of People, Places, Pronunciations, Medieval Things, can last for years
demesne (duh-mane)—similar in meaning and pronunciation to domain; historically, the land attached to a noble manor; in the book, means the regional lands overseen by liege lords (e.g., the Darrowlands)
dread-mount —a stallion unicorn bonded to a fae warrior
Dougal Braithwaite —an unwise nobleman, brother to Fiona, Earl of Longmere
Dundúran (dun-dure-un)—capital city of the Darrowlands; can mean the city or the castle itself
earl —in the book, a noble rank below liege lord and baron but above margrave
Eirea (eer-ee-uh)—central kingdom of humans, still recovering from brutal wars of succession
faelands —territory claimed and inhabited by the fae; imbued over millennia with their magic
faethling —native language of the fae
Fallorian —fae capital
Fia (fee-uh)—Aislinn’s seneschal
Finn —Molly’s ex-lover, a dead man walking according to Allarion
Fiona Braithwaite —a nosey noblewoman, sister of Lord Dougal
Gleanná (glay-ah-nah)—capital of Eirea
guild —an association of craftsmen or merchants that oversee the stages of production of their craft/product (e.g., stonemasons, bricklayers)
Hakon Green-Fist (hay-kon)—half-orc blacksmith at Dundúran Castle, future Lord Consort of the Darrowlands, husband to Lady Aislinn
Isolde Monaghan (ih-zolde mon-uh-han)—Crown Princess of Eirea
Jennet (gen-et)—Molly’s friend, a fellow barmaid
liege lord —historically, a superior lord/authority to others; in the book, the highest rank of noble below the royal family, rules and oversees the entire demesne
long sleep —for the fae, a normal type of sleep taken every few days rather than a nightly rest; can last for a full day or more if the fae is recovering from injury
lord/lady —in the book, honorific of any noble person of any rank, usually attached to the person’s given name
Lorna —a dressmaker in Mullon
margrave —historically, a noble rank that oversaw the lands along the borders of a kingdom; in the book, the lowest noble rank after liege lord, baron, and earl
Maritza (mar-ihtz-uh)—harpy living in the Darrowlands
Marius Caellus (mar-ee-us kay-luhs)—King Consort of Eirea, half-Pyrrossi
Maxim (max-ihm)—fae warrior, Allarion’s oldest friend, mated to Aine, father to Ravenna
Merrick Darrow —Lord of the Darrowlands, father of Aislinn
Merry Dunne —Brom’s third child, Molly’s cousin, absolutely brilliant
Molly Dunne —human barmaid, orphan, our heroine
Mullon —a market town about two hours’ ride from Scarborough
Nora Dunne —Brom’s oldest daughter, Molly’s cousin, a bit of a pill
Oberon (oh-burr-on)—Maxim’s unicorn mount
Oona Dunne —Brom’s youngest child, Molly’s cousin, a certified cutie patootie
Orek Stone-Skin —half-orc hunter living in the Darrowlands, mated to Sorcha
Pyrros (peer-ohs)—southern kingdom of humans, has conquered other lands, countries, and tribes to the south
Ravenna —half-fae, half-human daughter of Maxim and Aine, gifted with foresight
Rory Dunne —Brom’s fourth child, Molly’s cousin, very good at riling her sister Nora
Scarborough —abandoned estate bought and overseen now by Allarion
seneschal (sen-uh-shull)—historically, the overseer of a manor or a high-ranking official; in the book, the direct assistant to the lord/lady
Sorcha Brádaigh (sor-sha brah-day)—horse trainer, mated to Orek, friend to Aislinn, eldest of many siblings
stone sleep —for the fae, a type of eternal sleep taken by elder fae when it is time for them to pass on to the afterworld; typically taken on the Twins
Theron (ther-ohn)—red dragon living in the Darrowlands, half-brother of Briseis
Tulare (too-lar)—a unicorn dread-mount
The Twins —the two fae goddesses that represent the sun and moon, life and death, war and love, and all duality, they are believed to bestow azai as a sign of favor; also associated with the two islands off the coast of the faelands
vassal —historically, a landholder who owed allegiance to a higher lord/authority in exchange for that land; in the book, all the noble landholders who owe fealty to the Darrows as liege lord
yeoman (yo-man)—historically, a free but not noble man who owned a landed estate; in the book, all non-noble landholders
Ygraine Monaghan (ee-grane mon-uh-han)—Queen of Eirea