Chapter 1
T he demon queen's head exploded in a spray of blood, brain, and bone.
Then Roman disappeared in a cloud of glittery dust.
My two hearts hiccupped in surprise.
Where did he go?
Those two moments sent shockwaves through the awakened monarchs gathered on the snowy shore of the frozen lake in Level 666. Their war cries were silenced, all eyes on the headless queen's obsidian blood spreading across the snow.
Us demons didn't die like that.
Without her demonic magic to send her into convalescence, she was just a corpse, as dead as a mortal.
This is what Butterfly wanted—ending magic to even the playing field and spark a war. All for some twisted revenge over a warlock killing him many years ago. He'd played with time using his device inside Roman's chest, and now we faced the consequences of his actions.
I'm mortal.
I can die here.
No. Death was out of the question with Roman in my life. I would find him. I would hold him. I would bask in his lovely light.
Butterfly flanked my left side, his purple hair billowing behind him. He still clutched the mason jar housing the piece of time—protected by a special coating on the glass. A small storm of translucent clouds rolled within the jar, occasional bursts of lightning flaring.
"This is unexpected," he muttered, spiking my desire to tear him limb from limb.
The golden, magic-ending dust released from Butterfly's device continued to fall from the sky in glittery flakes. A thick silence fell across the icy beach, only the bitter wind making a sound. A sea of white demon eyes focused on me, as if I had answers for them.
Ismael's attention bore into me, his presence both terrifying and heartbreaking in equal measure.
You should be sleeping…
Ismael. My awakened ex, the bronze-skinned beauty with long, obsidian curls I once buried my face in. The man I believed to be my one true love until Roman came into my life.
My angel.
My future.
My hope.
"What did he do?" Ismael asked me directly, his tone soft yet dark.
Darcy, the human-turned-rat-turned-human again, shivered to my right. I steadied him as he started to collapse.
The three of us were naked—Butterfly, Darcy, and myself. Although my magic was dead, ending my ability to shift, I retained my strength, endurance, and natural heat. I could withstand this icy onslaught for a while, but Darcy was human. He wouldn't last long in these temperatures.
I scooped Darcy into my arms, holding his shivering body as close to me as possible. "I'm getting you out of here."
Ismael cocked an eyebrow at my move, the diamonds in his silver crown glinting. "How kind of you. You really are enraptured by humans."
I offered no response, whispering to Darcy that I would keep him safe. Roman loved his best friend dearly, and so I would do everything in my power to protect him.
The poor human gazed up at me, teeth chattering. "T-T-Thank you."
"Well?" Ismael pressed. "What do you have to say, Xavier?"
This situation may be dire, but this wasn't the end. I would get Darcy and myself out of it, along with Butterfly. I might loathe every inch of the demon, but he was the smartest demon in existence. If anyone had the knowledge and the skill to reverse this damage, he did.
Unless this change is permanent…
"Answer your king!" Past Me bellowed.
I glowered at my naked past self, his hand on Ismael's lower back. Protective, ready to die for him like the old days.
A knot of grief tangled in my chest. It hurt seeing Ismael again, a piece of him always inside me. Yet time had moved on, as time liked to do. I found myself in a new place, my hearts racing for my new man.
Roman is mine.
I am his.
I want us to be one beautiful heart.
"Pay him no mind, my love," Ismael said to Past Me. "What matters now is the path to victory. I am free. We are all free."
Tanith, a snake demon and my former best friend, sidled up to him. He welcomed her into the fold with a nod. She was loyal to him through and through. She was currently trapped in the dark green scales and cobra-like head of her giant snake form. Her forked tongue tasted the air, white eyes burning with hate for me.
"And so we begin," Ismael added. "Here we shall spill the first of our enemy's blood in this war."
We'd see about that…
Ismael straightened his spine, puffing up his chest. "My fellow monarchs!" His voice thundered across the beach, seeming to disturb the pink streaks in the blue-black sky. "Put aside any rivalries from the past. This is your rebirth, your gift. Do not waste it on pettiness. Embrace it." He raised his arms, becoming the head of the royal pack with each passing second. "We are vulnerable to death, but do not fear it. Let it make you stronger."
I should be running, not listening to this rubbish. Fear kept me cemented to the spot. Real, crippling fear. Darcy's life was in my hands, and Roman was missing. A mighty pressure fell on my shoulders, crushing me, wanting me to yield in the face of such danger. Resistance was futile against this power on the beach.
Don't give in now. Not with so much hope at stake…
I drew sharp breaths, hating myself for allowing the weakness in.
Don't give in…
"We march as one!" Ismael bellowed. "We will reclaim this realm! Those who wish to join us will be welcomed into the fold. Those who oppose us will die."
A rapturous applause followed.
What a wanker.
Ismael's eyes flared. "Kill the human and the butterfly. But spare my love." He took Past Me by the hand. "For now."
The time for fear was over.
"Get ready to run," I whispered to Butterfly.
The monarchs cried for blood, their collective voices an assault on my ears. They cheered each other, posturing in a display of might, but still not attacking. Too stuffed with self-importance, the dead queen forgotten now.
I burst into a run, Butterfly mirroring me in an instant. We tore across the snow, pouring every effort into our escape.
The demon monarchs roared as one behind us. I glanced back, the royal army surging forward in a mighty stampede.