Chapter 40
I ignore her screams and the pounding on the door, and walk away. The bedroom I've put her in is at the back of the house, and there's a decent distance between the houses on the street, so no one will be able to hear her. I'm not worried about anyone coming to investigate.
I go out onto the drive and stop at the back of the car. Opening the trunk, I take out the bag containing my laptop, lock it up, and go back inside.
She's still yelling. I think she might also be crying, and the sound takes me back to when the jury read out my guilty verdict.
I shake my head. I'm not going to soften on this. My intention is to force her to experience everything I had to.
I make a bet with myself for how long it'll take for her to wear herself out. I give it an hour. Maybe two, tops.
I put the laptop bag on the kitchen table, and take a bottle of water out of the refrigerator, then sit at the table. A minute later, I have the laptop out of the bag, and sit back while it boots up.
Ashley is still screaming, mostly my name broken up by banging as she hits the door. I'm impressed by her stamina. Not that it's going to help her.
While the laptop starts up, I get up and close the door, muffling the noise a little.
Opening the laptop bag, I find the earbuds, and push them in. The noise canceling option reduces the noise even more. Once the laptop reaches the welcome screen, I log in, then type in the encrypted address link Rook sent to me.
A password box pops up, and I find the paper I scribbled it onto, and type it in, careful to write it exactly as instructed. The folder opens, with a document and two video files. I open the document first.
Below are timestamps of places I found inconsistencies in the witness's retelling of what happened. I've also highlighted places where I feel the officer in charge of the interview led the witness into admissions that aren't accurate.
Watch the whole thing, then go back and take a closer look at those specific times.
I've also included your interrogation. I'm not sure it's something you particularly want to relive, but there are a few things on there that you might want to pay attention to. I've marked those times down as well.
If you need anything else, call Rook.
Knigh t
Below that is a series of timestamps and links. I assume they will take me to the exact location on the videos. I don't read them yet. I want to watch the recording first, then I'll match it up to the notes Knight has left me.
I shrink it down to the bottom of the screen, then click on the video titled ‘Ashley Trumont—Witness statement.' The video opens, and I enlarge it so it's full size on the screen. I check the earbuds are connected for sound, turn up the volume, and click play.