On Thursday, I woke up early to work on my report for the Chemistry lab I had on Wednesday. I wasn't prioritizing our Cleopatra paper as much as I needed to and wanted to get Tyler's thoughts on our progress.
Me: Do you want to meet for breakfast before class?
Me: I think we need to touch base on Cleo
I didn't get a response from him, and he didn't come to class. He hadn't skipped class before, but with classes like Calculus and Animal Nutrition, I was sure he had a ton of homework. I couldn't fault him for skipping a comparatively easy class just once. I made sure to take good notes to give him when I saw him next.
On the way back to my room, I sent him another message.
Me: Everything okay?
I didn't hear anything from him for the rest of the day.
On Saturday morning, I opened my window. I still hadn't heard from Tyler. I was starting to get worried and wanted advice from the person I considered to be a relationship expert.
Me: I haven't heard from Tyler since Tuesday
Sierra: Have you told Dad?
Me: I'm sure I'm probably just overreacting. It's just weird that he wasn't in class on Thursday and hasn't responded to my texts
Sierra: Maybe he's just been really busy
Sierra: You can't tell me that you haven't done that exact thing before
Me: I know. It just feels weird
Sierra: Just see what happens the rest of this weekend
Then, she sent me a picture of Pebbles, our gray and white family pitbull. I immediately started a video chat with her.
"Of course, you only want to see my face when I'm with the dog," she laughed, answering the call.
"Let me see Pebbs!" I said, laughing, too.
Sierra was sitting outside on the front porch, and Pebbles was at her feet, chewing on a tennis ball.
"Come on, girl." Sierra stood and took the ball from Pebbles. She threw the ball a few times with Pebbles chasing and bringing it back. After a few minutes, she asked, "Have you tried reaching out to Tyler today?"
I shook my head. "I'll try him again tomorrow. I mean, he doesn't owe me any communication. It's not like I'm his girlfriend or anything."
"Aren't you, though?" She turned the phone back around and walked back into the house with Pebbles prancing behind. Her straight brown hair was pulled back into a ponytail. Her brown eyes were dancing and she had one eyebrow quirked.
"No?" I replied. Was I?
"Maybe that's why you haven't heard from him." She settled herself onto the couch, using Pebbles as a pillow. "Maybe he's trying to figure things out."
"Why are you home?" I asked, trying to change the subject but knowing that she wouldn't let me get away with it.
She narrowed her eyes at me. "I needed to grab something for a project for one of my classes. Why are you changing the subject?"
I sat down on the futon with a huff. "Because I don't know what to do. I want to just find him and talk it out, but I can't."
"He's still not talking to you?"
"Not out loud, no. Which gets frustrating, but I'm figuring it out. I just –" I sighed, taking my glasses off and rubbing my hand over my face, "– it seems like we've made so much progress and now nothing. I've only known him for a month and a half. How do I miss him already?"
"Because he's been a constant in your life since the second day of school. And, maybe you're starting to-"
"I'm not," I cut her off, knowing what she was going to say. She thought I was falling in love with him. Maybe I was. I had fallen in love way too quickly with Chloe's older brother, and the results had been disastrous. I didn't want to go down that road again.
"Okay," she said, with a knowing look on her face. "What book are you reading this week for your Fic class?"
I smiled, appreciating her change of topic. "Something by Hemingway. The professor gave us a list of four of his books, but I haven't picked mine yet. Suggestions?"
She shrugged. "The only one I've read is The Old Man and the Sea. I really liked it."
"That's the one I was leaning toward. The next one on the syllabus after this one is The Outsiders!"
She rolled her eyes, laughing. "You've only read it like a million times. I bet you can write an essay on it without even cracking the book open."
"I'd say I'll try it, but I'm really excited to read it again." I sat up, stretching my legs out. "I should probably go actually start Hemingway before I lose my motivation and decide to start The Outsiders instead."
"I should probably actually be productive while I'm here, too. I don't think I'm planning on coming back until Thanksgiving Break. What about you?"
I shook my head. "I thought about going next weekend for Founder's Day, but I'm going to have too much homework."
"Yeah, senior year might just kill me," she laughed. "Love you, Lex."
"Love you, too, sis."