Chapter 24
Bestie, strap in for story time about our girl @madelinemontana. Remember when we said, "Tucker who?" because @ethanblack hit our radar? Well, it turns out we may now be backing the right man. @tuckerbrandt went full feral on Maddie today at the Nashville Airport, stunning the crowd when he grabbed her menacingly. We haven't found a video that shows what happened before he did this, but he clearly appeared to be threatening her. Giving the full ick. And then, our new king Ethan stepped into the fray, protector mode activated. Again. And he seriously ate that. He just brings main character energy with him. We're in a frenzy searching high and low for more, more, more of Ethan & Maddie. This relationship is a credit card slam for us. Take our money and let us binge-watch their life. It would be the hottest reality TV. We've noticed though that they aren't moots on Insta. What does that meeeeean? We need to know everything!