Chapter Thirteen
I whistled as I made my way down the street, waving at Glass, who was on the opposite side, looking cross. "Hey, what's got your rhubarb in a twist?"
"Whoever had a go at Bart has been back and decided to try and kidnap Red," he snapped angrily.
I didn't take offense, Glass's usual state was grumpy, and trying to kidnap a stalk? That was a new level of c-r-u-m-b-l-e.
"How did he manage to escape the monster?" Oops. "I mean, whatever the thing was." Was that any better? I knew that Maximus didn't like Tim calling him a monster. Did this count? Whoever—or whatever it was—was a monster if it was trying to grab a stalk or two.
Glass, dressed like he'd come from work, came across the street. Evidently he wasn't up for shouting at me. "He shifted and gave the monster a leafy thrust that seemed to give it a fright, so he let go of him and Red scarpered. He's at home, recovering."
"Does Tim know?" I was sure he'd be upset knowing someone had tried to nab the rhubarb. I had been headed home to check in on Mom, I wanted to explain about Burke before bringing him home to meet her. She could get a little overly dramatic and no one wanted to meet the screechy side of Mom. But if they needed me, Mom could wait.
"Yeah," Glass replied, "he's heading to the house with his pride to get some answers."
Was Burke going too?
I am. Tim's upset and Maximus isn't happy as he's worried we brought trouble to town. You… you aren't upset about that, are you?
Huh? I looked at Glass, scratching my head. Why would I be upset, my ballsy-bull? You coming here meant I found my mate, as did Tim. What's to be upset about? I felt his worry and grinned, sending him an image of me covered in his cream and him tonguing me enthusiastically. That should help.
"What… to the Great Rhu? Why have I got that image in my head, Ricky? Fuck, please stop!" Glass growled like the grumpy rhubarb he was. He ran his hands over his eyes, shaking his head as if to dislodge the image I'd sent the whole parcel by mistake. However, embarrassed was not what I felt. I'd won the ball and tongue lottery. I hadn't known I needed to play and still I'd won. I was a happy stalk.
"What can I say?" I shrugged, catching a few amused stares from those roaming on the other side of the street.
"Nothing, please say nothing and keep your thoughts to yourself. I have bigger rhubarb to worry about."
"What is Crimson going to do?" I asked, feeling kind of bad because this was a serious situation, and I was thinking about my love life.
"She's calling a town meeting and inviting the pride, too. See if we can figure this all out before a stalk gets hurt… or worse… c-r-u-m-b-l-e-d."
We shuddered in unison. No one wanted that.
"I was just heading to see Mom, but I could come with you to your house instead," I suggested.
His hand came up before I'd finished talking as if to brush off my idea. "No, it's fine. I don't think I need you and your mate in the same place doing… what you're thinking about." He groaned dramatically. "Can't you think about anything else, like a normal stalk?"
I grinned at him. "Don't be silly, this is all I wanna think about. My custard and his cream, it's—"
He shoved his hand over my mouth, his eyes wide with terror. "To Great Rhu, no more! It's not normal and I've had enough with Tim! Don't need you to be spouting this nonsense at me."
"Nonsense?" I mumbled against his palm, then shook his hand free. "It's not nonsense. It's all about finding your mate and getting rhubarb happy!" I exclaimed, insulted.
"Whatever you say. I have to go, it seems that your pride has arrived at the house and caused a bit of a commotion." He groaned. "Now what!" Then he was striding off in the opposite direction to where I was headed.
What's going on Burke?
More silence.
Burke answer me… or I'll spank your bottom. Did that sound weird? Too kinky?
Panting filled my head, and I came to a halt. What are you doing?
I'm struggling to hold on to Apollo. He's got the scent of something and it's sending him doolally!
Oh, that doesn't sound good, so I'll stop pestering you.
Not pestering… and the spanking…
A wave of heat hit me in my stalk, and I grinned all the way home. At the door, I reconsidered the state of my sweats when I glanced down, feeling my stalk waving around looking for its ballsy-bull. Well, this wasn't going to work in front of my mom. I tried to think of non-ball things, like a sudden attack of wilt.
"Why are you hovering outside the door?" I glanced up, seeing Mom in the doorway, and I wilted like I'd had a blast of icy cold. "Is it ‘cause you know I heard the news from Ma Baker three doors down that my son got himself a mate? And not a rhubarb," she screeched.
Yep, totally called it. I patted her arm. "He's a bull with the biggest…" oh yeah, maybe that was gonna be too much of an overshare, "heart. He's adorable, Mom, you're gonna love him."
She poked her head out the door past me, looking up and down the neighborhood. "Then where is he?"
"He's dealing with a crisis." It was the truth, so I didn't feel bad. "I'll bring him around tomorrow before work. We could have dinner together. I'll cook."
"He doesn't eat himself, does he?" She shuddered at the thought.
I had a whole different image in my head, but I didn't imagine my bull was that flexible. I was…
"Nope, he's a veggie, like us." I guided her inside, making sure to work on keeping my thoughts to myself. "Let's see what you got in the cupboards. I'm sure we'll find something."