Chapter 25
Ellis couldn’t believe they were really doing this. It was near sunset on Saturday. He’d invited his team and a few other SEALs, and she had Ginger, Gloria, Remi, and a few other friends in attendance. One of his buddies, Peach, was doing the ceremony.
The sky was a beautiful shade of orange and purple. The ocean was calm for the Pacific, and the few families around them had older kids, so there was no screaming in the background.
Trip looked perfect. They’d opted for casual, and he was wearing a short-sleeve white shirt with thin tan stripes. She had on a yellow and blue dress. Neither of them wore shoes.
This wasn’t the wedding she’d dreamt up as a teenager, but it was perfect. She was a little sad that her mother wasn’t there, but then again she needed to break from her past. Dean was still in jail, but her mom was out on bond. She hoped her mother could figure out how to live away from Dean, because she was sure her dad would end up actually getting time.
The ceremony started, and Peach was a natural. She thought it wild that such a good-looking guy was a SEAL and not a movie star or model. To each his own. She was happy marrying Trip, and she was sure other photographers would think she was crazy tying herself down here. But she could work from anywhere and Trip loved her enough he didn’t want her to stop working. They would figure everything out as they went along.
More important than her work was the man she was marrying. He wouldn’t manipulate her or try to force her to fit his idea of who she was. With Trip, her life would only get better.
When Peach said they could kiss, Trip didn’t just peck her on her lips. He bent her backwards in a huge dip. It took her breath away, just like Trip usually did. The feelings she had for this man were bigger than anything she’d ever felt before.
When he stood and they were facing their friends, tears flowed freely. She was in love, and Trip was her man. She could do anything with Trip’s support. Her life was only getting better, and she thanked her lucky stars for moving here. If she’d picked another place, or stayed where she’d been, she never would have met this man, the best thing to have ever happened for her.