Over the next few weeks,jubilance abounded. We'd defeated Moloch, the demon influx appeared to have massively slowed down, and given those facts, it was decided we'd return to living in the castle—something the brownies cheered.
Everyone seemed to think we'd won the war, and despite my vow to be truthful, I didn't have the heart yet to tell them that it was far from over. Let them have this moment of victory before I crushed it. Soon enough to tell them shit would still be hitting the fan.
For one, I still owed a certain disembodied spirit a body, and that proved harder to find than expected, as I didn't want to give it a shitty body. At the same time, I couldn't give it one with a good person still inside.
But of even more concern was the note I'd received a week later—found on my pillow!—written on parchment, the kind with yellowed edges, the handwriting barely legible, and which I had a sneaky suspicion had been scribed in blood.
To the messovenata named Sadie,
Thank you for returning Moloch to Inferis. It might please thee to know he's been executed for treason. Accept this token—the token being a ring set with a garishly large ruby—as a gesture of thanks.
I look forward to meeting you soon.
Leviathan, the Emperor of Inferis
Guess I might not be done being a hero quite yet. Here I was hoping to get laid before I was dragged into the next adventure.
Sadie's story isn't quite done. Buckle up and get ready for Soul Reaper.