14. Epilogue
1 year later
" A watched pot never boils, you know."
"God, you scared the crap out of me, Erik. What are you doing skulking around? Don't you have work to do?"
"I can't help it. I like to be around my wife. Work is overrated. The email hasn't come in yet?"
"It'll happen."
"You have no frame of reference to say that."
"I know how talented you are, and I'm certain they will be amazed at your craft."
He comes and sits next to me. We're in my workshop, where I do my custom quilting. Erik built a she-shack that blew my mind away. Now I have my own space in our home and I'm so very grateful to him for it.
"What's this project? Is it new?" He looks at the new squares I've been sewing.
"It's a surprise," I confess.
"Anne wants to know if they can come over to wait with us."
"Um, it might take hours."
"It's Saturday, they're bored."
"Sure, tell Anne to bring me food."
"Anything specific?"
"She knows what I like."
There's also the fact that Anne knows my surprise. I wanted to tell Erik first, but she's nosy and figured it out. I don't know how Erik will take the news. He doesn't really like surprises. He might be laid back with the rest of the world, but he takes his husbandly duties very seriously. This will be stressful for him.
Thirty minutes in and his pacing is driving me crazy. Fortunately, the doorbell on the main house rings, and he goes to let our friends in. I might get a little miffed about him hovering every time I'm waiting on the results of a competition, but I know he does it because he loves me.
"Hello, hello, I've brought some empanadas."
"You're an angel. Gimme, gimme," I say, making hand-grabbing signs.
"Max brought some champagne but won't let me open it until we get the news."
"I'm flattered you all believe so highly of me that you are certain I will win this competition."
"You've won others."
"Yeah, but this is a big deal. Not only is it a lot of money, but I'll also be featured in a popular quilting magazine, and my pattern will be published as well. This could bring in a lot of work."
"You look worried about that, baby girl."
"It could be too much."
Especially if I was having a baby in seven months.
"Brandy, this place is wonderful. How did you get Erik to build it for you?"
"He was tired of having pieces of fabric strewn about every surface of the house."
"I resent that. I did it because I love you."
"That, too."
I smiled at Anne and kept eating my empanada. She got me chicken, which is just as well because beef makes me want to barf right now. Then a look of worry enters her features, and I glance towards where Max and Erik are standing.
"Oh, crap," I say.
"Max, come sit by me," Anne says.
"Give me a minute," Max says, "I'm trying to figure this quilt out."
Erik is frowning next to him, and I sigh in resignation. They're going to figure it out, alright.
"Max, leave it. It's a surprise."
"There's the word dad or daddy in there," Erik mumbles.
That's when Max's eyes pop open in surprise and he steps back from the table. I get up and go stand next to Erik and put my arm around his back.
"It says world's best daddy ."
"Did you take a test?" His eyebrows vault up. "Why didn't you say anything?"
"Yes, I took a test. I didn't say anything because I wanted to surprise you. I would have finished the quilt in two days, tops."
"How do we feel about this?"
"We feel blessed and happy."
"Okay, can I tell my mother?" He beams.
"Yes, of course."
"Can you say the words?"
I take his face in between my hands and look firmly into his eyes.
"Erik, I'm pregnant."
He grabs me and twirls me around and around until I start hitting his arm.
"Not so fast, or I'm going to throw up."
"Max, now you can open that bottle you brought with you."
Max peeks into my laptop and gives us a big smile.
"We've got two things to celebrate now. Congratulations, Brandy, you won the competition."
I check my laptop and indeed, the email has arrived stating that I'm this year's winner from the American Quilters Association. Since I did my own design I get more perks than other winners. It was one of the waterfalls from Woodland Falls and the surrounding forest. I will donate it to the town to hang in a prominent place.
Max pours the champagne, and Erik brings me a bottle of water. We toast to winners and babies and having wonderful spouses. We've been lucky, all four of us, to find that one person who fills our hearts and lives with love. Erik pulls me towards a chair and sits down, then makes me sit on his lap. We make googly eyes at one another, and our friends give us grief for it.
"Our family is beginning to grow, baby."
"Yes, it is, baby girl. Have I told you today that I love you?"
"I don't remember. It's all very fuzzy. Remind me?" I bat my eyelashes at him.
"I love you, Brandy."
"I love you, Erik."
And it is a love that will last forever.