nefyria weren’t enough for me, either.”
Alex fought a smile, but soon realized there was a complication. “Mom and Roy are here,” Alex said. “I hope that won’t be a problem?”
Krythar clenched his jaw for a couple of seconds. “I think I can survive a few hours if they can. Many years have passed, and I’ve had many loves since her. I won’t cause trouble.”
She might. Alex considered her reaction a moment. “I hope this doesn’t offend, but I don’t think I could call you Dad while you’re here. Out of respect for Roy and the need to keep the peace with her.”
Krythar swallowed, stretching his neck. “He was the one who raised you.”
“How’s Pop? It doesn’t have quite the same ring as Dad, but it’s not terrible.”
His father chuckled. “Pop will do.” He looked down at Alex’s daughter. “I hope you realize that your husband and I are going to battle tomorrow.”
Alex frowned.
Krythar lifted his gaze and smiled. “Who can spoil her better? I’ve got a ship full of gifts that says I can.”
“What is it with Nefyrian men and their need to spoil? She’s going to be an absolutely rotten little brat if you two don’t stop.”
Krythar shrugged. “I have a lot of making up to do. She’s young yet. I’m sure we’ll calm down in a year or so. A decade, tops.” He grinned. “Have more grandchildren and I can spread the wealth instead of focusing on one.”
Alex fought a smile.
“Ah, is that a sign I might get more sooner than later?”
“We’ll see if Santa can’t help,” Alex murmured. He linked his arm through his father’s. “Let’s join the festivities, hmm?”
Alex led his father in and noticed his mother’s wide-eyed gasp. He glared at her, willing her to say a word.
“Hi, Dad,” Leez said, grinning widely, while Aken and Zorim waved hello.
“Pop decided he couldn’t miss Zaadi’s first Christmas.” Alex eyed Krythar. “You know almost everyone here, except for my brother, Ethan and his fiancée Keely, and my friend Jonas and their partner, Mickey.”
Krythar smiled and said hello to everyone before he sat at their table and accepted the massive plate Cryss handed him.
As soon as he set the plate down, he snagged Cryss’s wrist. “What is this?”
Alex’s face warmed when Cryss’s gaze drifted his way. He eyed the tattoos Cryss had done soon after returning to Earth.
“They’re Alizand and Zaadi’s handprints.” Cryss lifted his other wrist to show they were on both inner arms.
Krythar eyed the tattoos on Cryss’s arms, the same shade of rust red as the tentacle imprints. Alex didn’t have the ability to imprint, so Cryss had gotten them to show the universe he was claimed.
“I left my mark on him… now his marks are on me. If we have more children, I’ll add them, too,” Cryss murmured softly, his gaze locked on Alex before turning his focus on Krythar. “I know tattoos are frowned upon on Nefyria, but I hope you can forgive these.”
Krythar let go and turned to eye Alex and smile. “I think I can forgive a show of respect to my son and your children.”
It took a few minutes before everyone relaxed and returned to the same jovial, comfortable tone, but Krythar was soon inundated with questions from Jonas about Nivin, once they learned he’d lived there for a few months as a boy, which led to a raucous conversation about interstellar travel and how if there had been a real Santa Claus, perhaps he’d used a Nefyrian cruiser to get deliver all those toys so quickly.
Alex noticed his mother taking occasional peeks at Krythar. He was glad that his mother seemed capable of sitting across from her ex-partner and not causing chaos. She had quieted after his arrival and kept more to herself, but the pair would need to learn to coexist if they wanted to be a part of Alex’s children’s lives.
It was a start. A positive one.
Later that night, after Alex had laid Zaadi in her crib in their room, he turned and wrapped his arms around his husband’s waist. He glanced at the clock and saw it read twelve-o-one. “Merry Christmas.”
Cryss smiled before leaning in for a kiss. “Merry Christmas.”
A knock on the door caused Alex to frown. He opened it and found Qylar on the other side. Qylar walked past him, marched to Zaadi’s crib, unlocked the wheels at the feet, and rolled her toward the door.
Alex stopped the crib with one hand. “Where are you going?” he whispered.
“I hear baby two will be attempted tonight,” Qylar replied. “She can sleep in my room. Consider it another Christmas present from me.”
Alex glanced at Cryss, cheeks warm. “You told him?”
“He is Bonus Daddy. Don’t you think he should be looped in that we’re having another child?” Cryss asked.
“Uncle Q is fine,” Qylar said as he rolled Zaadi out, grumbling under his breath, “Bonus Daddy. Heh.”
Once they were alone, Cryss dragged him closer. “Time to work on that present of yours.”
“One egg,” Alex reminded him. “Don’t go overboard.”
Qylar sighed dramatically. “Fine.” He grinned before capturing Alex’s lips and leading them to the bed and doing his damnedest to make baby two happen.