Chapter 8
Alec: Mind telling us what exactly happened with the groom, Van? Is it true you stole the bride?
Logan: Parker wants to have a word when you get back.
Alec: Oooh someone's in trouble…
Eli: Dude! Sounds to me like he saved Coach's daughter from marrying a giant turd. If the rumors are to be believed.
Logan: I didn't say Parker was MAD.
Alec: We all know what it means when Parker wants to "have a word."
Logan: Watch it.
Alec: Hey, I didn't say anything bad.
Felix: Did you really walk in on the groom and someone hooking up? That's so not cool.
Alec: I guess that means you weren't having diarrhea.
Nathan: How did we get from point A to point poop?
Alec: Dumbo said Van had diarrhea.
Eli: [laughing emoji] [crying emoji] [poop emoji]
Wyatt: Why am I on this text thread?
Camden: Right?!?! This feels more like punishment than reward.
Alec: You guys would rather be on the thread with Tucker, Dumbo, or Dominik?
Wyatt: Carry on
Felix: Don't mess things up with Coach's daughter.
Eli: Are you, like, babysitting her? Or …
Felix: There best not be any kind of OR.
Nathan: I'd kind of like to see Coach beat Van with his skates.
Logan: Why so violent? I'd like Coach to have nothing but happy, easy times from now on. He deserves it after that mess.
Logan: So don't do anything to make things worse, V.
Alec: This is VAN we're talking about. What do you expect to happen?
Logan: Maybe just don't break her heart. Again. Because Coach definitely WOULD break you.
Felix: The woman just walked away from her wedding. I doubt she's looking for a new guy.
Alec: I'll say it again: this is VAN we're talking about.
Nathan: Don't give Vanity a bigger head than he's already got.
Felix: Van, be good.
Eli: [laughing emoji] [dancing lady emoji] [skull emoji]
Van: Hey
Eli: VAN!
Alec: Send proof of life.
Logan: Nice picture.
Eli: Dude, who decked you?
Felix: Button up your shirt. I can see your belly button lint.
Wyatt: Why are you in a Walmart bathroom?
Van: Long story
Van: Several people hit me today
Nathan: More than one?
Alec: How about give us the short story???
Van: First I was struck by an angel
Wyatt: Unlikely
Van: Second hit was Coach
Felix: Okay, I'm going to need the long story.
Nathan: At least medium length.
Van: Caught the groom cheating with the bride's cousin aka the maid of honor. Forced him to confess. Chaos ensued. Maid of honor threw an angel statue at my face. Maybe accidentally. Coach punched me. Definitely accidentally. Became the bride's getaway ride.
Van: Did NOT have diarrhea.
Eli: That's good because a Walmart bathroom is not the place you want to have stomach trouble.
Alec: Come over to Felix's. You can give us the long story in person. This is too good.
Van: Can't. I'm in Florida.
Wyatt: What's in Florida?
Van: Me
Eli: [eye roll emoji] [angry emoji]
Logan: I thought you were going to Vegas for the break.
Van: I was thinking about it
Alec: Did you go straight from the church to the airport? It's only been like six hours.
Van: Basically yeah
Logan: So why Florida
Van: I got an offer I couldn't refuse
Alec: Is it just me or is Van being deliberately vague.
Nathan: Not just you.
Felix: Stop dancing around the question. Why are you in Florida?
Wyatt: What part of Florida?
Logan: Don't you dare ghost us. I'll send Parker after you.
Alec: Stop trying to use Parker as a weapon.
Felix: Van. Why are you in Florida and why aren't you answering the question?
Van: Jeez.
Van: I'm in Florida with Amelia. She wanted to get out of town and already had the trip planned
Eli: Um
Alec: That's … wow.
Logan: I'm definitely not telling Parker.
Logan: Yet.
Felix: Have you buttoned up your shirt yet? If not, please do so NOW.
Camden: Forget what I said earlier. I like this text thread.
Nathan: Does Coach know?
Van: He asked me to go
Logan: Coach ASKED you to go?
Eli: Coach asked YOU to go?
Alec: I'm offended.
Van: He wanted me to make sure Amelia's okay
Van: It's fine
Van: We're having fun
Eli: Uh-oh
Alec: Define fun
Logan: Fun or "fun"?
Van: Do you guys not trust me at ALL?
Alec: No
Felix: Unlikely.
Eli: Maybe?
Wyatt: Jury's still out
Nathan: Not with Coach's daughter.
Van: Good to know where I stand
Van: Gotta run
Logan: Be careful
Alec: Be GOOD
Eli: [laughing emoji] [smiling with halo emoji]