Ruby tried to continue warning Patti, but she seemed so smitten with Mike nothing was going to change her mind. But there was a glimmer of suspicion in her eyes, and that's where they hoped to make more impact.
Unfortunately, the rain began, and the crowds cleared out.
"There's a big storm comin'," said Matthew, walking toward the table. "Let's get everything packed up and home. We can come back down here tomorrow."
By the time they got back to Belle Fleur, the men were racing around with sandbags, hoping to stop the potential flooding on the northeast corner of the property. The wind and rain pelted their faces as they raced into the cafeteria, shaking the water from their clothing.
"Everything okay?" asked Matthew, staring at his boys.
"All good, Pops," said Antoine. "We got the sandbags set, and the barrier is working so far. We should be okay."
"That's good to hear. That storm came outta nowhere." Ruby and Irene just smiled at one another, happy to have a hot bowl of soup in front of them.
"How did it go?" asked Nine.
"About how we expected. We were able to speak to Gladys," said Noah. "She said that Mike was the one she feared the most and asked us to warn Patti."
"Did she take the warning?" asked Gaspar.
"No," said Julia. "She's completely smitten by Mike, and you can see it in her face. He wanted her to leave with him, which she refused to do. I took that as a good sign. But I don't think it was about the warning. I think it was about her just wanting independence. However, I don't think Mike saw it that way. He's not a man that appreciates defiance."
"Well, it confirms what we thought," said Ian. "They're killing off these women and men to get what they want. We just have to figure out how to stop them."
"Gladys said that there was a meeting at the activity center with dozens of men. No women at all. She also said that the women and men who are acting as nurses aren't nurses. She said they didn't even know the names of some of the drugs."
"Time for me to go to work," said Miller.
"What the hell are you talking about?" frowned his brother.
"I'm the only one who carried a badge. I still have that badge. I'm gonna apply for work at Maison Soleil."
"Pierre, we've tried that. They won't accept applications from anyone," said Gaspar.
"I'm different. I'm one of them," he said, standing. "I'll wait until the storm has passed and go to the facility on the premise of looking for a place to live."
"It could work," said Ian. "I know it's dangerous, but he knows what he's doing."
"I know he knows what he's doing, but there are dozens of them and one of him. I don't like the odds, and I don't like that you'll be alone."
Gaspar stared at his brother, remembering the little boy that followed him everywhere. Just a year younger than Gaspar, they were tied together from the minute they set foot on this planet.
"Mon frére, I'll be okay," he smirked. "You taught us well."
"I don't like it. In fact, I hate it. But I do understand that what you're doing may be the only way to get inside. You've got comms on at all times. We'll make sure we find a way to connect to the cameras in the facility."
"We did that," smiled Victoria. "Oh. Hello. Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. But we, specifically Monroe, did that. He found a way to bypass their homegrown system and feed everything to our system. We're recording all cameras from all of the homes all the time."
"Victoria, you're a gem, honey," smiled Ghost.
"Thank you," she grinned, blushing slightly. "We've been watching closely, and so far, we haven't seen any signs of abuse of the residents. What I mean is, there are no physical beatings, pushing them, hitting them, nothing like that. Everyone always seems happy."
"Happy. Fucking happy juice," said Nine. "I think they're giving those residents something to make them compliant."
"I guess I'll find out," said Miller.
"I'll come with you," said Antoine.
"No. No, you can't. You're not a cop, and we look too much alike. Any one of the brothers showing up, and they'll suspect something. Hell, they still might connect me to Gaspar."
"What about me?" asked Kari.
"Babe, you were there with Teddy. He would recognize you. I've got to go alone and find a way inside this place."
"Not exactly alone," smiled Addie. "I was a cop. Got a cop's badge to prove it. You're not going by yourself. I'll go as your wife, and the tech team can make it look as though we served together; that's how we met."
Kari smiled at the other woman, nodding. She knew that even if they had to share a room together, she trusted her husband, and she trusted Addie.
"Do I get a say in this?" frowned Magnus.
"Well, I don't know," said Addie. "Do I get a say in all of your ops or security jobs? Do I get to say ‘no'?"
"Point taken. Be careful, babe."