
Chapter 13

Even his favourite blood type and vintage wasn’t helping. Ben still couldn’t get the thought of Ashley and that kiss out of his head. He’d kissed a lot of people since being turned, beforehand no one, but in all those years he’d never felt such an all-consuming desire for someone. Unlike some vampires, he’d never had a sexual attraction to his sire. Charles was like a father figure, and he had the same familial feelings for Anthony and Sebastian. The closest he’d come was his first blood lust, but once he’d fed, that had died, whereas now, several hours later, he still wanted Ashley and not with a dull ache, but with a desperate need to slake his lust that couldn’t possibly be natural.

A soft cough alerted him to Alex’s presence. He must be in a state if he was this distracted.

“Is everything all right, my lord? You didn’t ring for lunch but not because you were in the lab or your inner office.”

It wasn’t unusual for him to lose himself in his research. “I’ve a bit of a situation.”

“Anything I can help with?”

Since this must be related to the dodgy spell Ashley had botched, perhaps Alex could help. At least he was clinging to the idea that this was Ashley’s fuck-up and not the obvious answer, because he wasn’t willing to accept Ashley was anything more than an attractive distraction for an hour or so.

“Ashley cast at me, he was trying to make me open the spell box.”

“I take it that it worked, and you’re now worried he can have more influence over you,” Alex said, sounding calm but his left eyelid twitched. “Breaking a blood lock would be troublesome.”

“It wasn’t that, he didn’t break the blood lock, or make me open the box, instead I kissed him. Actually, I wanted to do a lot more than just kiss him.”


Alex was an elf of the world, he’d seen things Ben could only dream of and some of those dreams wouldn’t be pleasant, but he was clearly uncomfortable with his employer’s revelation.

“Was that a bad oh or a not-to-worry oh?”

“If you were to let me, I could see if I can read his magic, it might give us more to work on. Am I right in saying you are not happy to experience these feelings?”

“Of course I’m not. Ashley’s nice enough to look at, but he’s a bloody warlock sent to investigate me.”

“An investigation you brought upon yourself, my lord.”

“That’s neither here nor there. Now do your thing and see if we can find a way to get me out of this mess.”

Alex muttered a few words in elvish. Ben’s knowledge of the language was limited but as far as he could tell they weren’t discourteous or directed at him, and moments later Alex’s magic trickled over him. He’d experienced this several times since Alex had come to work here, it wasn’t unpleasant and he had none of the burning desire towards Alex as he did for Ashley.


Alex seemed confused, there was a redness to the tips of his ears that wasn’t normal. “I could sense his magic lingering but not in a bad way. This might sound odd, but it appears to like you.”

“I don’t understand, are you saying magic is alive and making life choices?”

“Not exactly. It’s not so easy to explain to a non-magic user. Think of it like a puppy, with training it will do as it’s told and will behave better for some than others. Ashley’s magic thinks you’re someone worth playing fetch with.”

“But surely that would only explain Ashley’s reaction not mine. I wanted him, not just him wanting me. If it had been that, I’d have blamed it on me somehow sending out an extra dosage of thrall. Which I don’t recall doing either.”

“Thrall plus his magic might have caused a temporary state of arousal. But I must admit I am surprised it has lingered. One solution could be to let it play out, get it out of your system so to speak.” Alex cleared his throat. “There is of course another option.”

“One we not discussing. I told you years ago I didn’t believe in that nonsense.”

“Yes, but at the time I hadn’t long come to Crofton Hall, I had lost the one I thought would be my life-mate and you offered me sanctuary and help to heal my wounds. I had assumed you were trying to make me feel better, rather than saying one day I would find someone to replace Kagin.”

Alex had been battered and bruised, he’d seen his elvish husband torn to pieces and had himself been left for dead. All because he was the wrong type of elf and had been cursed on top of it all. “Replace isn’t the right word, Alex, but I don’t believe that there is only one predetermined soul for anyone.”

“The vampire tradition of finding their Eternal is as old as any record. Your House exists because of it.”

Ben knew all this, Sebastian had wanted Anthony, and wanted to keep him forever. It had driven him to finally start the House of Hewel with the creation of the Dukedom of Marchent and the Earldom of Crofton within months of each other. “That doesn’t mean it will continue because of it. I’m a man of science, I don’t believe in soulmates and Eternals.”

“So how are you going to deal with Ashley?”

“I’m going to avoid him, I’m sure this will wear off.” All good words, and they would have been great if he believed them. If this didn’t go away, then the next step would be to convince Ashley a night of passion would be the end of it, and under no circumstances was he about to bring up the Eternal claptrap.

“Let’s see how that goes.” Alex looked as if he was trying to be encouraging. “In the meantime, I had come to bring you a message. The Lords Crofton have requested you join them at the club, as soon as you are able.”

“Lords? Both Charles and Anthony?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Bollocks.” Dealing with one of them was bad enough, but having two to contend with was a sodding nightmare. “This can’t be good.”

“I’ve taken the liberty to have Karl lay out your evening wear, sir. And a car is ready whenever you are.”

He couldn’t refuse a summons without some serious ear-bashing, especially at the moment, and it was most likely a check-in to hear about the investigation. Charles could have got the lowdown firsthand if he hadn’t disappeared to swan around with Timothy on the pretence it would look better if Ben was at the hall on his own as the rightful earl. He’d been away more than at home for years, but his involvement wasn’t the issue. Ben didn’t see Anthony for long periods of time, often a decade at least, although once he’d learnt to use a mobile phone and text, they’d been in frequent communication… nothing deep or meaningful and Ben sort of considered him like a well-meaning uncle who needed help with online shopping and getting Netflix to work.

“I take it they provided no additional information on what they wanted to see me for?”

“No, my lord. Just that you were expected to join them at your earliest convenience.”

“I’m pretty sure my convenience wasn’t factored in at all.”

Once back in his rooms, he changed into the three-piece suit Karl had selected, and sent a text to Marchent, Robin and Isaac to ask if any of them might be around to catch up after. Robin replied stating he was back in LA, Isaac was at a charity event that he wished he wasn’t at, and Marchent apologised but said he had a prior Vampire Council engagement he couldn’t get out of, but would have if he could. Ben would have to grin and bear his talking-to without even a night with his friends as compensation. It wasn’t as if he really objected but more the summons came without thought to his desires or availability, and once he joined the Vampire Council he’d have plenty of other similar instructions just like Marchent, but that didn’t mean he had to like it.

The club was in London, in one of the Georgian townhouses in Pimlico the average person probably thought belonged to a Russian oligarch. From the outside it appeared like its neighbours but the warren of underground rooms making it a safe haven during the hours of daylight was what set it apart.

Ben was known on sight. As he approached the doors were opened without hesitation. He wouldn’t say he was a regular in the same sense of the other places he frequented, but he was expected to be seen here, and the business conducted and time spent was very different from the clubs he’d go with Marchent, Isaac or Robin.

The front of house greeted him as he entered the reception area. “Lord Crofton, welcome. I was asked to inform you that your family are in the Chalice Room.”

He nodded his thanks and took the elevator down to the second level. Charles was waiting for him. “Ah, Ben, there you are.”

“I thought Anthony was with you.”

“He stepped out for a moment, he’s not been here for a while and you know how he likes to reminisce.”

He didn’t really, since he’d not spent enough time with Anthony to know his habits, and of anyone, it was Charles who was guilty of living in the past. If he got out of here with less than three references to the Regency Ton he’d have won the side bet he’d made with Alex as he was leaving.

“Is it just the two of you?”

“Timothy said it wasn’t any of his business, and that I should leave you be to deal with it, but I am the earl still. I do have a reputation and the family to protect.”

“If you’d had your way you’d be in Monte Carlo by now. I’m assuming you’re referring to the investigation, and I can assure you it’s all proceeding without issue.”

“We were thinking of Belize, but you’re right that this has disrupted my plans. It’s not that I don’t think you’re capable, Ben, just that it wouldn’t look good on any of us if we left you completely on your own.”

Ben counted slowly to five to stop himself from blurting out his answer without soft words. “You have already left the hall, you’re not around much these days.”

“Yes, but that’s different.”


Charles scowled and wafted his hand in Ben’s direction. “Less of this.”

A horrible thought settled on him. “Sebastian didn’t send you, did he?”

“Well, not send exactly.”

He didn’t want Sebastian getting involved, He’d probably suss out in no time that Ben had brought this on himself and he wouldn’t get his apology out before he was a drained husk missing its head.

The door opened and Anthony arrived. The last time Ben had seen him, he’d still had a ponytail, but now he was styled in a more curated fashion, with short hair, his beard trimmed, and if Ben wasn’t mistaken, wearing a Tom Ford suit.

“Ben! It’s been too long. I must get the name of your tailor.”

Anthony had always been a bit of a peacock, to be fair so was he, and Charles. “You’re looking rather dapper without my help.”

“Well, I do like to look my best.”

“I guess Sebastian would accept nothing less. Where is Sebastian?” Ben asked hoping he wasn’t about to arrive.

Anthony looked a bit sheepish. “I don’t know.”

“Is he busy? I just wondered if he’d be here?”

Anthony’s smile faltered. “I was sort of hoping the same. We had an argument and he told me he needed a break from my pig-headed arrogant arse.”

Sebastian and Anthony were a devoted couple, and Ben was sure it was nothing really, but it was a good diversion from his own situation. “I’m sure he’ll calm down. When did this argument happen?”

Anthony took a moment to think. “Give or take five years.”

Ben’s jaw dropped.

“Five years! You’ve not heard from him for that long?” Charles said, aghast. “Why didn’t you say something?”

“No, no, I’ve heard from him—he messages me regularly. Checking I’m feeding correctly and behaving myself. I’ve just not seen him in person since we had our little clash.”

“So are you taking an official break from being his mate? Seeing other people?” Ben asked carefully.

“What? No! Do I look suicidal? This is Sebastian putting me in my place. And I’m staying there until he takes me out of it. I was just hoping that with your predicament he’d be around and I could happen to see him and get things back to normal.”

Charles tutted. “Have you apologised? Grovelled a bit?”

“I didn’t do anything wrong. Well, not really.”

Ben doubted that to be the case, but after nearly four hundred years together maybe even the closest couple could do with a break. “I think you might have to be the bigger man here,” Ben said, although it would probably fall on deaf ears.

“I tend to agree with Ben,” Charles said, nodding. “There are times when I could take the moral high ground with Timothy, but for the sake of matrimonial harmony, I’ve swallowed my pride more than once.”

Charles and Timothy weren’t officially married, although they’d had some sort of ceremony back in the 1820s, which had also corresponded with Charles turning Timothy. As far as Ben was concerned, Timothy had the patience of a saint, and he couldn’t recall a single time when it had been Timothy in the wrong during one of their arguments.

“I’ll think about it,” Anthony muttered. “We can catch up on what I’ve been up to after we’ve discussed Ben’s issues.”

Ben didn’t need them interfering, he had enough to deal with without adding two more vampires into the mix. “I’ve everything under control.”

Anthony clicked his tongue. “You’re been investigated by the Invigilators and are at risk of not becoming the next Dark Earl. How is that in any way, shape or form in control?”

“There’s nothing to find. It’ll all be done and dusted in a few months and long-forgotten.” At least he hoped so, as having Ashley under his roof was a temptation he hadn’t been prepared for. Stroppy warlocks being put in their place was one thing, wanting to put them on their back and fuck them was quite another.

“Is this investigation looking into who made these false accusations? Actually, what are you being accused of?”

“Being unfit to be earl—it was very vague, but the archaic protocol meant it had to be acted on. It was done anonymously so there’s little chance of finding the culprit and there’s no mandate to do so.” He hoped it stayed that way or he was going to be in a shit ton of trouble.

“You should not take such a slur so casually. What have you done to uncover who made these slanderous accusations?”

Ben doubted he could slander himself but that wasn’t a conversation he intended to have. “I haven’t done anything because the whole point of the bylaw is it is supposed to be anonymous. If I were to try and find out the perpetrator, then I would be in far more trouble.”

Charles’s thoughtful expression did not bode well. “You might not be able to do so but perhaps we can.”

“You are still part of the House of Hewel.” He needed to think quickly because the last thing he wanted was Charles sticking his oar in and finding out the truth. “The Invigilators might look to identify the source, but if there is even the slightest sniff of us asking, then it would cause me even more grief. There’s no risk to the investigation finding something that would prevent me from becoming Earl, but if they found out I was trying to circumvent the anonymity angle, I’d be in serious shit.”

Anthony scowled. “I don’t like the situation, but I don’t want to make it worse. Would me and Charles being at Crofton Hall help?”

He didn’t want this pair to get wind of his unexplained attraction to Ashley. He was sure Charles’s suggestion would be to fuck Ashley to get him on his side, and based on what Ben had seen of him, Ashley’s professionalism wouldn’t allow it. “I think that might look like I’m running to you to solve my problems, which would send the message I wasn’t ready to be the earl.”

“True,” said Charles. “I know you’re ready, but there are some old-fashioned bastards who might think you’ve not been turned long enough to be worthy.”

A thought struck him that he was still in need of a credible excuse for someone to have reported him and, if it was a matter of him not being ready yet based on his limited time as a vampire, and the preference for Charles to remain earl for longer, rather than him not being suitable at all, then that might be a far better pill to swallow. It would also not be seen as malicious and so Robin’s idea of using one of his actor types might work. He’d speak to Karl and Alex—they’d be able to tell him if this had legs, and all things considered, he might have found the light at the end of the tunnel.


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