Episode Thirty-Nine Are You In?
D ays Later …
Even though it violates the terms of our agreement, the four of us are heavily armed. We're all carrying our bows and arrows, and all of us but Alliana also have our swords. The three of us males are pulling travois, which are heavily laden with the beef we promised we'd bring.
Suddenly, ten monks drop silently from the trees, surrounding us.
"Welcome," one of them says. He seems older than the rest and has a scar across one eye. "I'm Ethor. We came to help you the rest of the way. Why don't you rest your weapons on your travois?" He manages to sound genial, although there's steel in his voice. Removing our weapons isn't an option, but a command.
"We mean you no harm," he says as his males take our burdens from us. "Just keeping us all safe."
Only a few minutes later, we hear drumming, and the light of a dozen fires greets our eyes as the sun sets.
The silverback leader of the troop greets us before we reach the giant trees that make up their village.
"I'm glad you kept your end of the bargain," he says. "I'm Azael. Last I saw you, you were dying," he says to me. "I'm glad our healer, Reese, was able to attend you."
"Thank you," I say, trying to sound grateful, but still too wary to let my guard down.
The monk gives an exaggerated sniff, then says, "It smells like you are all well and truly mated."
"Yes," Alliana says, taking a small step forward. "I'm so happy to bring food for your troop in exchange for your help."
Leave it to our prize to be generous and sweet even to someone who ordered his males to hurl shit at her mates.
"Let's feast," Azael says. "You have the rest of your bargain to fulfill. I have many questions about Up Above."
I've never been this far into monk territory. Azael must be serious about keeping the peace with us or he never would have invited us in.
I have to hand it to this troop. Where we're living in a cave, these people have built a community in the trees up above. They've constructed little huts made of leaves and wood high in the branches. There are a few ropes and wooden walkways between some of the dwellings, though I imagine all but the youngest of them simply swing or jump from tree to tree.
Down below is a large firepit with several people cooking at different places around the edges. This must be the communal cooking area. Right now, hefty slabs of beef are being arranged on spits above the fire. In the meantime, males offer us skins filled with fermented spirits.
Finally, I let down my guard when I see not one person in this large troop is armed.
We eat and drink and even dance around the firepit. At first, my Little Bird is awkward, glancing around to see if she's moving like the others. After a few minutes, her attitude changes. Perhaps she gave herself permission to dance the way her body wanted. Mayhap that was helped along by the spirits we're sharing. In any case, her smile is wide as she pounds her feet dancing around the firepit.
Human females are such an oddity. Everyone seems to be watching her—males, females, adults and children alike. It's reassuring that their interest is peaceful. There are no weapons in sight, and only happy, increasingly drunken faces on display. This troop of monks truly has no desire to harm any of us.
Alliana is feeling the effects of the liquor. Her pale face is pink in the firelight, and the look on her face is decidedly tipsy. I don't worry. She knows no secrets about our little pack, so she can't tell these people anything I don't want them to know.
Azael motions for us to join him on the edge of the group, most of whom have drunk a little too much. His best males, all sober, are still guarding him, albeit in a way that seems casual.
"When I can arrange it, I'll be speaking with the felines and wolven about what we'll be discussing," he says. "Also the griffons, centaurs, and any others willing to talk. Before we get to the heart of the matter, though, I wanted to address the issue of human females."
Everyone's gaze darts to Alliana, and I tuck her closer.
"Don't worry. This isn't about your precious mate. That's been solved. She's yours. That will never be disputed again. But should any other human females appear, whether they drop from the sky or not, I want them to have mates from different species. Just like your pack."
"Why?" Luka blurts.
"Some of us are more warlike than others. The more we have in common, the more we share, the more likely we will keep our alliances. The males in the mated packs, no matter how different their appearance or customs, will learn to get along to keep their mate happy. It will be to everyone's benefit. It will build strong alliances and will make Down Below safer and more peaceful."
I can see no harm in it. Nor does it affect us. We already have our mate.
"Now, I have questions."
The silverback grills Alliana for hours about the Up Above. He's not hiding his intent. He wants to know where the elevators lead, what the towers look like, how many people there are, and what the power structure is like.
Alliana came to us a frightened thing who'd been pushed out of a hover with the intent that we monsters from Down Below would hurt or kill her. If that hadn't been bad enough, they came back to return her to a forced marriage with a mean old male.
My mate has no love for the people Up Above. She willingly answers all Azael's questions.
As his queries slow to a trickle, I ask what his plan is.
"We've been at the mercy of those Up Above for long enough," he says. "They scoop up our young, take them to what they call The Works, and force them to labor until they die of lack of food or the horrible conditions. Then they return to steal more of our children."
He cups his hand on his chin as he thinks. If I had to guess, I would say he's trying to figure out how much to tell us.
"We've been lucky in this valley. And perhaps it's safe where you go to winter. But other troops tell me of the hardships they've experienced, losing half of their young year after year to the vehicles in the sky who snatch what they want and then fly away."
He pierces each of us, one after the other, with his intelligent gaze.
"It's time we discuss a way to stop the carnage. I want my best males to climb the elevators and scout Up Above. Then we'll come up with a plan. Are you in?"